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Created July 23, 2023 09:37
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Level QIDI 3D printer (imate-s) without the screen/display with OctoPrint

May work for other QIDI printers as well.

The general procedure of the leveling process initiated via the screen is to move the print head to four different positions. At the first three positions the appropiate screw should be adjusted in such manner that there is only little friction between the nozzle and the leveling paper.

For the first three positions you can use the "Bed Leveling Wizard" from jneilliii available via the plugin manager in OctoPrint. In the plugin settings you will need to turn on "Use Custom Points". Then add following points:

10 10
260 10
135 195

The fourth points allows you to press the "+0.10mm" or "-0.10mm" to fine tune the distance not by using screws but by changing the maximum height the bed can go up relative to the lowest position the bed can go (the point it is stopped by the endstop switch) in software. So for this step the maximum Z height must be adjusted. For that you need to know your current maximum Z height. Insert a USB stick into your printer. Then type following command into the Terminal in OctoPrint:

M8512 "config.gcode"


Then insert the USB stick into your computer and open the "config.gcode" file from the stick. Note the value at M8026 (mine is 208.399933, can be different for you). From this you can now subtract or add any value you want. For example: If I'd like the bed to be 0.1mm lower I'd get the value 208.299933.

Now we need to save this new maximum Z height value to the printer. Execute following commands in the Terminal seperately:

M8500 ;save config

(everything behind ; is a comment)


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