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Created October 12, 2014 18:51
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Terrain heightmap
--# Main
-- Terrain
I started a project on terrains with the idea of small triangles near the camera, and then bigger triangles further away where less detail was required and driving the terrain from a heightfield.
It got very messy...
So I restarted heavily influenced by:
In fact I got my shaders from there (although they've been modified a little since).
Once I had the shader I proved I could draw a mesh and heightField texture it.
Then I found which talked about precooking lighting into a texture from a heightfield. So I did that.
So I got it drawing a big layer of quads (all the same size at the mo) with the above texturing and it was good, but very slow.
So I looked on the web and found frustum culling, got that code and did sphere based culling, it was better, but still slow.
Then I figured out the quad thing
It was now culling quick, but still using my smallest quads across the board. Added distance based lod (level of detail) so it did small quads close and bigger quads far away. Performance was now good, but the terrain ended up with holes on the edges where lod was different between quads.
Went back to the original android terrain article, (and the shader already had the meat of this) and sorted out adjustments for the shader to fix the boudaries. The C++ implementation for the article performed bad in lua so adjusted it a bit.
--at the moment we just draw it all...
--step one frustrum culling... probably take a simple bounding sphere
--for the future quad tree for frustrum culling
--and dynamic lodding thing from
--tile bounding sphere info... the tileRadius and position adjustment could be pre calced for a given size
-- Use this function to perform your initial setup
function setup()
heights = readImage("Dropbox:terrain_map6")
--cook a lighting / colouring map from the heights, inspired by
m2.texture = heights
m2.shader = shader(LightChef.Vertex, LightChef.Fragment)
m2.shader.heightSampleScale = 0.05/8
m2.shader.resStep = 1/1024
m2.shader.sunAngle = .2/1024
lightMap = image(1024,1024)
m2 = nil
--build up a mesh for my terrain tiles
m = mesh()
v = {}
--the coordinate space by default of the mesh
coordSize = 4
--tileSize is number of squares to break the mesh into... higher number is smoother but slower
tileSize = 8
lodFactor = tileSize / 4
tileWidth = coordSize / tileSize
for x=0, tileSize-1 do
for y=0, tileSize-1 do
buildTriangles(v, x * tileWidth, y * tileWidth, tileWidth)
m.vertices = v
--colors are only used if running it in show wireframes mode by uncommenting #define DRAW_EDGES in te vertex and fragment shader in TerrainShader tab
--setup the main shader
m.shader = shader(TerrainShader.vertex, TerrainShader.fragment)
m.shader.tileSize = coordSize
m.shader.nodeScale = 1 --scales the x/z size against coordinates
m.shader.nodePos = vec2(0,0) --offset the position of this tile
m.shader.heightSampleScale = .05 --how much to scale heights against
m.shader.lodScales = vec4(.5,1,2,4) --whether the adjcent tiles are the same scale
m.shader.terrainSize = 8
m.shader.texHeight = heights --heightmap
m.shader.texLight = lightMap --light and color map
--clear out the images we loaded to clear some memory
