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Created January 5, 2014 16:31
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Count number of lines of code per language per week in git repository using cloc
import csv
import os
import sys
from os.path import isfile
from datetime import date, timedelta
from subprocess import call, check_output
# Script expects that each project is in a folder with the same name in the working directory
PROJECTS = ['my-project', 'another-project']
# Configure to group languages, those not listed will be left as is
'HTML/CSS': ['HTML', 'HAML', 'CSS', 'Ruby HTML', 'SASS'],
'JS': ['Javascript', 'CoffeeScript'],
'Other': ['XML', 'IDL', 'DOS Batch', 'Bourne Again Shell', 'Bourne Shell', 'ASP.Net', 'make', 'YAML', 'SQL']
# Git functions
def checkout_at(project, date):
rev = revision_for(project, date)
if not rev: return False
print "Checking out %s from %s for %s" % (rev, date, project)
checkout_rev(project, rev)
return True
def revision_for(project, date):
format = ['-n1', '--date-order', '--oneline', '--no-abbrev-commit']
return check_output(git_for(project) + ['log', 'origin', '--before="%s"' % (date.isoformat())] + format).split()[0]
def checkout_rev(project, revision):
call(git_for(project) + ['checkout', '--detach', '--force', revision], stdout=None)
def git_for(project):
return ['git', '--git-dir=%s/.git' % (project), '--work-tree=%s' % (project)]
# Cloc functions
def call_cloc(projects, outfile):
definitions = ['--force-lang-def=definitions.txt'] if isfile('definitions.txt') else []
call(['cloc'] + projects + definitions + ['--csv', '--quiet', '--out=%s' % (outfile)])
def parse_cloc(file):
lines_by_language = {}
with open(file, 'r') as f:
reader = csv.reader(f)
for row in reader:
files, language, blank, comment, code = row
if int(code) > 0: lines_by_language[language] = int(code)
return lines_by_language
def cloc(projects, fname):
fname = str(fname)
call_cloc(projects, fname)
lines_by_language = parse_cloc(fname)
return lines_by_language
# Date functions
def weeks(start, upto):
return [date.fromordinal(d) for d in range(start.toordinal(), upto.toordinal(), 7)]
# Data handling
def group(lines_by_language_by_date, lang_groups={}):
grouped = dict()
languages = set()
lang_to_group = {}
for k,vs in lang_groups.iteritems():
for v in vs: lang_to_group[v] = k
for d, lines_by_language in lines_by_language_by_date.iteritems():
grouped[d] = lines_by_language = dict(lines_by_language)
for lang, lines in lines_by_language.items():
if lang in lang_to_group:
group = lang_to_group[lang]
if group != lang:
lines_by_language[group] = lines_by_language.get(group, 0) + lines
del lines_by_language[lang]
languages = languages.union(lines_by_language.keys())
return grouped, list(languages)
def write_csv(lines_by_language_by_date, languages, outfile=sys.stdout):
writer = csv.writer(outfile)
writer.writerow(['Date'] + languages)
for d, lines_by_language in lines_by_language_by_date.iteritems():
row = [d] + [lines_by_language.get(lang, 0) for lang in languages]
# Main body
def main(projects, start, upto):
lines_by_language_by_date = {} # date => lang => lines
for d in weeks(start, upto):
ps = [project for project in projects if checkout_at(project, d)]
data = cloc(ps, d.toordinal())
lines_by_language_by_date[d] = data
groups,langs = group(lines_by_language_by_date, LANG_GROUPS)
with open('stats.csv', 'w') as f: write_csv(groups, langs, f)
print "Successfully wrote output to stats.csv"
# Run!
main(PROJECTS, date(2013,7,1), date(2013,12,31))
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