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Created February 19, 2021 06:30
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# BASH CHEATSHEET (Chinese Cheat Sheet)-by skywind (created on 2018/02/14)
# Version: 47, Last Modified: 2019/09/24 17:58
# Commonly used shortcut keys (default Emacs keys)
A + the CTRL # moves to the beginning of the line, with the <Home>
B + the CTRL # moved backward, with <Left>
C + CTRL # end of the current command
D + CTRL # delete the character before the cursor with the <Delete>, or when there is no content, exit the session
E + the CTRL # moves to the end of the line, with <End>
CTRL+F #Move forward, same as <Right>
G + CTRL # exit the current editor (such as when your search history is CTRL + R)
H + CTRL # delete the character left of the cursor, with <Backspace>
K + CTRL # delete the contents of the cursor position to end of line
L + CTRL # clear the screen and redisplay
N + the CTRL # moves to the next line of command history, with the <Down>
CTRL+O #Similar to carriage return, but will display the next line of history
+ P the CTRL # moves to the line of command history, with <Up>
R + CTRL # history commands reverse lookup, use CTRL + G to exit the search
S + CTRL # history forward search command, use CTRL + G to exit the search
T + CTRL # before and after the exchange of two characters
U + CTRL # delete the character to the beginning of the line
CTRL + V # input character literals, press CTRL + V and press any key
W + CTRL # delete a word left of the cursor
The X-+ CTRL # lists the possible completions
The Y + the CTRL # paste front CTRL + u / k / w content deleted through
The Z-+ CTRL # suspend the foreground process returns bash, available fg to switch it back to the front desk as needed
CTRL + _ # Undo (undo), and some terminal CTRL + _ mapped CTRL + / or CTRL + 7
B + ALT # backward (left) one word
D + ALT # After you remove the cursor (to the right) a word
F + ALT # forward (to the right) to move a word
T + ALT # swap characters
+ BACKSPACE ALT # delete the cursor in front of a word, similar to the CTRL + W, but does not affect the clipboard
The CTRL + + X-X-the CTRL # press twice CTRL + X, the cursor jumps back and forth in the first position and the current row
The X-CTRL + E + CTRL # with your specified editor to edit the current command
# BASH basic operation
Exit # exit the current landing
env # display environment variable
echo $ SHELL # show you what SHELL
bash # using bash, returns with exit
bash Which # search $ PATH, find out which program corresponding to the command bash
bash whereis # search for executable, the location of the header files and help information, use the built-in database system
bash whatis # View explain a command word to tell you this is doing
the Clear # early Qing screen content
the RESET # Reset terminal (when you do not accidentally use cat a binary, terminal status mess)
# Directory operations
cd # to return to their $ HOME directory
CD {dirname} # into the directory
pwd # Display the current directory
{dirname} mkdir # Create a directory
-p} {dirname mkdir # recursively create directories
the pushd {dirname} # directory into the new directory and push
the popd # pops up and into the top of the stack directory
dirs -v # list the current directory stack
cd - # back to the previous directory
CD - {N} # change to the directory stack N-directory, such as cd -2 to switch to the second
#File operations
LS # display the current contents of the directory, the directory name can be followed: ls {dir} displays the specified directory
the -l LS # display a list of directory contents, information includes file date, size, permissions, etc.
