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Created April 11, 2017 20:33
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declare namespace Mithril {
// ...
/** A redraw boolean property can be set on all events received by event handlers created by hyperscript */
export interface VEvent {
redraw: boolean
/** This represents the attributes available for configuring virtual elements, beyond the applicable DOM attributes. */
export interface Attributes extends Lifecycle<any, any> {
/** The class name(s) for this virtual element, as a space-separated list. */
className?: string;
/** The class name(s) for this virtual element, as a space-separated list. */
class?: string;
/** A key to optionally associate with this element. */
key?: string | number;
// Event handlers
// Global
onpointercancel?: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: PointerEvent & VEvent) => any;
onpointerdown?: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: PointerEvent & VEvent) => any;
onpointerenter?: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: PointerEvent & VEvent) => any;
onpointerleave?: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: PointerEvent & VEvent) => any;
onpointermove?: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: PointerEvent & VEvent) => any;
onpointerout?: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: PointerEvent & VEvent) => any;
onpointerover?: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: PointerEvent & VEvent) => any;
onpointerup?: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: PointerEvent & VEvent) => any;
onwheel?: (this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: WheelEvent & VEvent) => any;
// Element
onariarequest?: (this: Element, ev: Event & VEvent) => any;
oncommand?: (this: Element, ev: Event & VEvent) => any;
ongotpointercapture?: (this: Element, ev: PointerEvent & VEvent) => any;
onlostpointercapture?: (this: Element, ev: PointerEvent & VEvent) => any;
onmsgesturechange?: (this: Element, ev: MSGestureEvent & VEvent) => any;
onmsgesturedoubletap?: (this: Element, ev: MSGestureEvent & VEvent) => any;
onmsgestureend?: (this: Element, ev: MSGestureEvent & VEvent) => any;
onmsgesturehold?: (this: Element, ev: MSGestureEvent & VEvent) => any;
onmsgesturestart?: (this: Element, ev: MSGestureEvent & VEvent) => any;
onmsgesturetap?: (this: Element, ev: MSGestureEvent & VEvent) => any;
onmsgotpointercapture?: (this: Element, ev: MSPointerEvent & VEvent) => any;
onmsinertiastart?: (this: Element, ev: MSGestureEvent & VEvent) => any;
onmslostpointercapture?: (this: Element, ev: MSPointerEvent & VEvent) => any;
onmspointercancel?: (this: Element, ev: MSPointerEvent & VEvent) => any;
onmspointerdown?: (this: Element, ev: MSPointerEvent & VEvent) => any;
onmspointerenter?: (this: Element, ev: MSPointerEvent & VEvent) => any;
onmspointerleave?: (this: Element, ev: MSPointerEvent & VEvent) => any;
onmspointermove?: (this: Element, ev: MSPointerEvent & VEvent) => any;
onmspointerout?: (this: Element, ev: MSPointerEvent & VEvent) => any;
onmspointerover?: (this: Element, ev: MSPointerEvent & VEvent) => any;
onmspointerup?: (this: Element, ev: MSPointerEvent & VEvent) => any;
ontouchcancel?: (ev: TouchEvent & VEvent) => any;
ontouchend?: (ev: TouchEvent & VEvent) => any;
ontouchmove?: (ev: TouchEvent & VEvent) => any;
ontouchstart?: (ev: TouchEvent & VEvent) => any;
onwebkitfullscreenchange?: (this: Element, ev: Event & VEvent) => any;
onwebkitfullscreenerror?: (this: Element, ev: Event & VEvent) => any;
// HTMLElement
onabort?: (this: HTMLElement, ev: UIEvent & VEvent) => any;
onactivate?: (this: HTMLElement, ev: UIEvent & VEvent) => any;
onbeforeactivate?: (this: HTMLElement, ev: UIEvent & VEvent) => any;
onbeforecopy?: (this: HTMLElement, ev: ClipboardEvent & VEvent) => any;
onbeforecut?: (this: HTMLElement, ev: ClipboardEvent & VEvent) => any;
onbeforedeactivate?: (this: HTMLElement, ev: UIEvent & VEvent) => any;
onbeforepaste?: (this: HTMLElement, ev: ClipboardEvent & VEvent) => any;
onblur?: (this: HTMLElement, ev: FocusEvent & VEvent) => any;
oncanplay?: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event & VEvent) => any;
oncanplaythrough?: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event & VEvent) => any;
onchange?: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event & VEvent) => any;
onclick?: (this: HTMLElement, ev: MouseEvent & VEvent) => any;
oncontextmenu?: (this: HTMLElement, ev: PointerEvent & VEvent) => any;
