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Created May 21, 2012 01:09
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Heuristic for calculating edge clique cover in a graph
class Graph:
def __init__(self, n):
self.n = n
self.adjs = []
self.edges = set()
for i in range(n):
def add_edge(self, v, w):
if v == w:
raise Exception("Cannot create loop edge in node %s" % v)
if not (w,v) in self.edges:
def adj(self, v, w):
return v in self.adjs[w]
def get_clique_cover(self):
return Graph.CliqueCoverCalculator(self).calculate()
# See;jsessionid=756229C2CFB6112593F593DF6D1013CF?doi=
class CliqueCoverCalculator:
def __init__(self, g):
self.g = g
def calculate(self):
g = self.g
cover = []
# Loop invariant: C1...Ck cover all edges incident to vertices v,w <= i
for i in range(g.n):
# W contains the nodes j before i for which edges i,j need to be covered
w = set([j for j in range(i) if g.adj(i,j)])
self.debug("\ni=%s; W=%s; cover=%s" % (i, w, cover))
# If there are no nodes before i adjacent to it, create a new clique with i
if len(w) == 0:
self.debug(" Creating new clique from %s" % [i])
# Try to add i to each of the existing cliques
# Remove from W neighbors j of i where {i, j} is already covered by a previous clique
for clique in cover:
if self.can_include(i, clique):
for j in clique:
if j in w: w.remove(j)
self.debug(" Adding %s to clique %s, W is now %s" % (i, clique, w))
if len(w) == 0: break
# For the remaining edges, try to cover as many as possible at a time
while len(w) > 0:
maximal_clique = self.find_maximal_clique(cover, w)
new_clique = [j for j in maximal_clique if j in w]
for j in maximal_clique:
if j in w: w.remove(j)
self.debug(" Generated new clique %s, W is now %s" % (new_clique, w))
return cover
def can_include(self, node, clique):
return all([self.g.adj(node, k) for k in clique])
def find_maximal_clique(self, cover, w):
maximal = None
value = 0
for clique in cover:
intersection = [j for j in clique if j in w]
if value < len(intersection):
maximal, value = clique, len(intersection)
return maximal
def check_valid(self, cover):
for v,w in self.g.edges:
if not any([(v in clique and w in clique) for clique in cover]):
raise Exception("Edge %s,%s is not present in cover %s" % (v,w,cover))
for clique in cover:
for v in clique:
if not all([self.g.adj(v,w) for w in clique if v != w]):
raise Exception("Node %s is not adjacent to all nodes in clique %s" % (v, clique))
def debug(self, str):
print str
if __name__ == "__main__":
g = Graph(4)
cover = g.get_clique_cover()
print "\nCover is:"
for c in cover: print c
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