-1 LS # display a list of contents of a directory, only the file name, followed by a minus sign is the number 1
-a LS # show all files and directories, including hidden files (files that start / directory name)
{} {-s the Fn LN Link} # create a soft link to the specified file
{} {dest the src CP} # copies of documents, cp -r dir1 dir2 recursively copy (directory)
RM the Fn} { # delete files, rm -r recursively delete the directory, rm -f forced to delete
{} {dest the src Music Videos} # move a file, if dest is a directory, move, the file name is covered
Touch the Fn} { # create or update about the development of file
{Fn} CAT # output file original content
any_cmd > {Fn} # execute commands and standard output to the specified file
{Fn} More # -by-screen display contents of a document, page space, q exit
{Fn} less # more advanced more points, more operations, q exit
{Fn} head # show the number of lines the file header, it can display the first three rows head -3 abc.txt
{Fn} tail # show the number of rows end of the file, display the available aft three rows tail -3 abc.txt
{Fn} -f tail # continues to display end of the file data, to monitor the log
nano Fn} { # use nano editor to edit the file
{Fn} vim # used to edit the file vim
{F1} {F2 the diff} # compare the contents of two files
the Fn} {WC # statistical document how many lines, how many words
{Fn} 644 the chmod # modify the file permissions 644 can then access to the directory cycle change -R
Group {Fn} chgrp # groups to modify the file belongs
{Fn} user1 chown # modify the file owner is user1, chown user1: group1 fn can modify group
{Fn} File # type and code detection files
basename the Fn} { # see the name of the file (not including the path)
dirname the Fn} { # view the file path (not including the name)
{pat the Fn} {grep} # in the file appeared to find the content of pat
-r pat} {grep . # recursive search all the content files appeared pat in the current directory
{Fn} STAT # detailed information display file
#User Management
whoami # show my username
the WHO # Displays the user login information, w / who / users slightly different content
w # Displays the user login information, w / who / users slightly different content
the Users # Displays the user login information, w / who / users slightly different content
the passwd # Change Password, passwd {user} others may be used to modify the root password
} {User finger # displays a user information including id, name, login status
User} {the adduser # Add User
} {User deluser # delete user
w # to see who is online
SU # to root
su- # Switch to root user and log in (execute the login script)
} {User SU # switches to a user
SU -} {User # switches to a user and log (login script execution)
} {User ID # view the user's uid, gid, and other relevant user groups
-u} {User ID # Print User uid
-g} {User ID # Print User gid
} {User Write # send a message to a user
Last # to display a list of recent user login
} {User Last # display record login
lastb # display failed login records
lastlog # Show last login records for all users
Command the sudo} { # execution of a command as a root
# Process Management
PS # to view the current Session
AX PS # view all processes, similar to the ps -e
the AUX PS # to view details of all processes, similar to the ps -ef
auxww PS # view all processes, and displays the complete command to start the process
-u the User} {PS # view a user process
axjf PS # List processes tree
-u} {User XJF PS # are listed in a user's process trees
-EO pid PS, the User, the Command # according to user-specified format to view the process
the AUX PS | grep httpd # View all the processes named httpd
--ppid} {pid PS # View parent process for all process pid
pstree # tree lists all the processes, pstree default generally do not take, install
User} {the pstree # process tree lists a user process
-u pstree # tree lists all the processes and their user
procname} {pgrep # pid search name matching process, such as pgrep apache2
the kill {pid} # end of the process
the kill -9 PID} { # terminates the process, 9 / SIGKILL capture end signal is not mandatory
the kill -KILL PID} { # enforcement process, kill -9 Another way to write
the kill the -l # View all signals
the kill the -l TERM # view the number of signal TERM
procname} {killall # by name ending all processes
procname} {pkill # by name end of the process, there can be other parameters except name
Top # view the most active processes
-u} {the User Top # view a user most active processes
Run any & # running in the background of a command, CTRL + Z will also be linked to the current process to the background
Jobs # View all background processes (jobs)
BG # view background process, and switch over
fg # to switch back to the foreground process
FG {} Job # handover to a particular foreground background processes
Trap cmd Sig1 SIG2 # Set the signal processing command in a script
Trap " " Sig1 SIG2 # mask a signal in the script
Trap - Sig1 SIG2 # restore the default behavior Signal Processing
the Command} {nohup # long run a program, you have to keep it running log out
the Command} {nohup & # long run a program in the background
the disown {PID | JID} # the process is removed from the list of background tasks (jobs)
the wait # wait for the end of all background processes tasks
# Commonly used commands: SSH / System Information / Network
user @ host SSH # user-user log in to a remote host host
-p {} the User Port SSH Host @ # designated landing port Host
Copy the User-the above mentioned id-SSH Host @ # copy your ssh key to the remote host, avoid entering password
{Fn} User @ SCP Host: path # copy the file to the remote host
the User @ Host scp: dest path # back copy files from a remote host
-P {Port} ... SCP # specified port remote copy file
-a uname # Viewing the kernel version, etc.
