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ImGui node graph
#include <any>
#include <cmath>
#include <imgui.h>
#include <imgui_internal.h>
#include "NodeGraph.hpp"
ImVec2 operator - ( ImVec2 a, ImVec2 b ) { return ImVec2( a.x - b.x, a.y - b.y ); }
ImVec2 operator + ( ImVec2 a, ImVec2 b ) { return ImVec2( a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y ); }
void operator += ( ImVec2& a, ImVec2 b ) { a = a + b; }
void operator -= ( ImVec2& a, ImVec2 b ) { a = a - b; }
template<int n>
struct BezierWeights
constexpr BezierWeights() : x_(), y_(), z_(), w_()
for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i)
float t = (float)i / (float)(n + 1);
float u = 1.0f - t;
x_[i - 1] = u * u * u;
y_[i - 1] = 3 * u * u * t;
z_[i - 1] = 3 * u * t * t;
w_[i - 1] = t * t * t;
float x_[n];
float y_[n];
float z_[n];
float w_[n];
static constexpr auto bezier_weights_ = BezierWeights<16>();
float ImVec2Dot(const ImVec2& S1, const ImVec2& S2)
return (S1.x * S2.x + S1.y * S2.y);
float GetSquaredDistancePointSegment(const ImVec2& P, const ImVec2& S1, const ImVec2& S2)
const float l2 = (S1.x - S2.x) * (S1.x - S2.x) + (S1.y - S2.y) * (S1.y - S2.y);
if (l2 < 1.0f)
return (P.x - S2.x) * (P.x - S2.x) + (P.y - S2.y) * (P.y - S2.y);
ImVec2 PS1(P.x - S1.x, P.y - S1.y);
ImVec2 T(S2.x - S1.x, S2.y - S2.y);
const float tf = ImVec2Dot(PS1, T) / l2;
const float minTf = 1.0f < tf ? 1.0f : tf;
const float t = 0.0f > minTf ? 0.0f : minTf;
T.x = S1.x + T.x * t;
T.y = S1.y + T.y * t;
return (P.x - T.x) * (P.x - T.x) + (P.y - T.y) * (P.y - T.y);
float GetSquaredDistanceToBezierCurve(const ImVec2& point, const ImVec2& p1, const ImVec2& p2, const ImVec2& p3, const ImVec2& p4)
float minSquaredDistance = FLT_MAX;
float tmp;
ImVec2 L = p1;
ImVec2 temp;
for (int i = 1; i < 16 - 1; ++i)
const ImVec4& W = ImVec4(bezier_weights_.x_[i], bezier_weights_.y_[i], bezier_weights_.z_[i], bezier_weights_.w_[i]);
temp.x = W.x * p1.x + W.y * p2.x + W.z * p3.x + W.w * p4.x;
temp.y = W.x * p1.y + W.y * p2.y + W.z * p3.y + W.w * p4.y;
tmp = GetSquaredDistancePointSegment(point, L, temp);
if (minSquaredDistance > tmp)
minSquaredDistance = tmp;
L = temp;
tmp = GetSquaredDistancePointSegment(point, L, p4);
if (minSquaredDistance > tmp)
minSquaredDistance = tmp;
return minSquaredDistance;
namespace NodeGraph
ImVec2 Node::getInputConnectorPos( ImVec2 base, int index )
return base + position + ImVec2( 5, 34 ) + ImVec2( 0, index * 25 );
ImVec2 Node::getOutputConnectorPos( ImVec2 base, int index )
return base + position + ImVec2( 300 - 20, 34 ) + ImVec2( 0, index * 25 );
void Graph::update()
ImGui::BeginChild( "Playground", ImVec2( 0, 0 ), true, ImGuiWindowFlags_NoScrollbar | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoScrollWithMouse | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoMove );
ImDrawList* draw = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList();
ImVec2 pos = ImGui::GetCursorScreenPos();
ImVec2 size = ImGui::GetWindowSize();
ImVec2 mouse = ImGui::GetIO().MousePos;
// Draw BG
for ( float x = fmodf( scroll.x, gridSize ); x < size.x; x += gridSize )
draw->AddLine( ImVec2( x, 0 ) + pos, ImVec2( x, size.y ) + pos, gridColor );
for ( float y = fmodf( scroll.y, gridSize ); y < size.y; y += gridSize )
draw->AddLine( ImVec2( 0, y ) + pos, ImVec2( size.x, y ) + pos, gridColor );
bool clickedInSomething = false;
bool dragging = false;
// Draw nodes
int n = 0;
for ( auto& node : nodes )
const auto& type = types[ node->type ];
ImVec2 nodePos = pos + scroll + node->position;
ImVec2 nodeSize( 300, 25 + ( node->collapsed ? 0 : ( std::max( node->inputs.size(), node->outputs.size() ) * 25 + 10 ) ) );
bool small = ( node->collapsed || ( std::max( node->inputs.size(), node->outputs.size() ) == 0 ) );
