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Created July 23, 2020 23:49
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Custom Browsershot browser.js to run on AWS Lambda via Laravel Vapor
const chromium = require('chrome-aws-lambda');
const fs = require('fs');
const URL = require('url').URL;
const URLParse = require('url').parse;
const [, , ...args] = process.argv;
* There are two ways for Browsershot to communicate with puppeteer:
* - By giving a options JSON dump as an argument
* - Or by providing a temporary file with the options JSON dump,
* the path to this file is then given as an argument with the flag -f
const request = args[0].startsWith('-f ')
? JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(new URL(args[0].substring(3))))
: JSON.parse(args[0]);
const requestsList = [];
const getOutput = async (page, request) => {
let output;
if (request.action == 'requestsList') {
output = JSON.stringify(requestsList);
return output;
if (request.action == 'evaluate') {
output = await page.evaluate(request.options.pageFunction);
return output;
output = await page[request.action](request.options);
return output.toString('base64');
const callChrome = async () => {
let browser;
let page;
let output;
let remoteInstance;
try {
if (request.options.remoteInstanceUrl || request.options.browserWSEndpoint ) {
// default options
let options = {
ignoreHTTPSErrors: request.options.ignoreHttpsErrors
// choose only one method to connect to the browser instance
if ( request.options.remoteInstanceUrl ) {
options.browserURL = request.options.remoteInstanceUrl;
} else if ( request.options.browserWSEndpoint ) {
options.browserWSEndpoint = request.options.browserWSEndpoint;
try {
browser = await chromium.puppeteer.connect( options );
remoteInstance = true;
} catch (exception) { /** does nothing. fallbacks to launching a chromium instance */}
if (!browser) {
browser = await chromium.puppeteer.launch({
ignoreHTTPSErrors: request.options.ignoreHttpsErrors,
executablePath: await chromium.executablePath,
args: [...chromium.args, ...(request.options.args || [])],
page = await browser.newPage();
if (request.options && request.options.disableJavascript) {
await page.setJavaScriptEnabled(false);
await page.setRequestInterception(true);
page.on('request', request => {
url: request.url(),
if (request.options && request.options.disableImages) {
page.on('request', request => {
if (request.resourceType() === 'image')
if (request.options && request.options.blockDomains) {
var domainsArray = JSON.parse(request.options.blockDomains);
page.on('request', request => {
const hostname = URLParse(request.url()).hostname;
if (hostname.indexOf(value) >= 0) request.abort();
if (request.options && request.options.blockUrls) {
var urlsArray = JSON.parse(request.options.blockUrls);
page.on('request', request => {
if (request.url().indexOf(value) >= 0) request.abort();
if (request.options && request.options.dismissDialogs) {
page.on('dialog', async dialog => {
await dialog.dismiss();
if (request.options && request.options.userAgent) {
await page.setUserAgent(request.options.userAgent);
if (request.options && request.options.device) {
const devices = chromium.puppeteer.devices;
const device = devices[request.options.device];
await page.emulate(device);
if (request.options && request.options.emulateMedia) {
await page.emulateMediaType(request.options.emulateMedia);
if (request.options && request.options.viewport) {
await page.setViewport(request.options.viewport);
if (request.options && request.options.extraHTTPHeaders) {
await page.setExtraHTTPHeaders(request.options.extraHTTPHeaders);
if (request.options && request.options.authentication) {
await page.authenticate(request.options.authentication);
if (request.options && request.options.cookies) {
await page.setCookie(...request.options.cookies);
if (request.options && request.options.timeout) {
await page.setDefaultNavigationTimeout(request.options.timeout);
const requestOptions = {};
if (request.options && request.options.networkIdleTimeout) {
requestOptions.waitUntil = 'networkidle';
requestOptions.networkIdleTimeout = request.options.networkIdleTimeout;
} else if (request.options && request.options.waitUntil) {
requestOptions.waitUntil = request.options.waitUntil;
await page.goto(request.url, requestOptions);
if (request.options && request.options.disableImages) {
await page.evaluate(() => {
let images = document.getElementsByTagName('img');
while (images.length > 0) {
if (request.options && request.options.types) {
for (let i = 0, len = request.options.types.length; i < len; i++) {
let typeOptions = request.options.types[i];
await page.type(typeOptions.selector, typeOptions.text, {
'delay': typeOptions.delay,
if (request.options && request.options.selects) {
for (let i = 0, len = request.options.selects.length; i < len; i++) {
let selectOptions = request.options.selects[i];
await, selectOptions.value);
if (request.options && request.options.clicks) {
for (let i = 0, len = request.options.clicks.length; i < len; i++) {
let clickOptions = request.options.clicks[i];
await, {
'button': clickOptions.button,
'clickCount': clickOptions.clickCount,
'delay': clickOptions.delay,
if (request.options && request.options.addStyleTag) {
await page.addStyleTag(JSON.parse(request.options.addStyleTag));
if (request.options && request.options.addScriptTag) {
await page.addScriptTag(JSON.parse(request.options.addScriptTag));
if (request.options.delay) {
await page.waitFor(request.options.delay);
if (request.options.selector) {
const element = await page.$(request.options.selector);
if (element === null) {
throw {type: 'ElementNotFound'};
request.options.clip = await element.boundingBox();
if (request.options.function) {
let functionOptions = {
polling: request.options.functionPolling,
timeout: request.options.functionTimeout || request.options.timeout
await page.waitForFunction(request.options.function, functionOptions);
output = await getOutput(page, request);
if (!request.options.path) {
if (remoteInstance && page) {
await page.close();
await remoteInstance ? browser.disconnect() : browser.close();
} catch (exception) {
if (browser) {
if (remoteInstance && page) {
await page.close();
await remoteInstance ? browser.disconnect() : browser.close();
if (exception.type === 'ElementNotFound') {
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Has anyone managed to make it work on Laravel Vapor with docker ?
I was using Lambda layers pretty successfully until recently, but Vapor requires to move to Docker images for future updates.

Until now I was using these layers in my vapor.yml file :

  - "arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-3:553035198032:layer:nodejs12:37"
  - "vapor:php-7.4"
  - "arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-3:764866452798:layer:chrome-aws-lambda:20"

My Docker file (basically trying to replicate the behaviour of layers) looks like this :

FROM laravelphp/vapor:php74

RUN apk update && apk add --no-cache curl unzip


RUN curl -sSL --output

RUN unzip -d /opt

RUN rm

RUN curl -sSL --output

RUN unzip -d /opt/node-custom-lambda

RUN cp -avr /opt/node-custom-lambda/bin /opt/bin

RUN rm && rm -rf node-custom-lambda


COPY . /var/task

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Pretty sure you wouldn't need a chrome-aws-lambda setup when using the docker image variant at all.
chrome-aws-lambda only exists because of the 200mb(?) image limit of lambda - which for docker is 10g if I'm not mistaken...

You should be able to install chrome as usual and use browsershot like any other virtual server.

That being said; actually installing chrome and getting everything to run is a different matter entirely. There are many dependencies that you need that don't seem to exist in the amazonlinux system...

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