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Last active March 8, 2024 18:55
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Using yt-dlp to download a portion of a video in Python
It took me far longer than necessary to figure out how to use yt-dlp to trim/download a subset of a longer video
outside the context of a command line (i.e., directly in Python), so I'm recording it here for posterity.
There's no shortage of command-line examples of using `--ppa "ffmpeg_i:[...]`, but the documentation doesn't
exactly make it clear how to translate this to the Python version of the options, so here goes. A couple
additional quirks come into play too; we'll get to those soon enough.
import yt_dlp
url = ""
# times in seconds
start = 3.0
end = 5.0
ffmpeg_args = {
# - Don't forget the _i after "ffmpeg"; this puts the arguments before ffmpeg's `-i` argument,
# thus short-circuiting the download itself. Fail to do that,
# and you might as well skip ffmpeg for the download and trim in post-processing.
# - Note that the arguments are pre-parsed into a list, like you'd pass to ``.
"ffmpeg_i": ["-ss", str(start), "-to", str(end)]
opts = {
"external_downloader": "ffmpeg",
"external_downloader_args": ffmpeg_args,
# though not required, I'm including the subtitles options here for a reason; see below
"writesubtitles": False,
"writeautomaticsub": False,
# to suppress ffmpeg's stdout output
"quiet": True,
with yt_dlp.YoutubeDL(opts) as ydl:
# If you want WebVTT captions, yt-dlp will fail to download them if you're using ffmpeg.
# This isn't ffmpeg's fault; it's because yt-dlp (as of this writing) forces ffmpeg to use
# the stream copy encoder (look for `args += ['-c', 'copy']` in downloader/
# yt-dlp hosts their own builds of ffmpeg, and one of them supposedly fixes this problem
# by ignoring certain WebVTT header lines, but why would you want to install a custom build
# to download a less informative version of the caption files?
# Anyway, we can't get around this with any other options that I've found,
# so we'll run a second download to get captions.
# Note that you can create a new YouTubeDL instance with a new options dictionary, but the
# constructor is a bit expensive, so I'm including an example of reusing a built instance
# for kicks. This dictionary tweaking is likely best separated out into its own function.
opts = {
"external_downloader": "native",
"external_downloader_args": {},
"writesubtitles": True,
# if you also want automatically generated captions/subtitles
"writeautomaticsub": True,
# so we only get the captions and don't download the (whole) video again
"skip_download": True,
ydl.params = opts
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