// Handle selection, dragging, collapsing
if ( ImGui::IsMouseClicked( 0 ) && !ImGui::IsMouseDown( 1 ) && !ImGui::IsMouseDown( 2 ) )
if ( ImRect( nodePos, nodePos + nodeSize ).Contains( mouse ) )
clickedInSomething = true;
if ( ImRect( nodePos, nodePos + ImVec2( nodeSize.x, 25 ) ).Contains( mouse ) )
if ( !ImGui::GetIO().KeyShift )
node->selected = true;
if ( ImGui::IsMouseDoubleClicked( 0 ) )
node->collapsed = !node->collapsed;
if ( ImGui::IsMouseDown( 0 ) && node->selected )
dragging = true;
node->position += ImGui::GetIO().MouseDelta;
// Draw node BG
ImGui::SetCursorScreenPos( pos + scroll + node->position );
if ( node->selected )
draw->AddRect( nodePos, nodePos + nodeSize, ImColor( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), 16, ImDrawCornerFlags_All, 4 );
draw->AddRectFilled( nodePos, nodePos + nodeSize, ImColor( 64, 64, 64, 200 ), 16, ImDrawCornerFlags_All );
draw->AddRectFilled( nodePos, nodePos + ImVec2( nodeSize.x, 25 ), ImColor( 0, 32, 64, 200 ), 16, small ? ImDrawCornerFlags_All : ImDrawCornerFlags_Top );
ImGui::SetCursorScreenPos( nodePos + ImVec2( 7, 7 ) );
ImGui::Text( node->type.c_str() );
if ( node->collapsed )
int i = 0;
for ( auto& input : node->inputs )
ImVec2 connPos = node->getInputConnectorPos( pos + scroll, i );
doPinCircle( draw, connPos, type.inputs[ i ].first, input.type() == typeid( Connection ) );
if ( ImRect( connPos, connPos + ImVec2( 16, 16 ) ).Contains( mouse ) )
if ( !connSel && ImGui::IsMouseClicked( 0 ) )
clickedInSomething = true;
connSel.reset( new Connection{ node.get(), i } );
connSelInput = true;
if ( input.type() == typeid( Connection ) )
auto other = std::any_cast< Connection >( input );
other.other->outputs[ other.index ] = std::any();
input = Connection();
else if ( connSel && ImGui::IsMouseReleased( 0 ) && !connSelInput && connSel->other != node.get() && type.inputs[ i ].first == types[ connSel->other->type ].outputs[ connSel->index ].first )
input = ( * connSel );
connSel->other->outputs[ connSel->index ] = Connection{ node.get(), i };
ImGui::SetCursorScreenPos( connPos + ImVec2( 20, 0 ) );
ImGui::PushItemWidth( 75 );
doPinValue( ( type.inputs[ i ].second + "##i" + std::to_string( i ) ).c_str(), type.inputs[ i ].first, input );
if ( input.type() == typeid( Connection ) )
Connection conn = std::any_cast< Connection >( input );
if ( conn.other == nullptr )
connPos += ImVec2( 8, 8 );
ImVec2 otherConnPos = mouse;
draw->AddBezierCurve( connPos, connPos + ImVec2( 50, 0 ), otherConnPos + ImVec2( -50, 0 ), otherConnPos, getConnectorColor( type.inputs[ i ].first ), 2 );
i = 0;
for ( auto& output : node->outputs )
ImVec2 connPos = node->getOutputConnectorPos( pos + scroll, i );
doPinCircle( draw, connPos, type.outputs[ i ].first, output.type() == typeid( Connection ) );
if ( ImRect( connPos, connPos + ImVec2( 16, 16 ) ).Contains( mouse ) )
if ( !connSel && ImGui::IsMouseClicked( 0 ) )
clickedInSomething = true;
connSel.reset( new Connection{ node.get(), i } );
connSelInput = false;
if ( output.type() == typeid( Connection ) )
auto other = std::any_cast< Connection >( output );
other.other->inputs[ other.index ] = std::any();
output = Connection();
else if ( connSel && ImGui::IsMouseReleased( 0 ) && connSelInput && connSel->other != node.get() && type.outputs[ i ].first == types[ connSel->other->type ].inputs[ connSel->index ].first )
output = ( * connSel );
connSel->other->inputs[ connSel->index ] = Connection{ node.get(), i };
ImGui::SetCursorScreenPos( connPos - ImVec2( 90, 0 ) - ImVec2( ImGui::CalcTextSize( type.outputs[ i ].second.c_str() ).x, 0 ) );
ImGui::PushItemWidth( 75 );
doPinValue( ( type.outputs[ i ].second + "##o" + std::to_string( i ) ).c_str(), type.outputs[ i ].first, output );
