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Created December 29, 2017 00:40
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Bentley-Ottman Segment Intersection O((n+k) log n)
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <cstdio>
#include <iomanip>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <map>
#include <cassert>
#include <queue>
#include <set>
#include <functional>
#include <ctime>
#include <numeric>
using namespace std;
#define fst first
#define snd second
#define all(c) ((c).begin()), ((c).end())
#define TEST(x,a) { auto y=(x); if (sign(y-a)) { cout << "line " << __LINE__ << #x << " = " << y << " != " << a << endl; exit(-1); } }
#define dout if(0)cout
double urand() { return rand() / (1.0 + RAND_MAX); }
const double PI = acos(-1.0);
// implementation note: use EPS only this function
// usage note: check sign(x) < 0, sign(x) > 0, or sign(x) == 0
// notice: should be normalize to O(1)
const double EPS = 1e-8;
int sign(double x) {
if (x < -EPS) return -1;
if (x > +EPS) return +1;
return 0;
struct point {
typedef double T;
T x, y;
point &operator+=(point p) { x += p.x; y += p.y; return *this; }
point &operator*=(T a) { x *= a; y *= a; return *this; }
point &operator-=(point p) { x -= p.x; y -= p.y; return *this; }
point &operator/=(T a) { return *this *= (1.0/a); }
point operator-() const { return {-x, -y}; }
bool operator<(point p) const {
if (sign(x - p.x)) return sign(x - p.x) < 0;
return sign(y - p.y) < 0;
bool operator>(point p, point q) { return q<p; }
bool operator<=(point p, point q) { return !(q<p); }
bool operator>=(point p, point q) { return !(p<q); }
bool operator==(point p, point q) { return !(p<q) && !(q<p); }
bool operator!=(point p, point q) { return (p<q) || !(q<p); }
point operator+(point p, point q) { return p += q; }
point operator-(point p, point q) { return p -= q; }
point operator*(point::T a, point p) { return p *= a; }
point operator*(point p, point::T a) { return p *= a; }
point operator/(point p, point::T a) { return p /= a; }
point::T dot(point p, point q) { return p.x*q.x+p.y*q.y; }
point::T cross(point p, point q) { return p.x*q.y-p.y*q.x; } // left turn > 0
point normalize(point p) {
auto s = sqrt(dot(p, p));
return sign(s) ? p / s : point({0,0});
point::T norm2(point p) { return dot(p,p); }
point orth(point p) { return {-p.y, p.x}; }
point::T norm(point p) { return sqrt(dot(p,p)); }
ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const point &p) { os<<"("<<p.x<<","<<p.y<<")"; return os; }
struct segment { point p, q; };
vector<point> intersect(segment s, segment t) {
auto a = cross(s.q - s.p, t.q - t.p);
auto b = cross(t.p - s.p, t.q - t.p);
auto c = cross(s.q - s.p, s.p - t.p);
if (a < 0) { a = -a; b = -b; c = -c; }
if (sign(b) < 0 || sign(a-b) < 0 ||
sign(c) < 0 || sign(a-c) < 0) return {}; // disjoint
if (sign(a) != 0) return {s.p + b/a*(s.q - s.p)}; // properly crossing
vector<point> ps; // same line
auto insert_if_possible = [&](point p) {
for (auto q: ps) if (sign(dot(p-q, p-q)) == 0) return;
if (sign(dot(s.p-t.p, s.q-t.p)) <= 0) insert_if_possible(t.p);
if (sign(dot(s.p-t.q, s.q-t.q)) <= 0) insert_if_possible(t.q);
if (sign(dot(t.p-s.p, t.q-s.p)) <= 0) insert_if_possible(s.p);
if (sign(dot(t.p-s.q, t.q-s.q)) <= 0) insert_if_possible(s.q);
return ps;
// Verified: AOJ1226, AOJ2448
struct arrangement {
struct Vertex; struct Edge; // Doubly Connected Edge List
struct Vertex {
point p; //
Edge *edge; // any edge incident to this vertex
struct Edge {
Vertex *vertex; // origin vertex of the edge
Edge *twin; // reverse edge of e
Edge *prev, *next; // surrounding edges of face (CCW)
map<Vertex*, map<Vertex*, Edge*>> adj;
vector<Vertex*> vertices;
vector<Edge*> edges;
vector<segment> segs;
struct node { // Sweep-Line Structure (RBST)
int index;
int size = 1;
node *left = 0, *right = 0;
} *root = 0;
vector<node> ns;
node *update(node *x) {
if (x) {
x->size = 1;
if (x->left) x->size += x->left->size;
if (x->right) x->size += x->right->size;
return x;
node *merge(node *x, node *y) {
if (!x) return y;
if (!y) return x;
if (rand() % (x->size + y->size) < x->size) {
x->right = merge(x->right, y);
return update(x);
} else {
y->left = merge(x, y->left);
return update(y);
template <class C> // 3-way split: cond(x) < 0, cond(x) == 0, cond(x) > 0
tuple<node*, node*, node*> split(node *x, C cond) {
if (!x) return make_tuple(x,x,x);
if (cond(x) == 0) {
auto a = split(x->left, cond);
auto b = split(x->right, cond);
x->left = x->right = 0; update(x);
get<1>(a) = merge(merge(get<1>(a), x), get<1>(b));