Help} {man # view help
-k {keyword} man # view help files which contains the keyword
{} Help info # View info pages, stronger than man's help system
Uptime # View system startup time
DATE # display date
CAL # show calendar
vmstat # display memory and CPU usage
10 the vmstat # print a line every 10 seconds where memory and CPU, CTRL + C Exit
as Free # show memory and swap usage
df # show disk usage
du # Display the current directory occupied, du. --max-depth = 2 can specify the depth
uname # Display system version number
hostname # show hostname
-a showkey # view the key code transmitted from the terminal
ping {host} # ping the remote host and display the result, CTRL+C to exit
ping -c N {host} # ping the remote host N times
Host} {the traceroute # detect the connectivity route
Host} {mtr # advanced version of traceroute
host {domain} # DNS query, {domain} can be preceded by -a to view details
Domain} {whois # acquired domain information whois
Domain} {DIG # acquired domain information dns
-n route # View the routing table
-a netstat # list all ports
-an netstat # View all connection information does not resolve the domain name
-anp netstat # View all connection information, including process information (requires sudo)
the -l netstat # View all listening ports
-t netstat # view all TCP links
-lntu netstat # Display all is listening TCP and UDP information
-lntup netstat # display all listening socket and process information
-i netstat # display card information
-rn netstat # Display the current system routing table with route -n
-an SS # is faster than netstat -an more detail
-s SS # statistics of TCP established, wait, etc.
{} URL wget # download files may be added --no-check-certificate verification ignored ssl
-qO- URL} {wget # download the file and to standard output (not saved)
{} URL -sl curl # with wget -qO- {url} used when no wget
File} {SZ # send the file to the terminal, zmodem Protocol
Rz # receiving a file sent from the terminal
# Variable operation
value = varname # define variables
value = varname the Command # define sub-process variables and execute child process
echo $ varname # view the contents of the variable
echo $$ # to view the current shell process ID
echo $! # View background tasks process ID of the most recent call
echo $? # view the recent return code of a command
Export VARNAME = value # Set environment variables (will affect the child process)
Array [0] = VALA # definition array
array=([0]=valA [1]=valB [2]=valC) # Another way
= Array (VALA Valb valC) # another way
Array {$ [I]} # acquired array element
{$ # Array [@]} # acquired length of the array
{$ # Array [I]} # obtain a variable length array
DECLARE -a # View all array
DECLARE -f # view all functions
DECLARE -F # view all functions to display only the function name
DECLARE -i # View all integers
DECLARE -r # See all read-only variables
DECLARE -x # See all be exported to the environment variable stuff
DECLARE -p varname # output variables are defined by how (value + type)
{varname $ : - word} # if the variable is not empty variable is returned, otherwise word
varname {$ : = word} # if the variable is not empty variable is returned, otherwise assigning to a word and return
{varname $ :? the Message} # if the variable is not empty variable is returned, otherwise print an error message and exit
{varname $ : + Word} # if the variable is not empty then return word, otherwise return null
varname {$ : offset : len} # made of a string
variable {$ # pattern} # If the variable header match pattern, then delete the minimum matching the remaining portion to return
{variable $ ## pattern} # if the variable head match pattern, then delete the largest part of the return match the rest of the
variable {$ % pattern} # If the variable tail match pattern, then delete the minimum matching the remaining portion to return
{variable $ %% pattern} # if the variable tail match pattern, then delete the largest part of the return match the rest of the
variable {$ / pattern / STR} # will replace the first variable matching pattern into str, and returns
variable {$ // pattern / str} # The variable pattern of all matches and returns the replaced str
{$ # Varname} # Returns the string length
* (PatternList) # zero or more times match
+ (PatternList) # one or more times to match
? (PatternList) # zero or one match
@ (PatternList) # Word Match
! (PatternList) # no match
