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murach's SQL SERVER 2016: Join Queries
--Chapter 4 Join Queries
Exercise 1 (COMPLETE)
Write a SELECT statement that returns all columns from the Vendors table
inner-joined with the Invoices table
JOIN Invoices ON Vendors.VendorID = Invoices.VendorID
Exercise 2 (COMPLETE)
Write a SELECT statement that returns four columns:
VendorName From the Vendors table
InvoiceNumber From the Invoices table
InvoiceDate From the Invoices table
Balance InvoiceTotal minus the sum of PaymentTotal and CreditTotal
The result set should have one row for each invoice with a non-zero
balance. Sort the result set by VendorName in ascending order.
SELECT VendorName
, InvoiceNumber
, InvoiceDate
, InvoiceTotal - (PaymentTotal + CreditTotal) AS Balance
JOIN Invoices ON Vendors.VendorID = Invoices.VendorID
WHERE InvoiceTotal - (PaymentTotal + CreditTotal) > 0
ORDER BY VendorName
Exercise 3 (COMPLETE)
Write a SELECT statement that returns three columns:
VendorName From the Vendors table
DefaultAccountNo From the Vendors table
AccountDescription From the GLAccounts table
The result set should have one row for each vendor,
with the account number and account description for that
vendor's default account number. Sort the result set by
AccountDescription, then by VendorName.
SELECT VendorName
, DefaultAccountNo
, AccountDescription
JOIN GLAccounts ON Vendors.DefaultAccountNo = GLAccounts.AccountNo
ORDER BY AccountDescription
, VendorName
Exercise 4 (COMPLETE)
Generate the same result set described in exercise 2,
but with the implicit join syntax.
SELECT VendorName
, InvoiceNumber
, InvoiceDate
, InvoiceTotal - (PaymentTotal + CreditTotal) AS Balance
FROM Vendors, Invoices
WHERE Vendors.VendorID = Invoices.VendorID
AND InvoiceTotal - (PaymentTotal + CreditTotal) > 0
ORDER BY VendorName
Exercise 5 (COMPLETE)
Write a SELECT statement that returns five columns from three tables,
all using column aliases:
Vendor - VendorName column
Date - InvoiceDate column
Number - InvoiceNumber column
# - InvoiceSequence column
LineItem - InvoiceLineItemAmount column
Assign the following correlation names to the tables:
v Vendors table
i Invoices table
li InvoicesLineItems table
Sort the final result set by Vendor, Date, Number, and #.
SELECT VendorName AS [Vendor]
, InvoiceDate AS [Date]
, InvoiceNumber AS [Number]
, InvoiceSequence AS [#]
, InvoiceLineItemAmount AS [LineItem]
JOIN Invoices AS i ON v.VendorID = i.VendorID INNER
JOIN InvoiceLineItems AS li ON i.InvoiceID = li.InvoiceID
ORDER BY [Vendor]
, [Date]
, [Number]
, [#]
Exercise 6 (COMPLETE)
Write a SELECT statement that returns three columns:
VendorID From the Vendors table
VendorName From the Vendors table
Name - A concatenation of VendorContactFName and VendorContactLName,
with a space in between
The result set should have one row for each vendor whose contact has
the same first name as another vendors contact. Sort the final result set by Name.
Hint: Use a self-join
SELECT Vendors1.VendorID
, Vendors1.VendorName
, Vendors1.VendorContactFName + ' ' + Vendors1.VendorContactLName AS [Name]
FROM Vendors AS Vendors1 INNER
JOIN Vendors AS Vendors2 ON Vendors1.VendorID <> Vendors2.VendorID
AND Vendors1.VendorContactFName = Vendors2.VendorContactFName
Exercise 7 (COMPLETE)
Write a SELECT statement that returns two columns from the GLAccounts table:
AccountNo and AccountDescription. The result set should have one row for each
account number that has never been used. Sort the final result set by AccountNo.
Hint: Use an outer join to the InvoiceLineItems table.
SELECT GLAccounts.AccountNo
, GLAccounts.AccountDescription
FROM GLAccounts LEFT JOIN InvoiceLineItems
ON GLAccounts.AccountNo = InvoiceLineItems.AccountNo
WHERE InvoiceLineItems.AccountNo IS NULL
ORDER BY GLAccounts.AccountNo
Exercise 8 (COMPLETE)
Use the UNION operator to generate a result set consisting of two columns
from the Vendors table: VendorName and VendorState. If the vendor is in
California, the VendorState value should be "CA" otherwise, the VendorState
value should be "Outside CA". Sort the final result set by VendorName
SELECT VendorName
, 'CA' AS [Location]
FROM Vendors
WHERE VendorState = 'CA'
SELECT VendorName
, 'Outside CA' AS [Location]
FROM Vendors
WHERE VendorState <> 'CA'
ORDER BY VendorName
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