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Created March 29, 2018 23:57
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UUID Base64
require "securerandom"
require "base64"
100.times do
uuid = SecureRandom.uuid
puts " UUID: #{uuid.inspect}"
puts " HEX: #{(hex = uuid.gsub("-", "")).inspect}"
puts " BYTES: #{(bytes = [hex].pack('H*')).inspect}"
base64 = Base64.urlsafe_encode64(bytes, padding: false)
puts "BASE64: #{base64.inspect}"
puts " BYTES: #{(bytes2 = Base64.urlsafe_decode64(base64)).inspect}"
puts " HEX: #{(hex2 = bytes2.unpack("H*")[0]).inspect}"
puts " UUID: #{(uuid2 = [hex2[0..7], hex2[8..11], hex2[12..15], hex2[16..19], hex2[20..31]].join("-")).inspect}"
raise unless uuid == uuid2
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