// Draw connections
if ( output.type() == typeid( Connection ) )
Connection& conn = std::any_cast< Connection& >( output );
connPos += ImVec2( 8, 8 );
ImVec2 otherConnPos = conn.other == nullptr ? mouse : conn.other->getInputConnectorPos( pos + scroll, conn.index ) + ImVec2( 8, 8 );
if ( GetSquaredDistanceToBezierCurve( mouse, connPos, connPos + ImVec2( 50, 0 ), otherConnPos + ImVec2( -50, 0 ), otherConnPos ) < 25 && ImGui::IsMouseClicked( 0 ) )
if ( !ImGui::GetIO().KeyShift )
conn.selected = true;
clickedInSomething = true;
if ( conn.selected )
ImU32 invColor = getConnectorColor( type.outputs[ i ].first ) ^ 0x00FFFFFF;
draw->AddBezierCurve( connPos, connPos + ImVec2( 50, 0 ), otherConnPos + ImVec2( -50, 0 ), otherConnPos, invColor, 4 );
draw->AddBezierCurve( connPos, connPos + ImVec2( 50, 0 ), otherConnPos + ImVec2( -50, 0 ), otherConnPos, getConnectorColor( type.outputs[ i ].first ), 2 );
if ( ImGui::IsMouseClicked( 0 ) && !clickedInSomething || ImGui::IsMouseClicked( 1 ) )
if ( connSel )
if ( connSelInput )
connSel->other->inputs[ connSel->index ] = std::any();
connSel->other->outputs[ connSel->index ] = std::any();
// Scrolling
if ( !dragging && !clickedInSomething && ImGui::IsWindowFocused( ImGuiFocusedFlags_RootAndChildWindows ) )
if ( ImGui::IsMouseDragging( 0, 6 ) && !ImGui::IsMouseDown( 1 ) && !ImGui::IsMouseDown( 2 ) )
scroll += ImGui::GetIO().MouseDelta;
// Right click menu
if ( !ImGui::IsAnyItemHovered() && ImGui::IsWindowHovered(ImGuiHoveredFlags_AllowWhenBlockedByPopup | ImGuiHoveredFlags_AllowWhenBlockedByActiveItem) && ImGui::IsMouseReleased( 1 ) )
ImGui::OpenPopup( "PlaygroundContextMenu" );
if ( ImGui::BeginPopup( "PlaygroundContextMenu" ) )
for ( const auto& type_ : types )
const auto& type = type_.second;
if ( type.canUserCreate && ImGui::MenuItem( type_.first.c_str() ) )
auto node = std::make_unique< Node >();
node->position = mouse - scroll;
node->type = type_.first;
node->inputs.resize( type.inputs.size() );
node->outputs.resize( type.outputs.size() );
nodes.push_back( std::move( node ) );
void Graph::deletePressed()
if ( nodes.size() == 0 )
for ( auto& node : nodes )
for ( auto& input : node->inputs )
if ( input.type() == typeid( Connection ) )
Connection conn = std::any_cast< Connection >( input );
if ( !conn.selected )
conn.other->outputs[ conn.index ] = std::any();
input = std::any();
for ( auto& output : node->outputs )
if ( output.type() == typeid( Connection ) )
Connection conn = std::any_cast< Connection >( output );
if ( !conn.selected )
conn.other->inputs[ conn.index ] = std::any();
output = std::any();
for ( int i = nodes.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i )
if ( nodes[ i ]->selected )
for ( auto& input : nodes[ i ]->inputs )
if ( input.type() == typeid( Connection ) )
Connection conn = std::any_cast< Connection >( input );
conn.other->outputs[ conn.index ] = std::any();
input = std::any();
for ( auto& output : nodes[ i ]->outputs )
if ( output.type() == typeid( Connection ) )
Connection conn = std::any_cast< Connection >( output );
conn.other->inputs[ conn.index ] = std::any();
output = std::any();
nodes.erase( nodes.begin() + i );
void Graph::deselectAll()
for ( auto& other : nodes )
other->selected = false;
for ( auto& oin : other->inputs )
if ( oin.type() == typeid( Connection ) )
std::any_cast< Connection& >( oin ).selected = false;
for ( auto& oout : other->outputs )
if ( oout.type() == typeid( Connection ) )
std::any_cast< Connection& >( oout ).selected = false;
ImU32 Graph::getConnectorColor( ConnectionType connType )
switch ( connType )
case ConnectionType::Sequence: return ImColor( 200, 200, 200, 255 );
case ConnectionType::Int: return ImColor( 255, 0, 0, 255 );
