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Created July 12, 2017 19:43
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Oscillator and Sound Generator Module
import numpy as np
from import write
from math import pi, sin, floor
from fractions import gcd
from UtilityFunctions import *
class SoundGenerator():
# Constants
def __init__(self, waveType = "Sine", frequency = 500, amplitude = 1.0, duration = 5):
# Initialize Internal Variables
self.waveType = str(waveType)
self.frequency = float(frequency)
self.amplitude = limitAmplitude(amplitude)
self.duration = float(duration)
self.sampleCount = self.getSampleCount()
self.sound = np.array([])
self.limit = np.vectorize(limitAmplitude)
# Generate Sound
if (waveType == "Sine"):
self.sound = self.generateSineWave()
elif(waveType == "Square"):
self.sound = self.generateSquareWave()
elif(waveType == "Sawtooth"):
self.sound = self.generateSawtoothWave()
elif(waveType == "Constant"):
self.sound = self.generateConstantWave()
elif(waveType == "Noise"):
self.sound = self.generateWhiteNoiseWave()
elif(waveType == "Combination"):
self.sound = self.sound
def getSampleCount(self):
return int(self.duration * SAMPLE_RATE)
def getSinglePhaseArray(self):
singleCycleLength = SAMPLE_RATE / float(self.frequency)
omega = pi * 2 / singleCycleLength
phaseArray = np.arange(0, int(singleCycleLength)) * omega
return phaseArray
def generateSineWave(self):
# Get Phase Array
phaseArray = self.getSinglePhaseArray()
# Compute Sine Values and scale by amplitude
singleCycle = self.amplitude * np.sin(phaseArray)
# Resize to match duration
return np.resize(singleCycle, (self.sampleCount,)).astype(np.float)
def generateSquareWave(self):
# Use the fact that sign of sine is square wave and scale by amplitude
return self.amplitude * np.sign(self.generateSineWave())
def generateSawtoothWave(self):
# Get Phase Array
phaseArray = self.getSinglePhaseArray()
# Compute Saw Values and scale by amplitude
piInverse = 1/pi
saw = np.vectorize(lambda x: 1 - piInverse*x)
singleCycle = self.amplitude * saw(phaseArray)
# Resize to match duration
return np.resize(singleCycle, (self.sampleCount,)).astype(np.float)
def generateConstantWave(self):
# Get Phase Array
phaseArray = self.getSinglePhaseArray()
# Assign to amplitude
singleCycle = self.amplitude
# Resize to match duration
return np.resize(singleCycle, (self.sampleCount,)).astype(np.float)
def generateWhiteNoiseWave(self):
# Random samples between -1 and 1
return np.random.uniform(-1, 1, self.getSampleCount())
def combineSounds(self, soundObj, operator = '+'):
# Figure out which is the longer sound
if len(self.sound) < len(soundObj.getSound()):
minSound = np.copy(self.getSound())
maxSound = np.copy(soundObj.getSound())
maxSound = np.copy(self.getSound())
minSound = np.copy(soundObj.getSound())
# Perform appropriate operation
if operator == '+':
maxSound[0:len(minSound)] = maxSound[0:len(minSound)] + minSound
elif operator == '-':
maxSound[0:len(minSound)] = maxSound[0:len(minSound)] - minSound
elif operator == '*':
maxSound[0:len(minSound)] = maxSound[0:len(minSound)] * minSound
# Limite sound values to within -1 and +1
newSound = self.limit(maxSound)
# Calculate metadata for new sound
newFrequency = int(self.getFrequency()) * int(soundObj.getFrequency()) / gcd(int(self.getFrequency()), int(soundObj.getFrequency()))
newDuration = float(len(newSound)) / SAMPLE_RATE
newAmplitude = np.max(newSound)
# Create new sound object and return object
returnObj = SoundGenerator(waveType = "Combination", frequency = newFrequency, amplitude = newAmplitude, duration = newDuration)
# Set sound value to newSound
return returnObj
