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Last active August 3, 2022 16:46
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Brew outdated notification
# brew outdated notification
BREW_OUTDATED_CHECK_TIME=$(cat ~/.brew-outdated-check-time 2>/dev/null)
if [[ -z "${BREW_OUTDATED_CHECK_TIME}" || $(($BREW_OUTDATED_CHECK_TIME + 64800)) -le $(date +%s) ]]; then
date +%s >| ~/.brew-outdated-check-time
echo "Checking outdated brew formulae..."
if [[ -n "${BREW_OUTDATED_CHECK_TIME}" ]]; then
echo "It was previously checked on $(date -r $BREW_OUTDATED_CHECK_TIME)"
brew update --quiet
outdated=$(brew outdated --quiet)
pinned=$(brew list --pinned)
# Remove pinned formulae from the list of outdated formulae
outdated=$(comm -1 -3 <(echo "${pinned}") <(echo "${outdated}"))
if [[ -n "${outdated}" ]]; then
# join lines together with ", " and remove possible trailing comma character
outdated=$(perl -pe 's/\n/, /g' <(echo "${outdated}") | sed 's/, $//g')
printf "The following formulae are outdated:\n${outdated}\n"
echo "No outdated formulae"
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