get<2>(a) = get<2>(b);
return a;
if (cond(x) < 0) {
auto a = split(x->right, cond);
x->right = 0; update(x);
get<0>(a) = merge(x, get<0>(a));
return a;
if (cond(x) > 0) {
auto a = split(x->left, cond);
x->left = 0; update(x);
get<2>(a) = merge(get<2>(a), x);
return a;
node *leftmost(node *x) { while (x && x->left) x = x->left; return x; }
node *rightmost(node *x) { while (x && x->right) x = x->right; return x; }
template <class F>
void process(node *x, F func) {
if (!x) return;
process(x->left, func);
process(x->right, func);
arrangement(vector<segment> segs_) : segs(segs_) {
set<point> events;
map<point, set<int>> L, R;
for (int i = 0; i < segs.size(); ++i) {
if (segs[i].q < segs[i].p) swap(segs[i].p, segs[i].q);
ns[i].index = i;
vector<Vertex*> last(segs.size());
while (!events.empty()) {
const point p = *events.begin();
Vertex *u = new Vertex({p});
auto cond = [&](node *x) {
const segment &s = segs[x->index];
if (sign(s.q.x - s.p.x) == 0) {
if (sign(p.y - s.p.y) < 0) return -1;
if (sign(s.q.y - p.y) < 0) return +1;
return 0;
return -sign(cross(normalize(s.p - p), normalize(s.q - p)));
auto z = split(root, cond);
vector<node*> inserter;
process(get<1>(z), [&](node *x) {
Vertex *v = last[x->index];
if (!adj[u][v]) {
adj[u][v] = new Edge({u});
adj[v][u] = new Edge({v});
adj[u][v]->twin = adj[v][u];
adj[v][u]->twin = adj[u][v];
if (!R[p].count(x->index))
for (int i: L[p])
if (!R[p].count(i))
sort(all(inserter), [&](node *x, node *y) {
const segment &s = segs[x->index], &t = segs[y->index];
return sign(cross(normalize(s.q - s.p), normalize(t.q - t.p))) >= 0;
auto add_event = [&](node *x, node *y) {
if (!x || !y) return;
vector<point> ps = intersect(segs[x->index], segs[y->index]);
for (point q: ps)
if (p < q) events.insert(q);
if (inserter.empty()) {
add_event(rightmost(get<0>(z)), leftmost(get<2>(z)));
} else {
add_event(rightmost(get<0>(z)), inserter[0]);
add_event(leftmost(get<2>(z)), inserter.back());
root = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < inserter.size(); ++i) {
last[inserter[i]->index] = u;
inserter[i]->left = inserter[i]->right = 0;
root = merge(root, update(inserter[i]));
root = merge(merge(get<0>(z), root), get<2>(z));
for (auto &pp: adj) {
Vertex *u = pp.fst;
vector<Edge*> es;
for (auto z: pp.snd) es.push_back(z.snd);
sort(all(es), [&](Edge *e, Edge *f) {
auto quad = [](point p) {
for (int i = 1; i <= 4; ++i, swap(p.x = -p.x, p.y))
if (p.x > 0 && p.y >= 0) return i;
return 0;
const point p = e->twin->vertex->p - e->vertex->p;
const point q = f->twin->vertex->p - f->vertex->p;
if (quad(p) != quad(q)) return quad(p) < quad(q);
return cross(normalize(p), normalize(q)) > 0;
u->edge = es.back();
for (Edge *e: es) {
u->edge->next = e;
u->edge->next->prev = u->edge;
u->edge = u->edge->next;
void AOJ1226() {
for (int n; ~scanf("%d", &n) && n; ) {
//cout << n << endl;
vector<vector<double>> a(4, vector<double>(n));
for (int k = 0; k < 4; ++k)
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
scanf("%lf", &a[k][i]);
vector<segment> ss = {
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
arrangement arr(ss);
double result = 0;
set<arrangement::Edge*> seen;
for (auto *e: arr.edges) {
if (seen.count(e)) continue;
auto *f = e;
double area = 0;
do {
area += cross(f->vertex->p, f->twin->vertex->p);
f = f->twin->prev;
} while (f != e);
result = max(result, area);
printf("%.6f\n", result/2);
// s.p + a (s.q - s.p) == t.p + b (t.q - t.p)
// を解いて左辺を返す.未知変数は2つ a の近似値 a* をもつ
void AOJ2448() {
int n; scanf("%d", &n);
vector<point> ps(n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
scanf("%lf %lf", &ps[i].x, &ps[i].y);
vector<segment> ss;
for (int i = 0; i+1 < n; ++i)
ss.push_back({ps[i], ps[i+1]});
arrangement arr(ss);
double result = 0;
set<arrangement::Edge*> seen;
for (auto *e: arr.edges) {
if (seen.count(e)) continue;
auto *f = e;
double area = 0;
do {
area += cross(f->vertex->p, f->twin->vertex->p);
f = f->twin->prev;
} while (f != e);
if (area > 0) result += area;
printf("%.12f\n", result/2);
int main() {
return 0;
for (int seed =0; seed < 10000; ++seed) {
cout << "seed = " << seed << endl;
int n = 100;
vector<segment> ss;
int x = 0, y = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
int z = rand() % n, w = rand() % n;
x = z; y = w;
//cout << ss.back().p << " " << ss.back().q << endl;
arrangement arr(ss);
auto *v = arr.get({1,1});
auto *e = v->edge;
do {
cout << e->vertex->p << " -- " << e->twin->vertex->p << endl;
e = e->next;
} while (e != v->edge);
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