def __add__(self, soundObj):
return self.combineSounds(soundObj, '+')
def __sub__(self, soundObj):
return self.combineSounds(soundObj, '-')
def __mul__(self, soundObj):
if isinstance(soundObj, int) or isinstance(soundObj, float):
scaleFactor = limitAmplitude(soundObj)
if(scaleFactor < 0):
scaleFactor = 0.0
returnObj = SoundGenerator(self.waveType, self.frequency, self.amplitude * scaleFactor, self.duration)
sound = self.getSound()
returnObj.setSound(sound * scaleFactor)
return returnObj
return self.combineSounds(soundObj, '*')
def __xor__(self, soundObj):
# Join two sound pieces together
newSound = np.append(self.getSound(), soundObj.getSound())
# Calculate metadata for new sound
newFrequency = int(self.getFrequency()) * int(soundObj.getFrequency()) / gcd(int(self.getFrequency()), int(soundObj.getFrequency()))
newDuration = self.getDuration() + soundObj.getDuration()
newAmplitude = np.max(newSound)
# Create new sound object and return object
returnObj = SoundGenerator(waveType = "Join", frequency = newFrequency, amplitude = newAmplitude, duration = newDuration)
# Set sound value to newSound
return returnObj
def __pow__(self, soundObj):
# Figure out which is the longer sound
if len(self.sound) < len(soundObj.getSound()):
minSound = np.copy(self.getSound())
maxSound = np.copy(soundObj.getSound())
maxSound = np.copy(self.getSound())
minSound = np.copy(soundObj.getSound())
minSound = np.resize(minSound, (len(maxSound),))
#newFrequency = int(self.getFrequency()) * int(soundObj.getFrequency()) / gcd(int(self.getFrequency()), int(soundObj.getFrequency()))
newDuration = float(len(maxSound))/SAMPLE_RATE
# Frequency does not matter here
minSoundObj = SoundGenerator(waveType = "Temp", frequency = 100, amplitude = np.max(minSound), duration = newDuration)
maxSoundObj = SoundGenerator(waveType = "Temp", frequency = 100, amplitude = np.max(maxSound), duration = newDuration)
return (minSoundObj * maxSoundObj)
def __str__(self):
return "WT: " + self.waveType + " F: " + str(self.frequency) + " A: " + str(self.amplitude) + " D: " + str(self.duration)
def getSound(self):
return self.sound
def setSound(self, soundArray):
self.sound = soundArray
def getFrequency(self):
return self.frequency
def getDuration(self):
return self.duration
def shiftBy(self, numberOfSamples):
sound = self.getSound()
sound = np.roll(sound, numberOfSamples)
sound = np.append(np.zeros(numberOfSamples), sound[numberOfSamples:])
retSoundObj = SoundGenerator(self.waveType, self.frequency, self.amplitude, self.duration)
return retSoundObj
if __name__ == "__main__":
sin1 = SoundGenerator(waveType = "Sine" , duration = 3.0)
sqr1 = SoundGenerator(waveType = "Square", frequency = 400.0, amplitude = 0.2, duration = 3.0)
sqr2 = SoundGenerator(waveType = "Square", frequency = 500.0, amplitude = 0.2, duration = 3.0)
saw1 = SoundGenerator(waveType = "Sawtooth" , duration = 3)
note1 = SoundGenerator(waveType = "Square", frequency = 400.0, amplitude = 0.2, duration = 5.0)
note2 = SoundGenerator(waveType = "Square", frequency = 450.0, amplitude = 0.2, duration = 5.0)
note3 = SoundGenerator(waveType = "Square", frequency = 600.0, amplitude = 0.2, duration = 5.0)
note4 = SoundGenerator(waveType = "Square", frequency = 700.0, amplitude = 0.1, duration = 5.0)
note5 = SoundGenerator(waveType = "Square", frequency = 800.0, amplitude = 0.1, duration = 5.0)
chord1 = note1 + note2 + note3 + (note4 * 0.5) + note5
join1 = sin1 ^ sqr1 ^ sqr2 ^ saw1 ^ chord1
mod1 = SoundGenerator(waveType = "Square", frequency = 3.0, amplitude = 1.0, duration = 3.0)
modjoin1 = mod1 ** join1
writeWAVToFile(modjoin1, "modjoin1")
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