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Forked from CMCDragonkai/configuration.nix
Created August 22, 2016 08:49
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{ config, pkgs, ... }:
imports = [ ./default.nix /root/nixcfg/core.nix ];
services = {
example = {
enable = true;
environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ wget tcpdump ltrace gdb ];
networking.hostName = "";
networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 80 ];
virtualisation = {
memorySize = 512;
graphics = false;
qemu.networkingOptions = [ "-net nic,macaddr=52:54:00:12:34:01" "-net vde,sock=/run/vde.ctl" ];
clever, BOT [13:31]
with this i just nix-build vm.nix -A master -o master
to build the entire vm and store it in a master symlink
hmmm, let me paste more files into a gist
configuration.nix is one of the servers, and i added some custom network config to stick all of the VM's into a dedicated LAN
nekroze, BOT [13:35]
clever: Ok, so that first one you can change master to either of those others down the bottom liek router, that all have their own config. And that just builds the vm's themselves right not runs them?
clever, BOT [13:35]
line 15 makes that server headless
routercfg.nix acts as a router, bridging that private LAN to the real LAN, and it has chromium so i can browse the website on the dummy server
nekroze, BOT [13:36]
clever: But would these be persistent?
clever, BOT [13:36]
and vm.nix ties everything together
all of these store the rootfs in the current directory when you run the bootup script
as a qemu qcow file
ive got an old one left-over in ~ from when i last used it, -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 148M Nov 7 16:28 router.qcow2
yeah, all the nix expression does is build the vm
but if you import that into configuration.nix, and create a systemd unit that ran ${machine1}/bin/run-amd-nixos-vm, it would run on bootup
nekroze, BOT [13:38]
clever: So could I put a systemd.units option in for each vm that executes "cd /vm-place && nix-build vm.nix -A router -o router" for the router vm?
clever, BOT [13:39]
no need to do nix-build from the systemd unit
nekroze, BOT [13:39]
clever: So vm.nix can be imported into the host configuration.nix and used there?
clever, BOT [13:39]
just refer to the machine directly, let machine1 = (import vm.nix).master;
and then "cd /vm-storage; ${machine1}/bin/run-amd-nixos-vm" from a systemd unit
nekroze, BOT [13:40]
clever: Oh, wow. that is epic.
clever, BOT [13:40]
now the unit depends on the vm, and when you 'nixos-rebuild', it will build all of the VMs and the host
nekroze, BOT [13:40]
would it also detect changes just to the vm's configurations?
clever, BOT [13:40]
yeah, next time you nixos-rebuild, it will rebuild the vm's
and automaticaly tell systemd to restart the guests
nekroze, BOT [13:41]
Ok, i need to read all of this over until I truely understand this.
clever, BOT [13:41]
systemd will likely SIGTERM qemu, and ive got no idea what will happen then
hopefully, that will register as an ACPI power button, and the guest will shutdown
nekroze, BOT [13:41]
clever: I think kvm vm's are standard linux processes so it should be ok
clever: Thank you so much as always for your assistance mate.
maurer, BOT [13:48]
Is there a way to get a parameterized stdenv? clever mentioned clangStdenv, but I'd also like to be able to flip to musl, or if I make a build for it, icc
Or is the best answer for me to just build several custom stdenvs?
clever, BOT [13:51]
maurer: sounds like you just need to read the source for clangStdenv and make your own modified one
maurer, BOT [13:51]
clever: Yeah, that's less parameterized than I was hoping sadly
clever: since I'm not just trying to build a specific configuration, I'm trying to build many different varieties of a binary to make sure my analysis isn't specific to a compiler or libc
(or arch, but I figured I'd leave the cross-compilation questions to later)
clever, BOT [13:52]
maurer: sounds like you want to write a function that will create a new stdenv based on its parameters
maurer, BOT [13:52]
clever: Yeah, I was hoping there was one
I couldn't find it
nekroze, BOT [14:12]
And in each of those config like sections you are importing the qemu-vm.nix which seems odd.
clever, BOT [14:12]
ah, some of that file is now unused, let me edit it
nekroze, BOT [14:13]
does the part in vm.nix that specifies networking.extraHosts does that get copied to all vms? or just to the host?
clever, BOT [14:13]
that goes into every guest
nekroze, BOT [14:13]
clever: Ohhh, I see.
clever, BOT [14:14]
it also sets the password of root on every guest, to root
so i can easily manage the testing servers
nekroze, BOT [14:15]
clever: So by default virtualization is set to all defaults there but can be overriden by guests
clever, BOT [14:15]
nekroze, BOT [14:15]
roger.qiu [14:15]
If you make a change to the vm configuration, would this ever affect whether those VMs are still compatible with the qcow2 file you persisted prior?
clever, BOT [14:16]
at one point i had graphics=false in vm.nix to make it all headless
but you cant set it to both false and true, so when i made it true on the router, i had to remove it from vm.nix
CMCDragonkai: yeah
nekroze, BOT [14:16]
clever: Do they just pop up as windows? I have never run non headless kvm vm's
clever, BOT [14:16]
nekroze: yeah, it just opens a normal x11 window
CMCDragonkai: the qemu stuff this is using will use 9plan to mount the host /nix direclty into the guest at runtime
so the guest has full read-only access to the store
and by just changing the kernel cmdline when it boots up, it can change which nixos image it boots as a guest
roger.qiu [14:18]
So I'm a bit confused. If it rebuilds the VM from a config change, doesn't that mean any state mutation would have been lost after rebuilding?
nekroze, BOT [14:18]
Thats why I have been banging my head against the wall trying to figure out how to use it. Thanks again clever!