heights = nil
lightMap = nil
--for metrics
elapsedTimeMem = ElapsedTime
FPS = 0
elapsedTimeFPS = ElapsedTime
memory = 0
msg = ""
--set up a quad for culling
--1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256 --8 levels
--lodLookup is an array to find the neighbouring quad when fixing boundaries at different scales
--it'll keep breaking quads into 4 (halving scale) until starting scale (256) reaches maxDepth
maxDepth = 1
--newQuad works recursively, this is the top quad covering the full scale*coordsize area (256*4) with an initial model coordinate (-128.5*4) and a notional quad coordinate of 1,1
terrainQuad = newQuad(vec2(1,1), vec2(-128.5*4,-128.5*4) , 256)
--for the camera
camPos = vec2(4,0)
lookDir = vec2(0,4)
--not used at current, idea was to lean the camera into turns
sideLean = 0
--initialise extra metrics
drawn = 0
frusChecks = 0
--recursive function for building up our quad tree for efficient culling and lod
function newQuad(quadCoord, pos, scale)
--create this quad, it needs a quad coordinate for lodding, a model coordinate for drawing, a mid point and radius for sphere based frustum culling, the scale, and a used flag for runtime
local thisQuad = {coord = quadCoord, loc = pos, mid = vec3(pos.x + (coordSize * scale/2), (36 * .05/2), pos.y + (coordSize * scale/2)), radius = math.sqrt(((coordSize * scale / 2)^2*2) + (36 * .05/2)^2), scale = scale, used = false }
--if we haven't reached the "bottom" then recurse in the 4 sub quads and make the current quad their parent
if scale > maxDepth then
thisQuad.subQuads = {}
thisQuad.subQuads[1] = newQuad(quadCoord, vec2(pos.x, pos.y), scale/2)
thisQuad.subQuads[1].parent = thisQuad
thisQuad.subQuads[2] = newQuad(quadCoord+vec2(scale/2,0), vec2(pos.x+(coordSize*scale/2), pos.y), scale/2)
thisQuad.subQuads[2].parent = thisQuad
thisQuad.subQuads[3] = newQuad(quadCoord+vec2(0,scale/2), vec2(pos.x, pos.y+(coordSize*scale/2)), scale/2)
thisQuad.subQuads[3].parent = thisQuad
thisQuad.subQuads[4] = newQuad(quadCoord+vec2(scale/2,scale/2), vec2(pos.x+(coordSize*scale/2), pos.y+(coordSize*scale/2)), scale/2)
thisQuad.subQuads[4].parent = thisQuad
--we also need to add the current quad to our lodLookup for lod neighbour checking, extra ifs to make sure the data structure is initialised at each step
if lodLookup[scale] == nil then
lodLookup[scale] = {}
if lodLookup[scale][quadCoord.x] == nil then
lodLookup[scale][quadCoord.x] = {}
lodLookup[scale][quadCoord.x][quadCoord.y] = thisQuad
return thisQuad
--adds a square divided into 8 triangles to a mesh
function buildTriangles(v, x, z, w)
table.insert(v, vec3(x,0,z))
table.insert(v, vec3(x+w/2,0,z))
table.insert(v, vec3(x+w/2,0,z+w/2))
table.insert(v, vec3(x+w/2,0,z))
table.insert(v, vec3(x+w,0,z))
table.insert(v, vec3(x+w/2,0,z+w/2))
table.insert(v, vec3(x+w,0,z))
table.insert(v, vec3(x+w,0,z+w/2))
table.insert(v, vec3(x+w/2,0,z+w/2))
table.insert(v, vec3(x+w,0,z+w/2))
table.insert(v, vec3(x+w,0,z+w))
table.insert(v, vec3(x+w/2,0,z+w/2))
table.insert(v, vec3(x+w,0,z+w))
table.insert(v, vec3(x+w/2,0,z+w))
table.insert(v, vec3(x+w/2,0,z+w/2))
table.insert(v, vec3(x+w/2,0,z+w))
table.insert(v, vec3(x,0,z+w))
table.insert(v, vec3(x+w/2,0,z+w/2))
table.insert(v, vec3(x,0,z+w))
table.insert(v, vec3(x,0,z+w/2))
table.insert(v, vec3(x+w/2,0,z+w/2))
