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Created December 7, 2017 02:51
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// ts2fable 0.5.2
module rec Mithril
open System
open Fable.Core
open Fable.Import.JS
let [<Import("*","mithril")>] Mithril: Mithril.Static = jsNative
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] IExports =
/// Manually triggers a redraw of mounted components.
abstract redraw: unit -> unit
/// Renders a vnode structure into a DOM element.
abstract render: el: Element * vnodes: Mithril.Children -> unit
/// Mounts a component to a DOM element, enabling it to autoredraw on user events.
abstract mount: element: Element * ``component``: Mithril.ComponentTypes<obj option, obj option> -> unit
/// Unmounts a component from a DOM element.
abstract mount: element: Element * ``component``: obj -> unit
/// Makes an XHR request and returns a promise.
abstract request: options: obj -> Promise<'T>
/// Makes an XHR request and returns a promise.
abstract request: url: string * ?options: Mithril.RequestOptions<'T> -> Promise<'T>
/// Makes a JSON-P request and returns a promise.
abstract jsonp: options: obj -> Promise<'T>
/// Makes a JSON-P request and returns a promise.
abstract jsonp: url: string * ?options: Mithril.JsonpOptions -> Promise<'T>
/// Creates an event handler which takes the value of the specified DOM element property and calls a function with it as the argument.
abstract withAttr: name: string * callback: (obj option -> obj option) -> (obj -> unit)
/// Creates an event handler which takes the value of the specified DOM element property and calls a function with it as the argument.
abstract withAttr: name: string * callback: ('T -> obj option -> obj option) * thisArg: 'T -> (obj -> unit)
module Mithril =
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Lifecycle<'Attrs, 'State> =
/// The oninit hook is called before a vnode is touched by the virtual DOM engine.
abstract oninit: this: 'State * vnode: Vnode<'Attrs, 'State> -> obj option
/// The oncreate hook is called after a DOM element is created and attached to the document.
abstract oncreate: this: 'State * vnode: VnodeDOM<'Attrs, 'State> -> obj option
/// The onbeforeupdate hook is called before a vnode is diffed in a update.
abstract onbeforeremove: this: 'State * vnode: VnodeDOM<'Attrs, 'State> -> U2<Promise<obj option>, unit>
/// The onupdate hook is called after a DOM element is updated, while attached to the document.
abstract onremove: this: 'State * vnode: VnodeDOM<'Attrs, 'State> -> obj option
/// The onbeforeremove hook is called before a DOM element is detached from the document. If a Promise is returned, Mithril only detaches the DOM element after the promise completes.
abstract onbeforeupdate: this: 'State * vnode: Vnode<'Attrs, 'State> * old: VnodeDOM<'Attrs, 'State> -> U2<bool, unit>
/// The onremove hook is called before a DOM element is removed from the document.
abstract onupdate: this: 'State * vnode: VnodeDOM<'Attrs, 'State> -> obj option
/// WORKAROUND: TypeScript 2.4 does not allow extending an interface with all-optional properties.
[<Emit "$0[$1]{{=$2}}">] abstract Item: ``_``: float -> obj option with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Hyperscript =
/// Creates a virtual element (Vnode).
[<Emit "$0($1...)">] abstract Invoke: selector: string * [<ParamArray>] children: ResizeArray<Children> -> Vnode<obj option, obj option>
/// Creates a virtual element (Vnode).
[<Emit "$0($1...)">] abstract Invoke: selector: string * attributes: Attributes * [<ParamArray>] children: ResizeArray<Children> -> Vnode<obj option, obj option>
/// Creates a virtual element (Vnode).
[<Emit "$0($1...)">] abstract Invoke: ``component``: ComponentTypes<Attrs, State> * [<ParamArray>] args: ResizeArray<Children> -> Vnode<Attrs, State>
/// Creates a virtual element (Vnode).
[<Emit "$0($1...)">] abstract Invoke: ``component``: ComponentTypes<Attrs, State> * attributes: obj * [<ParamArray>] args: ResizeArray<Children> -> Vnode<Attrs, State>
/// Creates a fragment virtual element (Vnode).
abstract fragment: attrs: obj * children: ChildArrayOrPrimitive -> Vnode<obj option, obj option>
/// Turns an HTML string into a virtual element (Vnode). Do not use trust on unsanitized user input.
abstract trust: html: string -> Vnode<obj option, obj option>
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] RouteResolver<'Attrs, 'State> =
/// The onmatch hook is called when the router needs to find a component to render.
abstract onmatch: this: RouteResolver<'Attrs, 'State> * args: 'Attrs * requestedPath: string -> U3<ComponentTypes<obj option, obj option>, Promise<obj option>, unit>
/// The render method is called on every redraw for a matching route.
abstract render: this: RouteResolver<'Attrs, 'State> * vnode: Vnode<'Attrs, 'State> -> Children
/// This represents a key-value mapping linking routes to components.
