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Last active November 22, 2017 22:34
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Solution to eloquentjavascript exercise second 2nd edition (Chapter 5) eloquent javascript
// Solution to eloquentjavascript exercise second 2nd edition
// Chapter 5
// Mother-child age difference
function average(array) {
function plus(a, b) { return a + b; }
return array.reduce(plus) / array.length;
var byName = {};
console.log(typeof ancestry)
ancestry.forEach(function(person) {
byName[] = person;
// Your code here.
var hasKnownMother = function(person) {
return person.mother in byName;
function getAgeDiff(person) {
return person.born - byName[person.mother].born
// → 31.2
// ---------------------------------------
// Flattening
console.log(arrays.reduce(function(res, nextItem) {
return res.concat(nextItem);} ));
// ---------------------------------------
// Historical life expectancy
var perCentury = {};
ancestry.forEach(function(person) {
var cent = String(Math.ceil(person.died/100));
if (!(cent in perCentury)) {
perCentury[cent] = [];
perCentury[cent].push(person.died - person.born);
for (cent in perCentury) {
console.log(cent, '->', average(perCentury[cent]));
// bonus
function groupBy(a, classifyFunc) {
return (curr, item, idx) {
if (!(item in curr)) {
curr[item] = [a[idx]];
} else {
return curr;
}, {});
function byDeathCent(person) {
return String(Math.ceil(person.died/100));
var groups = groupBy(ancestry, byDeathCent);
for (cent in groups) {
var avg = average(groups[cent].map(function (person) {
return person.died - person.born;
console.log(cent, '->', avg);
// ---------------------------------------
// Every and then some
function every(a, predicate) {
for (var i=0; i< a.length; ++i) {
if (!(predicate(a[i]))) {
return false
return true;
function some(a, predicate) {
for (var i=0; i< a.length; ++i) {
if (predicate(a[i])) {
return true;
return false;
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Very useful! Thanks a lot!

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Very useful!

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