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Last active August 29, 2015 14:21
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Exampe of sensor description using extension of LIMAP ontology (
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix ssn: <> .
@prefix hmtr: <> .
@prefix ssncom: <> .
@prefix geo: <> .
@prefix geosparql: <> .
@prefix dul: <> .
@prefix limapext: <> .
@prefix limap: <> .
<coap://> a hmtr:HeatMeter ;
rdfs:label "Heat Meter #6500" ;
ssn:hasSubsystem <coap://> ;
ssn:hasSubsystem <coap://> ;
limapext:isOccupantOf [
rdf:type limap:Room ;
limap:hasLocalCoordinates [
rdf:type limap:LocalCoordinates ;
geosparql:hasGeometry "POLYGON((
3.976532 0,
6.765645 0,
6.765645 2.273458,
3.976532 2.2734589))"^^geo:wktLiteral .
] ;
limap:isLocated [
rdf:type limap:EscapePlan ;
limap:hasSourceImage <> ;
limap:isEscapePlanOf [
rdf:type limap:Floor ;
dul:hasLocation [
geo:floor "4"^^xsd:int .
limap:isFloorIn [
rdf:type limap:Building ;
geosparql:hasGeometry "POLYGON((
-81.587906 45.336702,
-81.148453 39.774769,
-69.964371 39.30029,
-70.403824 45.58329,
-81.587906 45.336702))"^^geo:wktLiteral .
] .
] .
] .
] .
<coap://> a ssn:Sensor ;
ssn:observes hmtr:Temperature ;
ssncom:hasCommunicationEndpoint <coap://> .
<coap://> a ssn:Sensor ;
ssn:observes hmtr:Heat ;
ssncom:hasCommunicationEndpoint <coap://> .
<coap://> a ssncom:CommunicationEndpoint ;
ssncom:protocol "COAP" .
<coap://> a ssncom:CommunicationEndpoint ;
ssncom:protocol "COAP" .
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