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] RouteDefs =
/// The key represents the route. The value represents the corresponding component.
[<Emit "$0[$1]{{=$2}}">] abstract Item: url: string -> U2<ComponentTypes<obj option, obj option>, RouteResolver<obj option, obj option>> with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] RouteOptions =
/// Routing parameters. If path has routing parameter slots, the properties of this object are interpolated into the path string.
abstract replace: bool option with get, set
/// The state object to pass to the underlying history.pushState / history.replaceState call.
abstract state: obj option option with get, set
/// The title string to pass to the underlying history.pushState / history.replaceState call.
abstract title: string option with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Route =
/// Creates application routes and mounts Components and/or RouteResolvers to a DOM element.
[<Emit "$0($1...)">] abstract Invoke: element: Element * defaultRoute: string * routes: RouteDefs -> unit
/// Returns the last fully resolved routing path, without the prefix.
abstract get: unit -> string
/// Redirects to a matching route or to the default route if no matching routes can be found.
abstract set: route: string * ?data: obj option * ?options: RouteOptions -> unit
/// Defines a router prefix which is a fragment of the URL that dictates the underlying strategy used by the router.
abstract prefix: urlFragment: string -> unit
/// This method is meant to be used in conjunction with an <a> Vnode's oncreate hook.
abstract link: vnode: Vnode<obj option, obj option> -> (Event -> obj option)
/// Returns the named parameter value from the current route.
abstract param: name: string -> string
/// Gets all route parameters.
abstract param: unit -> obj option
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] RequestOptions<'T> =
/// The HTTP method to use.
abstract ``method``: string option with get, set
/// The data to be interpolated into the URL and serialized into the querystring (for GET requests) or body (for other types of requests).
abstract data: obj option option with get, set
/// Whether the request should be asynchronous. Defaults to true.
abstract async: bool option with get, set
/// A username for HTTP authorization.
abstract user: string option with get, set
/// A password for HTTP authorization.
abstract password: string option with get, set
/// Whether to send cookies to 3rd party domains.
abstract withCredentials: bool option with get, set
/// Exposes the underlying XMLHttpRequest object for low-level configuration.
abstract config: xhr: XMLHttpRequest * options: RequestOptions<'T> -> U2<XMLHttpRequest, unit>
/// Headers to append to the request before sending it.
abstract headers: obj option with get, set
/// A constructor to be applied to each object in the response.
abstract ``type``: obj option with get, set
/// A serialization method to be applied to data. Defaults to JSON.stringify, or if is an instance of FormData, defaults to the identity function.
abstract serialize: data: obj option -> obj option
/// A deserialization method to be applied to the response. Defaults to a small wrapper around JSON.parse that returns null for empty responses.
abstract deserialize: data: string -> 'T
/// A hook to specify how the XMLHttpRequest response should be read. Useful for reading response headers and cookies. Defaults to a function that returns xhr.responseText
abstract extract: xhr: XMLHttpRequest * options: RequestOptions<'T> -> 'T
/// Force the use of the HTTP body section for data in GET requests when set to true,
/// or the use of querystring for other HTTP methods when set to false.
/// Defaults to false for GET requests and true for other methods.
abstract useBody: bool option with get, set
/// If false, redraws mounted components upon completion of the request. If true, it does not.
abstract background: bool option with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] JsonpOptions =
/// The data to be interpolated into the URL and serialized into the querystring.
abstract data: obj option option with get, set
/// A constructor to be applied to each object in the response.
abstract ``type``: obj option with get, set
/// The name of the function that will be called as the callback.
abstract callbackName: string option with get, set
/// The name of the querystring parameter name that specifies the callback name.
abstract callbackKey: string option with get, set
/// If false, redraws mounted components upon completion of the request. If true, it does not.
abstract background: bool option with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Static =
inherit Hyperscript
abstract route: Route with get, set
abstract mount: obj with get, set
abstract withAttr: obj with get, set
abstract render: obj with get, set
abstract redraw: obj with get, set
abstract request: obj with get, set
abstract jsonp: obj with get, set
/// Returns an object with key/value pairs parsed from a string of the form: ?a=1&b=2
abstract parseQueryString: queryString: string -> obj
/// Turns the key/value pairs of an object into a string of the form: a=1&b=2
abstract buildQueryString: values: StaticBuildQueryStringValues -> string
/// A string containing the semver value for the current Mithril release.