array=( $text ) # Separate text into arrays by spaces and assign them to variables
IFS= " / " array=( $text ) # Separate the string text into an array by the diagonal bar and assign it to the variable
= text " $ {Array [*]} " # with spaces link array and assigned to the variable
= text $ ( the IFS = / ; echo " $ {Array [*]} " ) # with slashes link array and assigned to the variable
= A (bar foo " ABC " 42 is) # array definition
= B ( " $ {A [@] : . 1 : 2} " ) # array sections: B = (bar "ab c ")
= C ( " $ {A [@] : . 1} " ) # array sections: C = (bar "ab c " 42)
echo "${B[@]}" # bar a b c
echo "${B[1]}" # a b c
echo "${C[@]}" # bar a b c 42
echo " ${C[@] : -2 : 2} " # abc 42 The space before the minus sign is required
$ ( UNIX the Command ) # run command and capture and return to the standard output content
= varname $ ( the above mentioned id -u user ) # The user named user uid assigned to the variable varname
= NUM $ ( expr. 1 + 2 ) # compatible posix sh calculation, the calculation result of using command expr
= NUM $ ( expr $ NUM +. 1 ) # number increment
2 expr \ * \ ( 2. 3 + \) # complex calculations posix sh compatible output 10
= NUM $ (( 1 + 2 )) # calculates 1 + 2 is assigned to num, using bash unique $ ((..)) is calculated
= NUM $ (( $ NUM + 1 )) # variable is incremented
num = $(( num + 1 )) #The variable increases, the $ in the double brackets can be omitted
= NUM $ (( . 1 + ( 2 + . 3 ) * 2 )) # complex calculations
# Event indicator
!! # previous command
! ^ # The first word on a command
! :n #The nth word of the previous command
! : N-$ # on a command of the n-word to the last word
! $ #The last word of the previous command
! -N: $ # the last word on the command n
! String # recently a string containing the command
! ^ ^ String1 string2 # command contains string1 a recent, fast replacing string1 with string2
! # # All input before this command
! # :n # The nth word before this command, quickly backup cp /etc/passwd !#:1.bak
# Function
# Define a new function
function myfunc () {
# $1 represents the first parameter, $N represents the Nth parameter
# $# Represents the number of parameters
# $0 represents the name of the callee itself
# $@ represents all parameters, the type is an array, if you want to pass all parameters to other commands, use cmd "$@"
# $* All parameters linked by spaces, the type is string
{shell commands ...}
myfunc # call the function myfunc
arg1 arg2 arg3 myfunc # parameters of function calls
myfunc " $@ " # Pass all parameters to the function
myfunc " ${array[@]} " # Pass an array as multiple parameters to the function
the Shift # parameter to the left
unset -f myfunc # delete function
DECLARE -f # list function definition
# Condition judgment (judgment conditions compatible posix sh): man test
statement1 && statement2 # and operator
statement1 || statement2 # or operator
exp1 -a exp2 # return true when exp1 and exp2 are both true (POSIX XSI extension)
exp1 -o exp2 # If one of exp1 and exp2 is true, return true (POSIX XSI extension)
(Expression) # if expression is true returns true, the brackets before entering the note backslashes
! Expression # If the expression is false that returns true
= str2 str1 # equal Analyzing strings, such as [ "$ x" = "$ y"] && echo yes
str1 ! = str2 # Analyzing string range such as [ "$ x"! = " $ y"] && echo yes
str1 < str2 # string is less, such as [ "$ x" \ < " $ y"] && echo yes
str2 > str2 # string is greater than, Note <or> is literal, to add the input backslash
str1 -n # is determined not empty string (length greater than zero)
str1 the -Z # determines string is empty (zero length)
File -a # Analyzing file exists, such as [-a / tmp / abc] && echo "exists"
File -d # determine the file exists and the file is a directory
File -e # determine the file exists, and -a equivalent
File -f # Analyzing file exists, the file and the file is a normal (non-directory)
File -R & lt # Analyzing file exists, is readable
File -s # Analyzing file exists, and the size is greater than 0
File -w # judge file exists and is writable
File -x # determine the file exists, and execute
File -N # after the file was last modified has not been read
File -O # file exists and is owned by the current user
File -G # file exists and matches your user group
-nt file2 file1 # file 1 to file new 2
-ot file2 file1 # file 1 to file 2 Old
-eq num2 num1 # digital judgment: num1 == num2
-ne num2 num1 # digital judgment: num1 = num2!