table.insert(v, vec3(x,0,z+w/2))
table.insert(v, vec3(x,0,z))
table.insert(v, vec3(x+w/2,0,z+w/2))
-- This function gets called once every frame
function draw()
--some rough touch handling so we can drive around the terrain based on touch near the centre of the screen
if CurrentTouch.state < 2 then
dir = vec2(WIDTH/2-CurrentTouch.x, HEIGHT/2-CurrentTouch.y)
--touch to the side of middle rotates the view
lookDir = lookDir:rotate(-0.05 * dir.x/(WIDTH/2)*DeltaTime*60)
--touch up or down of middle moves forwards/backwards
camPos = camPos - lookDir *.02 * dir.y/(HEIGHT/2) *DeltaTime*60
--attempt to do leaning, but disabled as I couldn't make the camera work right
sideLean = sideLean + 0.00002 * dir.x
background(40, 40, 50)
--display some metrics (FPS, memory, quads drawn and frustum checks performed)
--switching in the following camera gives a top down view useful for checking lodding in wireframe more
--camera(coordSize/2 ,20,coordSize/2,coordSize/2,0,coordSize/2)
--create our variables to express the frustum planes
--clear the metrics
drawn = 0
frusChecks = 0
--create an empty queue for the drawing cycle
quadQueue = {}
--evaluate the quads from the top level, this is a recursive function
--it will perform culling and lod calculations and populate the quadqueue with the quads to be drawn
--process the quadqueue and draw each one. this has to be done after the full evaluation so lod adjustments work
for k,v in pairs(quadQueue) do
--we need a lods array to feed to the shader. basically .5 means neighbour is same scale
--1 is double scale, 2 4x etc
--in the shader this messes with the triangles on the edge so the edge is lower red and you don't get gaps
lods = vec4(.5,.5,.5,.5)
lods.y = checkNeighbourLod(v.coord.x, v.coord.y-v.scale, v.scale)
lods.x = checkNeighbourLod(v.coord.x-v.scale, v.coord.y, v.scale)
lods.w = checkNeighbourLod(v.coord.x, v.coord.y+v.scale, v.scale)
lods.z = checkNeighbourLod(v.coord.x+v.scale, v.coord.y, v.scale)
--actually draw it
drawTile(v.scale, v.loc, lods)
--flatten side lean over time. unused
sideLean = sideLean * 0.9
--This will determine what scaling the neighbouring quads are
--the initial approach (off the web) was a massive array, but array performance in lua is bad
--so it now does a lookup for the neighbouring tile, then uses the quad tree
function checkNeighbourLod(x,y, scale)
if x > 0 and y > 0 and x < 257 and y < 257 then
base = .5
--get the neighbouring quad at the current scale
cquad = lodLookup[scale][x][y]
while (cquad.parent ~= nil) do
--now step up the quad tree and if it's used, that's the one
--it could be used at multiple levels from previous frames, but the highest
--up the heirarchy will be the one from this frame
cquad = cquad.parent
if cquad.used == true then
base = cquad.scale/scale/2
return base
return .5
--this evaluates the quad recursively to see if it needs to be drawn
function evaluateQuad(quad)
--if the quad isn't in the view frustum based on a sphere around it, then we are done
if isSphereInFrustum(quad.mid, quad.radius) then
--we are in view, get the distance from the camera to the middle of the quad
dist = quad.mid - vec3(camPos.x, 1.5, camPos.y)
--now if we are the bottom of our quad tree, or the quad is far from the camera then use it