abstract version: string with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] StaticBuildQueryStringValues =
[<Emit "$0[$1]{{=$2}}">] abstract Item: p: string -> obj option with get, set
type Child =
U4<Vnode<obj option, obj option>, string, float, bool> option
[<RequireQualifiedAccess; CompilationRepresentation(CompilationRepresentationFlags.ModuleSuffix)>]
module Child =
let ofVnodeOption v: Child = v |> U4.Case1
let ofVnode v: Child = v |> U4.Case1 |> Some
let isVnode (v: Child) = match v with None -> false | Some o -> match o with U4.Case1 _ -> true | _ -> false
let asVnode (v: Child) = match v with None -> None | Some o -> match o with U4.Case1 o -> Some o | _ -> None
let ofStringOption v: Child = v |> U4.Case2
let ofString v: Child = v |> U4.Case2 |> Some
let isString (v: Child) = match v with None -> false | Some o -> match o with U4.Case2 _ -> true | _ -> false
let asString (v: Child) = match v with None -> None | Some o -> match o with U4.Case2 o -> Some o | _ -> None
let ofFloatOption v: Child = v |> U4.Case3
let ofFloat v: Child = v |> U4.Case3 |> Some
let isFloat (v: Child) = match v with None -> false | Some o -> match o with U4.Case3 _ -> true | _ -> false
let asFloat (v: Child) = match v with None -> None | Some o -> match o with U4.Case3 o -> Some o | _ -> None
let ofBoolOption v: Child = v |> U4.Case4
let ofBool v: Child = v |> U4.Case4 |> Some
let isBool (v: Child) = match v with None -> false | Some o -> match o with U4.Case4 _ -> true | _ -> false
let asBool (v: Child) = match v with None -> None | Some o -> match o with U4.Case4 o -> Some o | _ -> None
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] ChildArray =
inherit Array<Children>
type Children =
U2<Child, ChildArray>
[<RequireQualifiedAccess; CompilationRepresentation(CompilationRepresentationFlags.ModuleSuffix)>]
module Children =
let ofChild v: Children = v |> U2.Case1
let isChild (v: Children) = match v with U2.Case1 _ -> true | _ -> false
let asChild (v: Children) = match v with U2.Case1 o -> Some o | _ -> None
let ofChildArray v: Children = v |> U2.Case2
let isChildArray (v: Children) = match v with U2.Case2 _ -> true | _ -> false
let asChildArray (v: Children) = match v with U2.Case2 o -> Some o | _ -> None
type ChildArrayOrPrimitive =
U4<ChildArray, string, float, bool>
[<RequireQualifiedAccess; CompilationRepresentation(CompilationRepresentationFlags.ModuleSuffix)>]
module ChildArrayOrPrimitive =
let ofChildArray v: ChildArrayOrPrimitive = v |> U4.Case1
let isChildArray (v: ChildArrayOrPrimitive) = match v with U4.Case1 _ -> true | _ -> false
let asChildArray (v: ChildArrayOrPrimitive) = match v with U4.Case1 o -> Some o | _ -> None
let ofString v: ChildArrayOrPrimitive = v |> U4.Case2
let isString (v: ChildArrayOrPrimitive) = match v with U4.Case2 _ -> true | _ -> false
let asString (v: ChildArrayOrPrimitive) = match v with U4.Case2 o -> Some o | _ -> None
let ofFloat v: ChildArrayOrPrimitive = v |> U4.Case3
let isFloat (v: ChildArrayOrPrimitive) = match v with U4.Case3 _ -> true | _ -> false
let asFloat (v: ChildArrayOrPrimitive) = match v with U4.Case3 o -> Some o | _ -> None
let ofBool v: ChildArrayOrPrimitive = v |> U4.Case4
let isBool (v: ChildArrayOrPrimitive) = match v with U4.Case4 _ -> true | _ -> false
let asBool (v: ChildArrayOrPrimitive) = match v with U4.Case4 o -> Some o | _ -> None
/// Virtual DOM nodes, or vnodes, are Javascript objects that represent an element (or parts of the DOM).
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Vnode<'Attrs, 'State> =
/// The nodeName of a DOM element. It may also be the string [ if a vnode is a fragment, # if it's a text vnode, or < if it's a trusted HTML vnode. Additionally, it may be a component.
abstract tag: U2<string, ComponentTypes<'Attrs, 'State>> with get, set
/// A hashmap of DOM attributes, events, properties and lifecycle methods.
abstract attrs: 'Attrs with get, set
/// An object that is persisted between redraws. In component vnodes, state is a shallow clone of the component object.
abstract state: 'State with get, set
/// The value used to map a DOM element to its respective item in an array of data.
abstract key: U2<string, float> option with get, set
/// In most vnode types, the children property is an array of vnodes. For text and trusted HTML vnodes, The children property is either a string, a number or a boolean.
abstract children: ChildArrayOrPrimitive option with get, set
/// This is used instead of children if a vnode contains a text node as its only child.
