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Allison McCarthy spaceplesiosaur

  • Boulder, CO
View GitHub Profile
create table equestria_votes (id int not null primary key auto_increment, county varchar(255), district int, candidate varchar(255), votes int);
insert into equestria_votes (county, district, candidate, votes) values
('Ponyville', 1, 'Princess Celestia', '15944'),
('Ponyville', 1, 'Princess Luna', '11921'),
('Cloudsdale', 1, 'Princess Celestia', '4573'),
('Cloudsdale', 1, 'Princess Luna', '6156'),
('Appleloosa', 1, 'Princess Celestia', '434'),
('Appleloosa', 1, 'Princess Luna', '1090'),
('Canterlot', 1, 'Princess Celestia', '3723'),

Deploy a Django app to AWS

With the help of

Spin up an EC2 instance

  • Log into your AWS management console and find EC2 under services. Click on it, then click the orange "Launch Instance" button.

  • Choose an AMI. Generally, I've used the free tier Linux 2018.03 AMI, but I'm choosing the free tier Ubuntu server for now because of the guide I'm using. An AMI is an Amazon Machine Image. It's basically the kind of computer/server that you want it to copy.

Make a postgres DB

From anywhere in your terminal, type createdb database_name. Postgres managed to claim this command word before anyone else did.

Meetings with Tracey every 2 weeks starting June 3.

Things they will be assessing:

  • They will be assessing fit and soft skills as much as technical skills. Attitude, how you take critical feedback. They will probably be looking for that
  • They will be looking for communication gaps - did you keep them abreast of your timelines?

Things to ask:

DTR Memo

Ballroom Beats

Group Member Names:

Allie, Consuelo, Allison, John

Goals and Expectations for the Project

(What does each group member hope to get out of this project? What do we want to achieve as a team? How will we know that we're successful?):

What is one command that you'll incorporate into your daily workflow and why?

I make a lot of articulations on branches as I'm going, so I might start stashing those instead of making new random branches with then on it.

How does rebasing work compared to a merge workflow?

From my understanding, a rebase takes commits from a branch 1 by 1 and then attaches them to a different commit in chronological order, but giving them new identifiers and timestamps. I believe a merge sort of mushes all of the commits together, going by timestamp.

Why would we ever use git stash?

DTR Memo

Project: Pallette Picker

Group Member Names:

Allie, Consuelo

Goals and Expectations for the Project

(What does each group member hope to get out of this project? What do we want to achieve as a team? How will we know that we're successful?):

  1. This is what goes in index.js import React from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import './base.scss'; import App from './containers/App/App'; import { Provider } from 'react-redux' import { createStore } from 'redux' import { composeWithDevTools } from 'redux-devtools-extension'; import { rootReducer } from './reducers/index.js'

` import React from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import { Provider } from 'react-redux'; import { createStore } from 'redux'; import { composeWithDevTools } from 'redux-devtools-extension'; import rootReducer from './reducers'; import './base.scss'; import App from './containers/App/App';