--the distance from camera piece says basically use a large one if it's far away to save on drawing, as it's far away and you won't see extra triangles anyway
if quad.scale > maxDepth and quad.scale/(dist:len()+quad.radius/1.7) > 0.13 then
--it's big or too close for it's scale, so go down the next level
quad.used = false
--we are going to draw this one
--record we used it for lod lookups
quad.used = true
--put it in our drawing queue
table.insert(quadQueue, quad)
--increment our metric for number of quads drawn
--this creates a set of variables representing the planes surrounding the frustum
--it bases it off the modelViewProjection matrix, and the rest of it I found on the web
function setupFrustum()
clip = modelMatrix() * viewMatrix() * projectionMatrix()
frustum = {}
--/* Extract the numbers for the RIGHT plane */
frustum[0] = {}
frustum[0][0] = clip[ 4] - clip[ 1]
frustum[0][1] = clip[ 8] - clip[ 5]
frustum[0][2] = clip[12] - clip[ 9]
frustum[0][3] = clip[16] - clip[13]
--/* Normalize the result */
t = math.sqrt( frustum[0][0] * frustum[0][0] + frustum[0][1] * frustum[0][1] + frustum[0][2] * frustum[0][2] )
frustum[0][0] = frustum[0][0] / t
frustum[0][1] = frustum[0][1] / t
frustum[0][2] = frustum[0][2] / t
frustum[0][3] = frustum[0][3] / t
--/* Extract the numbers for the LEFT plane */
frustum[1] = {}
frustum[1][0] = clip[ 4] + clip[ 1]
frustum[1][1] = clip[ 8] + clip[ 5]
frustum[1][2] = clip[12] + clip[ 9]
frustum[1][3] = clip[16] + clip[13]
--/* Normalize the result */
t = math.sqrt( frustum[1][0] * frustum[1][0] + frustum[1][1] * frustum[1][1] + frustum[1][2] * frustum[1][2] )
frustum[1][0] = frustum[1][0] / t
frustum[1][1] = frustum[1][1] / t
frustum[1][2] = frustum[1][2] / t
frustum[1][3] = frustum[1][3] / t
--/* Extract the BOTTOM plane */
frustum[2] = {}
frustum[2][0] = clip[ 4] + clip[ 2];
frustum[2][1] = clip[ 8] + clip[ 6];
frustum[2][2] = clip[12] + clip[ 10];
frustum[2][3] = clip[16] + clip[14];
--/* Normalize the result */
t = math.sqrt( frustum[2][0] * frustum[2][0] + frustum[2][1] * frustum[2][1] + frustum[2][2] * frustum[2][2] )
frustum[2][0] = frustum[2][0] / t
frustum[2][1] = frustum[2][1] / t
frustum[2][2] = frustum[2][2] / t
frustum[2][3] = frustum[2][3] / t
--/* Extract the TOP plane */
frustum[3] = {}
frustum[3][0] = clip[ 4] - clip[ 2];
frustum[3][1] = clip[ 8] - clip[ 6];
frustum[3][2] = clip[12] - clip[ 10];
frustum[3][3] = clip[16] - clip[14];
--/* Normalize the result */
t = math.sqrt( frustum[3][0] * frustum[3][0] + frustum[3][1] * frustum[3][1] + frustum[3][2] * frustum[3][2] )
frustum[3][0] = frustum[3][0] / t
frustum[3][1] = frustum[3][1] / t
frustum[3][2] = frustum[3][2] / t
frustum[3][3] = frustum[3][3] / t
--/* Extract the FAR plane */
frustum[4] = {}
frustum[4][0] = clip[ 4] - clip[ 3];
frustum[4][1] = clip[ 8] - clip[ 7];
frustum[4][2] = clip[12] - clip[11];
frustum[4][3] = clip[16] - clip[15];
--/* Normalize the result */
t = math.sqrt( frustum[4][0] * frustum[4][0] + frustum[4][1] * frustum[4][1] + frustum[4][2] * frustum[4][2] )
frustum[4][0] = frustum[4][0] / t
frustum[4][1] = frustum[4][1] / t
frustum[4][2] = frustum[4][2] / t
frustum[4][3] = frustum[4][3] / t
--/* Extract the NEAR plane */
frustum[5] = {}
frustum[5][0] = clip[ 4] + clip[ 3];
frustum[5][1] = clip[ 8] + clip[ 7];
frustum[5][2] = clip[12] + clip[11];
frustum[5][3] = clip[16] + clip[15];