clever, BOT [14:18]
CMCDragonkai: the qcow file is only the / partition, but it always uses /nix from the host
so any changes made on the host will take effect next time you boot the vm
nekroze, BOT [14:19]
CMCDragonkai: But with nixos you can have kind of stateless servers that have all state on a 9plan share or nfs share
clever, BOT [14:19]
it saves all state to / which is a qcow image
i think its a copy-on-write image with /dev/zero as the base image
nekroze, BOT [14:20]
I would think it might make nix-collect-garbage a bit dangerous though.
roger.qiu [14:20]
Oh, so thr config changes only change stuff in the /nix inside the guest.
clever, BOT [14:20]
nekroze: the build-vm thing stores a symlink of the entire nixos beside the bin script for running it, so it wont GC
roger.qiu [14:20]
And possibly other bootup parameters? So that way new services can start inside the guest.
clever, BOT [14:20]
nekroze: your safe as long as you dont delete the result symlink while its running
nekroze, BOT [14:20]
clever: Oh so it does follow the guests as dependencies! thats cool.
clever, BOT [14:21]
CMCDragonkai: yeah
CMCDragonkai: next time you boot the guest, it will use a new derivation for /etc, which will then update all systemd units
which is almost exactly how a baremetal nixos system updates things
nekroze, BOT [14:21]
Would there be any way to do a switch from inside the guest instead of rebooting? At least for simple package updates.
clever, BOT [14:22]
run the './bin/switch-to-configuration test' that is within nixos output
that will update /run/current-system and reload systemd units that changed
nekroze, BOT [14:23]
clever: this just keeps getting cooler
clever, BOT [14:23]
i have also done some more crazy things
roger.qiu [14:23]
But this only works for linux guests
No unikernels... etc
clever, BOT [14:23]
yeah, the switch test one only works on a nixos guest
nekroze, BOT [14:23]
CMCDragonkai: just for nix guests
clever, BOT [14:24]
i ran './bin/switch-to-configuration boot' on a gentoo system
that overwrote the gentoo bootloader with the nixos bootloader, and configured the system to boot nixos
as for why i ran switch boot on something not nixos, it was a netbook, you cant just boot the install CD when you dont have a cd-drive
roger.qiu [14:29]
Install USB?
By the way, why 9p?
clever, BOT [14:30]
i could have done usb, but it was more fun to try something new
i think 9p is the only thing qemu+linux support, for mounting the host to the guest with full symlink/hardlink/uid support
nekroze, BOT [14:32]
CMCDragonkai: Its supposed to be very fast as well.
nekroze, BOT [14:43]
clever: One final question about that vm.nix stuff if I may. You say that I could use it in a systemd service definition with "cd /vm-storage; ${machine1}/bin/run-amd-nixos-vm". Does that amd part of that run command matter or does it just specify a 64bit vm? Are there other options?
clever, BOT [14:48]
nekroze: thats the hostname for the guest
nekroze: the build-vm stuff will name it after the networking.hostname set inside the guest
nekroze, BOT [14:51]
clever: so how can I predict the name. which part of /bin/run-amd-nixos-vm changes based on the hostname?
clever, BOT [14:52]
nekroze, BOT [14:54]
clever: Ah so for your example it might be /bin/
clever, BOT [14:55]
nekroze: yeah
some of the guides i saw just do ./result/bin/run-*-vm
nekroze, BOT [14:56]
clever: Yeah I was just thinking that
clever: Where did you find guides for this stuff nothing I could find was on topic
clever, BOT [14:56]
dont remember exactly
nekroze, BOT [14:56]
clever: Once again, cheers for all the help mate.
Have a good one all
clever, BOT [14:57]
roger.qiu [15:04]
This is a great feature for again local computer configuration!
{ config, pkgs, ... }:
imports = [ ./default.nix /root/nixcfg/core.nix ];
services = {
dhcpd = {
enable = true;
interfaces = [ "eth0" ];
machines = [
{ hostName = "nix1"; ethernetAddress = "52:54:00:12:34:01"; ipAddress = ""; }
{ hostName = "nix2"; ethernetAddress = "52:54:00:12:34:02"; ipAddress = ""; }
extraConfig = ''
subnet netmask {
option subnet-mask;
option broadcast-address;
option routers;
option domain-name-servers;
xserver = {
enable = true;
displayManager.slim = {
enable = true;
autoLogin = true;
defaultUser = "clever";
desktopManager.xfce = {
enable = true;
environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ chromium wget nmap ];
networking = {
hostName = "router";
interfaces.eth0 = {
ipAddress = "";
prefixLength = 24;
# nat = {
# enable = true;
# externalInterface = "eth0";
# internalIPs = [ "" ];
# internalInterfaces = [ "eth1" ];
# };
virtualisation = {
memorySize = 1024;
qemu.networkingOptions = [
"-net nic,vlan=0,macaddr=52:54:00:12:34:00"
"-net vde,vlan=0,sock=/run/vde.ctl"
{ system ? builtins.currentSystem }:
loadcfg = cfgfile: { config, pkgs, ...}: {
imports = [ <nixos/modules/virtualisation/qemu-vm.nix> cfgfile ];
config = {
networking.extraHosts = ''
virtualisation = {
users.extraUsers.root.password = "root";
mkcfg = cfgfile:
import <nixos/lib/eval-config.nix> {
inherit system;
modules = [ (loadcfg cfgfile) ];
in {
router = (mkcfg ./routercfg.nix);
master = (mkcfg ./configuration.nix);
slave = (mkcfg ./configuration2.nix);
tox = (mkcfg ./tox.nix);
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