case ConnectionType::Float: return ImColor( 0, 255, 0, 255 );
case ConnectionType::String: return ImColor( 0, 0, 255, 255 );
case ConnectionType::Vector2: return ImColor( 255, 255, 0, 255 );
void Graph::doPinCircle( ImDrawList* draw, ImVec2 pos, ConnectionType connType, bool filled )
switch ( connType )
case ConnectionType::Sequence:
draw->AddTriangle( pos, pos + ImVec2( 8, 8 ), pos + ImVec2( 0, 16 ), getConnectorColor( connType ), 1 );
if ( filled )
draw->AddTriangleFilled( pos + ImVec2( 1, 4 ), pos + ImVec2( 5, 8 ), pos + ImVec2( 1, 12 ), getConnectorColor( connType ) );
case ConnectionType::Int:
case ConnectionType::Float:
case ConnectionType::String:
case ConnectionType::Vector2:
draw->AddCircle( pos + ImVec2( 8, 8 ), 8, getConnectorColor( connType ) );
if ( filled )
draw->AddCircleFilled( pos + ImVec2( 8, 8 ), 5, getConnectorColor( connType ) );
void Graph::doPinValue( const std::string& label, ConnectionType connType, std::any& input )
switch ( connType )
case ConnectionType::Sequence:
ImGui::Text( ( label.substr( 0, label.find( "##" ) ) ).c_str() );
case ConnectionType::Int:
if ( !input.has_value() ) input = 0;
if ( input.type() != typeid( int ) )
ImGui::Text( ( label.substr( 0, label.find( "##" ) ) ).c_str() );
int val = std::any_cast< int >( input );
ImGui::InputInt( label.c_str(), &val, 0, 0 );
input = val;
case ConnectionType::Float:
if ( !input.has_value() ) input = 0.f;
if ( input.type() != typeid( float ) )
ImGui::Text( ( label.substr( 0, label.find( "##" ) ) ).c_str() );
float val = std::any_cast< float >( input );
ImGui::InputFloat( label.c_str(), &val, 0, 0 );
input = val;
case ConnectionType::String:
if ( !input.has_value() ) input = std::string();
if ( input.type() != typeid( std::string ) )
ImGui::Text( ( label.substr( 0, label.find( "##" ) ) ).c_str() );
std::string val = std::any_cast< std::string >( input );
val.resize( 1024, '\0' );
ImGui::InputText( label.c_str(), &val[ 0 ], 1024 );
input = std::string( val.c_str() );
case ConnectionType::Vector2:
if ( !input.has_value() ) input = ImVec2( 0, 0 );
if ( input.type() != typeid( ImVec2 ) )
ImGui::Text( ( label.substr( 0, label.find( "##" ) ) ).c_str() );
ImVec2 val = std::any_cast< ImVec2 >( input );
ImGui::InputFloat2( label.c_str(), &val.x );
input = val;
#include <any>
#include <imgui.h>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
namespace NodeGraph
enum ConnectionType
struct NodeType
std::vector< std::pair< ConnectionType, std::string > > inputs;
std::vector< std::pair< ConnectionType, std::string > > outputs;
bool canUserCreate = true;
struct Node
ImVec2 position;
std::string type;
std::vector< std::any > inputs;
std::vector< std::any > outputs;
bool collapsed = false;
bool selected = false;
friend class Graph;
ImVec2 getInputConnectorPos( ImVec2 base, int index );
ImVec2 getOutputConnectorPos( ImVec2 base, int index );
struct Connection
Node* other = nullptr;
int index = 0;
bool selected = false;
class Graph
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< Node > > nodes;
std::map< std::string, NodeType > types;
ImU32 gridColor = ImColor( 128, 128, 128, 32 );
float gridSize = 64;
void update();
void deletePressed();
ImVec2 scroll = ImVec2( 0, 0 );
std::unique_ptr< Connection > connSel;
bool connSelInput = false;
void deselectAll();
ImU32 getConnectorColor( ConnectionType connType );
void doPinCircle( ImDrawList* draw, ImVec2 pos, ConnectionType connType, bool filled );
void doPinValue( const std::string& label, ConnectionType connType, std::any& input );
#include <imgui.h>
#include <imgui-sfml.h>
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include "NodeGraph.hpp"
int main()
sf::RenderWindow window;
window.create( sf::VideoMode( 800, 600 ), "Stardew Editor 2" );