--/* Normalize the result */
t = math.sqrt( frustum[5][0] * frustum[5][0] + frustum[5][1] * frustum[5][1] + frustum[5][2] * frustum[5][2] )
frustum[5][0] = frustum[5][0] / t
frustum[5][1] = frustum[5][1] / t
frustum[5][2] = frustum[5][2] / t
frustum[5][3] = frustum[5][3] / t
--this function checks whether a sphere at loc with a radius falls even partially in the view frustum
function isSphereInFrustum(loc, radius)
frusChecks = frusChecks + 1
for p = 0,5 do
if ( frustum[p][0] * loc.x + frustum[p][1] * loc.y + frustum[p][2] * loc.z + frustum[p][3] <= -radius ) then
return false
return true
--get the shader to draw a single quad
function drawTile(tileSize, pos, scales)
m.shader.nodeScale = tileSize
m.shader.nodePos = pos
m.shader.lodScales = scales / lodFactor
--only used if wireframing is turned on
function set_wireframe_colors(m)
local cc={}
for i = 1, m.size/3 do
table.insert(cc, color(255,0,0))
table.insert(cc, color(0,255,0))
table.insert(cc, color(0,0,255))
m.colors = cc
--print some metrics
function metrics()
if (ElapsedTime - elapsedTimeMem > 5) then
memory = collectgarbage("count") / 1024
elapsedTimeMem = ElapsedTime
FPS = FPS * 0.9 + 0.1 / DeltaTime
if (ElapsedTime - elapsedTimeFPS > 0.25) then
msg = string.format("%.0fFPS %.1fMB %.0fTs %.0fFCs", FPS, memory, drawn, frusChecks)
elapsedTimeFPS = ElapsedTime
text(msg, WIDTH - 130, 64)
--# LightShader
LightChef = {
Vertex = [[
uniform mat4 modelViewProjection;
attribute vec4 position;
attribute vec2 texCoord;
varying highp vec2 vTexCoord;
void main()
vTexCoord = texCoord;
gl_Position = modelViewProjection * position;
Fragment = [[
precision highp float;
uniform lowp sampler2D texture;
uniform float heightSampleScale;
uniform float resStep;
uniform float sunAngle;
varying highp vec2 vTexCoord;
void main()
highp vec4 heightSample = texture2D( texture, vTexCoord );
highp float mid = (heightSample.r * 25.0 + heightSample.g * 10.0 + heightSample.b) * heightSampleScale;
heightSample = texture2D( texture, vTexCoord + vec2(-resStep,0) );
highp float left = (heightSample.r * 25.0 + heightSample.g * 10.0 + heightSample.b) * heightSampleScale;
heightSample = texture2D( texture, vTexCoord + vec2(resStep,0) );
highp float right = (heightSample.r * 25.0 + heightSample.g * 10.0 + heightSample.b) * heightSampleScale;
heightSample = texture2D( texture, vTexCoord + vec2(0,-resStep) );
highp float up = (heightSample.r * 25.0 + heightSample.g * 10.0 + heightSample.b) * heightSampleScale;
heightSample = texture2D( texture, vTexCoord + vec2(0,resStep) );
highp float down = (heightSample.r * 25.0 + heightSample.g * 10.0 + heightSample.b) * heightSampleScale;
vec3 va = normalize( vec3(resStep, ((left+mid)-(right+mid))/2.0, 0.0) );
vec3 vb = normalize( vec3(0.0, ((down+mid)-(up+mid))/2.0, -resStep) );
vec3 normal = normalize( cross(va, vb) );
highp vec4 col = vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0);
//snow is stronger at altitude
col.r = pow(mid / (36.0 * heightSampleScale),2.0) * 4.0;
//stone on steep bits
col.g = (1.0 - normal.y) *3.0;
//grass what's left
col.b = 1.0 - col.r - col.g;
//light first
col.a = dot(normal, normalize(vec3(resStep, sunAngle, 0.0)));
heightSample = texture2D( texture, vTexCoord );
highp float height = (heightSample.r * 25.0 + heightSample.g * 10.0 + heightSample.b) * heightSampleScale;