/// This is done for performance reasons.
/// Component vnodes never use the text property even if they have a text node as their only child.
abstract text: U3<string, float, bool> option with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] VnodeDOM<'Attrs, 'State> =
inherit Vnode<'Attrs, 'State>
/// Points to the element that corresponds to the vnode.
abstract dom: Element with get, set
/// This defines the number of DOM elements that the vnode represents (starting from the element referenced by the dom property).
abstract domSize: float option with get, set
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] CVnode<'A> =
inherit Vnode<'A, ClassComponent<'A>>
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] CVnodeDOM<'A> =
inherit VnodeDOM<'A, ClassComponent<'A>>
/// Components are a mechanism to encapsulate parts of a view to make code easier to organize and/or reuse.
/// Any Javascript object that has a view method can be used as a Mithril component.
/// Components can be consumed via the m() utility.
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Component<'Attrs, 'State> =
inherit Lifecycle<'Attrs, 'State>
/// Creates a view out of virtual elements.
abstract view: this: 'State * vnode: Vnode<'Attrs, 'State> -> U2<Children, unit> option
/// Components are a mechanism to encapsulate parts of a view to make code easier to organize and/or reuse.
/// Any class that implements a view method can be used as a Mithril component.
/// Components can be consumed via the m() utility.
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] ClassComponent<'A> =
inherit Lifecycle<'A, ClassComponent<'A>>
/// The oninit hook is called before a vnode is touched by the virtual DOM engine.
abstract oninit: vnode: Vnode<'A, ClassComponent<'A>> -> obj option
/// The oncreate hook is called after a DOM element is created and attached to the document.
abstract oncreate: vnode: VnodeDOM<'A, ClassComponent<'A>> -> obj option
/// The onbeforeupdate hook is called before a vnode is diffed in a update.
abstract onbeforeremove: vnode: VnodeDOM<'A, ClassComponent<'A>> -> U2<Promise<obj option>, unit>
/// The onupdate hook is called after a DOM element is updated, while attached to the document.
abstract onremove: vnode: VnodeDOM<'A, ClassComponent<'A>> -> obj option
/// The onbeforeremove hook is called before a DOM element is detached from the document. If a Promise is returned, Mithril only detaches the DOM element after the promise completes.
abstract onbeforeupdate: vnode: Vnode<'A, ClassComponent<'A>> * old: VnodeDOM<'A, ClassComponent<'A>> -> U2<bool, unit>
/// The onremove hook is called before a DOM element is removed from the document.
abstract onupdate: vnode: VnodeDOM<'A, ClassComponent<'A>> -> obj option
/// Creates a view out of virtual elements.
abstract view: vnode: Vnode<'A, ClassComponent<'A>> -> U2<Children, unit> option
type FactoryComponent<'A> =
(Vnode<'A, obj> -> Component<'A, obj>)
type Comp<'Attrs, 'State> =
type ComponentTypes<'A, 'S> =
U3<Component<'A, 'S>, obj, FactoryComponent<'A>>
[<RequireQualifiedAccess; CompilationRepresentation(CompilationRepresentationFlags.ModuleSuffix)>]
module ComponentTypes =
let ofComponent v: ComponentTypes<'A, 'S> = v |> U3.Case1
let isComponent (v: ComponentTypes<'A, 'S>) = match v with U3.Case1 _ -> true | _ -> false
let asComponent (v: ComponentTypes<'A, 'S>) = match v with U3.Case1 o -> Some o | _ -> None
let ofCase2 v: ComponentTypes<'A, 'S> = v |> U3.Case2
let isCase2 (v: ComponentTypes<'A, 'S>) = match v with U3.Case2 _ -> true | _ -> false
let asCase2 (v: ComponentTypes<'A, 'S>) = match v with U3.Case2 o -> Some o | _ -> None
let ofFactoryComponent v: ComponentTypes<'A, 'S> = v |> U3.Case3
let isFactoryComponent (v: ComponentTypes<'A, 'S>) = match v with U3.Case3 _ -> true | _ -> false
let asFactoryComponent (v: ComponentTypes<'A, 'S>) = match v with U3.Case3 o -> Some o | _ -> None
/// This represents the attributes available for configuring virtual elements, beyond the applicable DOM attributes.
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Attributes =
inherit Lifecycle<obj option, obj option>
/// The class name(s) for this virtual element, as a space-separated list.
abstract className: string option with get, set
/// The class name(s) for this virtual element, as a space-separated list.
abstract ``class``: string option with get, set
/// A key to optionally associate with this element.
abstract key: U2<string, float> option with get, set
/// Any other virtual element properties, including attributes and event handlers.
[<Emit "$0[$1]{{=$2}}">] abstract Item: property: string -> obj option with get, set
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