window.setVerticalSyncEnabled( true );
ImGui::SFML::Init( window );
NodeGraph::Graph nodes;
nodes.types.insert( std::make_pair< std::string, NodeGraph::NodeType >( "Start", { {}, { { NodeGraph::ConnectionType::Sequence, "" } }, false } ) );
nodes.types.insert( std::make_pair< std::string, NodeGraph::NodeType >( "Nop", { { { NodeGraph::ConnectionType::Sequence, "" } }, { { NodeGraph::ConnectionType::Sequence, "" } } } ) );
nodes.types.insert( std::make_pair< std::string, NodeGraph::NodeType >( "Print", { { { NodeGraph::ConnectionType::Sequence, "" }, { NodeGraph::ConnectionType::String, "String" } }, { { NodeGraph::ConnectionType::Sequence, "" } } } ) );
nodes.types.insert( std::make_pair< std::string, NodeGraph::NodeType >( "Concat", { { { NodeGraph::ConnectionType::String, "String 1" }, { NodeGraph::ConnectionType::String, "String 2" } }, { { NodeGraph::ConnectionType::String, "Output" } } } ) );
nodes.types.insert( std::make_pair< std::string, NodeGraph::NodeType >( "Int ToString", { { { NodeGraph::ConnectionType::Int, "Input" } }, { { NodeGraph::ConnectionType::String, "Output" } } } ) );
nodes.types.insert( std::make_pair< std::string, NodeGraph::NodeType >( "Float ToString", { { { NodeGraph::ConnectionType::Float, "Input" } }, { { NodeGraph::ConnectionType::String, "Output" } } } ) );
nodes.types.insert( std::make_pair< std::string, NodeGraph::NodeType >( "Split Vec2", { { { NodeGraph::ConnectionType::Vector2, "Input" } }, { { NodeGraph::ConnectionType::Int, "X" }, { NodeGraph::ConnectionType::Int, "Y" } } } ) );
auto startNode = std::make_unique< NodeGraph::Node >();
startNode->type = "Start";
startNode->outputs.resize( 1 );
auto floatNode = std::make_unique< NodeGraph::Node >();
floatNode->type = "Float ToString";
floatNode->inputs.resize( 1 );
floatNode->inputs[ 0 ] = 3.14f;
floatNode->outputs.resize( 1 );
floatNode->position = ImVec2( 100, 150 );
auto printNode = std::make_unique< NodeGraph::Node >();
printNode->type = "Print";
printNode->inputs.resize( 2 );
printNode->outputs.resize( 1 );
printNode->position = ImVec2( 400, 0 );
NodeGraph::Connection conn1o;
conn1o.other = startNode.get();
conn1o.index = 0;
printNode->inputs[ 0 ] = conn1o;
NodeGraph::Connection conn1i;
conn1i.other = printNode.get();
conn1i.index = 0;
startNode->outputs[ 0 ] = conn1i;
NodeGraph::Connection conn2o;
conn2o.other = floatNode.get();
conn2o.index = 0;
printNode->inputs[ 1 ] = conn2o;
NodeGraph::Connection conn2i;
conn2i.other = printNode.get();
conn2i.index = 1;
floatNode->outputs[ 0 ] = conn2i;
floatNode->selected = true;
nodes.nodes.push_back( std::move( startNode ) );
nodes.nodes.push_back( std::move( floatNode ) );
nodes.nodes.push_back( std::move( printNode ) );
sf::Clock clock;
bool isRunning = true;
while ( isRunning )
sf::Event event;
while ( window.pollEvent( event ) )
ImGui::SFML::ProcessEvent( event );
if ( event.type == sf::Event::Closed )
isRunning = false;
else if ( event.type == sf::Event::KeyPressed && event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Delete )
ImGui::SFML::Update( window, clock.restart() );
window.clear( sf::Color::White );
ImGui::SFML::Render( window );
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You can avoid std::any by using a Connection{Node* from, to; int fromIndex, toIndex; bool selected;} and having graph hold a std::list of them. Or anything else that keeps referential consistency. Or use std::optional, or simply add another bool isConnected, if false the other fields have no meaning.

Then you can use raw pointers in the node::inputs and node::outputs and in connection. Then keeping things symetric is a lot simpler as well.

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