highp float leftHeight;
for (highp int i=1; i< 200; i=i+5) {
heightSample = texture2D(texture, vTexCoord + vec2(-resStep*float(i),0));
leftHeight = (heightSample.r * 25.0 + heightSample.g * 10.0 + heightSample.b) * heightSampleScale;
if (leftHeight > height + sunAngle * float(i) && vTexCoord.x - resStep*float(i) > 0.0) {
col.a = 0.0;
col.a = col.a + 0.2;
gl_FragColor = col;
--# TerrainShader
TerrainShader = {
vertex = [[
//#define DRAW_EDGES
attribute vec4 position;
attribute vec3 color;
uniform float terrainSize;
uniform float tileSize;
uniform float nodeScale;
uniform vec2 nodePos;
uniform mat4 modelViewProjection;
//uniform vec3 cameraPos;
uniform float heightSampleScale;
uniform vec4 lodScales;
uniform sampler2D texHeight;
varying vec2 groundTexCoords;
varying vec3 baryCoords;
varying vec2 nodeCoords;
const float detailScale = 100.0;
const float eps = 0.001;
float moveEdgeCoord(float edgeCoord, float lodScale) {
float m = mod(edgeCoord, lodScale);
return step(0.5, m / lodScale) * lodScale + (edgeCoord - m);
void main() {
baryCoords = color;
nodeCoords = position.xz / tileSize;
vec2 p = vec2(position.x, position.z);
if (p.x < eps) {
p.y = moveEdgeCoord(p.y, lodScales[0]);
} else if (p.x > tileSize - eps) {
p.y = moveEdgeCoord(p.y, lodScales[2]);
if (p.y < eps) {
p.x = moveEdgeCoord(p.x, lodScales[1]);
} else if (p.y > tileSize - eps) {
p.x = moveEdgeCoord(p.x, lodScales[3]);
vec3 pos = vec3(p.x * nodeScale + nodePos.x, 0.0, p.y * nodeScale + nodePos.y);
groundTexCoords = vec2(pos.x / terrainSize, pos.z / terrainSize);
vec3 heightSample = texture2D(texHeight, groundTexCoords).rgb;
pos.y = (heightSample.r * 25.0 + heightSample.g * 10.0 + heightSample.b) * heightSampleScale;
gl_Position = modelViewProjection * vec4(pos, 1.0);
fragment = [[
//#define DRAW_EDGES
#extension GL_OES_standard_derivatives : enable
precision mediump float;
uniform sampler2D texLight;
varying vec2 groundTexCoords;
varying vec3 baryCoords;
varying vec2 nodeCoords;
const vec3 colorTriEdge = vec3(0.5, 0.7, 0.9);
const vec3 colorNodeEdge = vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
const float triEdgeWidth = 2.0;
const float nodeEdgeWidth = 5.0;
float calcTriEdgeFactor() {
vec3 d = fwidth(baryCoords);
vec3 a3 = smoothstep(vec3(0.0), d * triEdgeWidth, baryCoords);
return min(min(a3.x, a3.y), a3.z);
float calcNodeEdgeFactor() {
vec2 d = fwidth(nodeCoords);
vec2 a1 = smoothstep(vec2(0.0), d * nodeEdgeWidth, nodeCoords);
vec2 a2 = smoothstep(vec2(0.0), d * nodeEdgeWidth, 1.0 - nodeCoords);
return min(min(a1.x, a1.y), min(a2.x, a2.y));
void main() {
vec4 lightLookup = texture2D(texLight, groundTexCoords);
vec3 color = vec3(0.29, 0.66, 0.03);
color = mix(color, vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0), lightLookup.r);
color = mix(color, vec3(0.30, 0.20, 0.0),lightLookup.g);
//apply lightmap
color = color * lightLookup.a;
float triFactor = calcTriEdgeFactor();
float nodeFactor = calcNodeEdgeFactor();
if (nodeFactor < 0.4)
triFactor = 1.0;
vec3 triEdgeColor = mix(colorTriEdge, vec3(0.0), triFactor);
vec3 nodeEdgeColor = mix(colorNodeEdge, vec3(0.0), nodeFactor);
color = color * clamp(nodeFactor + triFactor, 0.0, 1.0) + nodeEdgeColor + triEdgeColor;
gl_FragColor.rgb = color;
gl_FragColor.a = 1.0;
]] }
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