oncopy?: (this: HTMLElement, ev: ClipboardEvent & VEvent) => any;
oncuechange?: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event & VEvent) => any;
oncut?: (this: HTMLElement, ev: ClipboardEvent & VEvent) => any;
ondblclick?: (this: HTMLElement, ev: MouseEvent & VEvent) => any;
ondeactivate?: (this: HTMLElement, ev: UIEvent & VEvent) => any;
ondrag?: (this: HTMLElement, ev: DragEvent & VEvent) => any;
ondragend?: (this: HTMLElement, ev: DragEvent & VEvent) => any;
ondragenter?: (this: HTMLElement, ev: DragEvent & VEvent) => any;
ondragleave?: (this: HTMLElement, ev: DragEvent & VEvent) => any;
ondragover?: (this: HTMLElement, ev: DragEvent & VEvent) => any;
ondragstart?: (this: HTMLElement, ev: DragEvent & VEvent) => any;
ondrop?: (this: HTMLElement, ev: DragEvent & VEvent) => any;
ondurationchange?: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event & VEvent) => any;
onemptied?: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event & VEvent) => any;
onended?: (this: HTMLElement, ev: MediaStreamErrorEvent & VEvent) => any;
onerror?: (this: HTMLElement, ev: ErrorEvent & VEvent) => any;
onfocus?: (this: HTMLElement, ev: FocusEvent & VEvent) => any;
oninput?: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event & VEvent) => any;
oninvalid?: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event & VEvent) => any;
onkeydown?: (this: HTMLElement, ev: KeyboardEvent & VEvent) => any;
onkeypress?: (this: HTMLElement, ev: KeyboardEvent & VEvent) => any;
onkeyup?: (this: HTMLElement, ev: KeyboardEvent & VEvent) => any;
onload?: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event & VEvent) => any;
onloadeddata?: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event & VEvent) => any;
onloadedmetadata?: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event & VEvent) => any;
onloadstart?: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event & VEvent) => any;
onmousedown?: (this: HTMLElement, ev: MouseEvent & VEvent) => any;
onmouseenter?: (this: HTMLElement, ev: MouseEvent & VEvent) => any;
onmouseleave?: (this: HTMLElement, ev: MouseEvent & VEvent) => any;
onmousemove?: (this: HTMLElement, ev: MouseEvent & VEvent) => any;
onmouseout?: (this: HTMLElement, ev: MouseEvent & VEvent) => any;
onmouseover?: (this: HTMLElement, ev: MouseEvent & VEvent) => any;
onmouseup?: (this: HTMLElement, ev: MouseEvent & VEvent) => any;
onmousewheel?: (this: HTMLElement, ev: WheelEvent & VEvent) => any;
onmscontentzoom?: (this: HTMLElement, ev: UIEvent & VEvent) => any;
onmsmanipulationstatechanged?: (this: HTMLElement, ev: MSManipulationEvent & VEvent) => any;
onpaste?: (this: HTMLElement, ev: ClipboardEvent & VEvent) => any;
onpause?: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event & VEvent) => any;
onplay?: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event & VEvent) => any;
onplaying?: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event & VEvent) => any;
onprogress?: (this: HTMLElement, ev: ProgressEvent & VEvent) => any;
onratechange?: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event & VEvent) => any;
onreset?: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event & VEvent) => any;
onscroll?: (this: HTMLElement, ev: UIEvent & VEvent) => any;
onseeked?: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event & VEvent) => any;
onseeking?: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event & VEvent) => any;
onselect?: (this: HTMLElement, ev: UIEvent & VEvent) => any;
onselectstart?: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event & VEvent) => any;
onstalled?: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event & VEvent) => any;
onsubmit?: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event & VEvent) => any;
onsuspend?: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event & VEvent) => any;
ontimeupdate?: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event & VEvent) => any;
onvolumechange?: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event & VEvent) => any;
onwaiting?: (this: HTMLElement, ev: Event & VEvent) => any;
// SVGSVGElement
onresize?: (this: SVGSVGElement, ev: UIEvent & VEvent) => any;
onunload?: (this: SVGSVGElement, ev: Event & VEvent) => any;
onzoom?: (this: SVGSVGElement, ev: SVGZoomEvent & VEvent) => any;
/** Any other virtual element properties, including attributes and event handlers. */
[property: string]: any;
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