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Created February 1, 2021 10:45
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CoreMidi V wrapper
import midi
fn my_cb(buf []byte, timestamp f64, data voidptr) {
println('EVENT @ $timestamp: $buf.hex()')
fn main() {
for i in 0 .. midi.port_count() {
mut c := midi.new_client('V midi client')?
c.set_callback(my_cb, voidptr(0)) // no userdata for now
// listen on all ports
for i in 0 .. midi.port_count() {
c.open_port(i) or {}
module midi
#include <CoreAudio/HostTime.h>
#include <CoreMIDI/MIDIServices.h>
#include <CoreFoundation/CFRunLoop.h>
#flag -framework CoreAudio -framework CoreMIDI -framework CoreFoundation
struct C.MIDIPacket {
timeStamp u64
length u16
data [256]byte
struct C.MIDIPacketList {
numPackets u32
packet &C.MIDIPacket
fn C.AudioGetCurrentHostTime() u64
fn C.MIDIGetNumberOfDevices() u32
fn C.MIDIGetNumberOfSources() u32
fn C.MIDIGetNumberOfDestinations() u32
fn C.MIDIGetDevice(u32) u32
fn C.MIDIGetSource(u32) u32
fn C.MIDIGetDestination(u32) u32
fn C.MIDIClientCreate(voidptr, voidptr, voidptr, &u32) int
fn C.MIDIInputPortCreate(u32, voidptr, voidptr, voidptr, &u32) int
fn C.MIDIPortConnectSource(u32, u32, voidptr) int
fn C.MIDIPacketNext(&C.MIDIPacket) &C.MIDIPacket
fn C.MIDIObjectGetStringProperty(u32, voidptr, &voidptr) int
fn C.CFStringGetCString(voidptr, charptr, int, u32)
fn C.CFRelease(voidptr)
fn C.CFSTR(charptr) voidptr
fn C.CFStringCreateWithCString(voidptr, charptr, u32) voidptr
fn C.CFRunLoopRun()
pub fn port_count() int {
return int(C.MIDIGetNumberOfDevices())
pub fn input_count() int {
return int(C.MIDIGetNumberOfSources())
pub fn output_count() int {
return int(C.MIDIGetNumberOfDestinations())
struct PortInfo {
idx int
name string
model string
manufacturer string
pub fn port_info(port int) PortInfo {
dev := C.MIDIGetDevice(port)
mut pname := voidptr(0)
mut pmanuf := voidptr(0)
mut pmodel := voidptr(0)
mut name := [128]byte{}
mut manuf := [128]byte{}
mut model := [128]byte{}
C.MIDIObjectGetStringProperty(dev, C.kMIDIPropertyName, &pname)
C.MIDIObjectGetStringProperty(dev, C.kMIDIPropertyManufacturer, &pmanuf)
C.MIDIObjectGetStringProperty(dev, C.kMIDIPropertyModel, &pmodel)
C.CFStringGetCString(pname, charptr(name), sizeof(name), 0)
C.CFStringGetCString(pmanuf, charptr(manuf), sizeof(manuf), 0)
C.CFStringGetCString(pmodel, charptr(model), sizeof(model), 0)
return PortInfo {
idx: port
name: tos_clone(byteptr(name))
model: tos_clone(byteptr(model))
manufacturer: tos_clone(byteptr(manuf))
pub type Callback = fn(buf []byte, timestamp f64, userdata voidptr)
pub struct Client {
name string
client u32
in_port u32
out_port u32
callback Callback
userdata voidptr
start f64
fn callback_wrapper(packets &C.MIDIPacketList, c &Client, something_else voidptr) {
if c == 0 { return }
mut packet := packets.packet
for _ in 0 .. packets.numPackets {
mut buf := []byte{ len: int(packet.length) }
unsafe { C.memcpy(,, packet.length) }
timestamp := (f64(packet.timeStamp) - c.start) / 1e6 // in milliseconds
c.callback(buf, timestamp, c.userdata)
packet = C.MIDIPacketNext(packet)
pub fn new_client(name string) ?&Client {
mut c := &Client{} = name
c.start = f64(C.AudioGetCurrentHostTime())
if C.MIDIClientCreate(C.CFStringCreateWithCString(0, name.str, 0), 0, 0, &c.client) != C.noErr {
return error('failed to create client')
return c
pub fn (mut c Client) set_callback(cb Callback, userdata voidptr) {
c.callback = cb
c.userdata = userdata
pub fn (mut c Client) open_port(idx int) ? {
if c.callback == voidptr(0) {
return error('callback is unset')
if c.in_port == 0 {
if C.MIDIInputPortCreate(c.client, C.CFStringCreateWithCString(0,, 0), callback_wrapper, c, &c.in_port) != C.noErr {
return error('failed to open port')
src := C.MIDIGetSource(idx)
if C.MIDIPortConnectSource(c.in_port, src, 0) != C.noErr {
return error('failed to open port')
pub fn listen() {
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