-LT-num2 num1 # digital judgment: num1 <num2
-le num2 num1 # digital judgment: num1 <= num2
-gt num2 num1 # digital judgment: num1> num2
-ge num2 num1 # digital judgment: num1> = num2
# Branch control: if and classic test, posix sh compatible with the conditional statement
test {} expression The # determination test condition is true, then the procedure returns a non-zero 0 otherwise
[expression] # If the condition is true, return 0, otherwise non-zero
the Test " abc " = " DEF " # to see the return value echo $? 1 show, because the condition is false
the Test " abc " ! = " DEF " # to see the return value echo $? 0 is displayed, because the condition is true
test -a / tmp ; echo $? # call test to determine / tmp exists and print test the return value
[ -a /tmp] ; echo $? # is completely equivalent to the above, /tmp must exist, so the output is 0
Test cond && cmd1 # determination condition is true when performing cmd1
[cond] && cmd1 # is exactly equivalent to the above
[Cond] && cmd1 || cmd2 # condition is true execute cmd1 otherwise perform cmd2
#Determine whether the /etc/passwd file exists
# Classic statement is to determine if the back of the command returns a value of 0, then, that the condition is true, otherwise false
if test -e /etc/passwd; then
echo "alright it exists ... "
echo "it doesn't exist ... "
# Above fully equivalent, [and the test is the same executable program, but must be the last parameter]
# The name "[" executable generally in / bin or / usr / bin Now, more elegant than test
if [ -e /etc/passwd ]; then
echo "alright it exists ... "
echo "it doesn't exist ... "
# Is completely equivalent to the above two. In fact, in the bash era [is already an internal command, you can see it with enable
[ -e /etc/passwd ] && echo "alright it exists" || echo "it doesn't exist"
# Value determination variable
if [ "$varname" = "foo" ]; then
echo "this is foo"
elif [ "$varname" = "bar" ]; then
echo "this is bar"
echo "neither"
# Complex conditional judgment, attention || and && is fully compatible with POSIX recommended wording
if [ $x -gt 10 ] && [ $x -lt 20 ]; then
echo "yes, between 10 and 20"
#You can use the && command connector to do exactly the same thing as above
[ $x -gt 10 ] && [ $x -lt 20 ] && echo "yes, between 10 and 20"
# Parentheses are POSIX XSI and -a -o extended writing, parentheses are literal, to be added in front of the input backslashes
if [ \( $x -gt 10 \) -a \( $x -lt 20 \) ]; then
echo "yes, between 10 and 20"
# You can also use command && connector fully equivalent and do things above
[ \( $x -gt 10 \) -a \( $x -lt 20 \) ] && echo "yes, between 10 and 20"
#Execute if the program exists
[ -x /bin/ls ] && /bin/ls -l
# If you do not consider compatible posix sh and dash these words, can bash unique ((..)) and [[..]]:
# Flow control: while / for / case / until
# while loop
while condition; do
while [ $i -le 10 ]; do
echo $i;
i=$(expr $i + 1)
# for loop: the above while statement is equivalent
for i in {1..10} ; do
echo $i
for name [in list]; do
# for List all files in a directory
for f in / home / * ; die
echo $f
# bash unique (( .. )) statement, closer to the C language, but not compatible with posix sh
for (( initialisation ; ending condition ; update )); do
# Is equivalent to the above
for ((i = 0; i < 10; i++)); do echo $i; done
# case judgment
case expression in
pattern1 )
statements ;;
pattern2 )
statements ;;
* )
otherwise ;;
# until statement
until condition; do
# select statement
select name [in list]; do
statements that can use $name
# Command processing
the Command ls # ignore alias directly executable program or built-in command ls
the BUILTIN cd # ignore alias cd built-in command is run directly
enable # List all bash built-in command, a command or prohibit
Help {builtin_command} # View the help of built-in commands (bash built-in command only)
the eval $ script # on the evaluation of the string script variables (execution)
# Output/input redirection
CMD1 | cmd2 # pipelines, cmd1 standard output to the standard input cmd2
< File # contents of the file redirect standard input of command
> File # will be redirected to the standard output of a command file, overwrite files
>> File # standard command to redirect the output to a file, no additional covering
> | File # force the output to a file, even if set too: set -o noclobber
n > | File # force the file descriptor n redirect the output to a file
<> File # use this file as the standard input and standard output
n <> File # use as file input and output file descriptors n
n > File # redirect output to a file descriptor n
n < File # redirect file descriptor n input file content
n > & # standard output dup / merge file descriptor n
n < & # standard input dump / merge oriented descriptors n
n > & m # file descriptor is used as a copy descriptor n m of output
n < & m # file descriptor is n m as a copy of the descriptor, the input
& > File # standard output and standard error redirected to file
< & - # Close standard input
>& - # Close standard output
n >& - # Close the file descriptor as output n
n < & - # Close the file descriptor as input n
the diff <( CMD1 ) <( CMD2 ) # output compare two orders
#文字处理- cut
-C 1-16 Cut # intercept the first 16 characters per line
-c 1-16 File Cut # interception of a specified file in the first 16 characters per line
-c3- Cut # intercept the content of each line beginning at the end of the row from the third character
-d Cut ' : ' -F5 # taken fifth column contents separated by colons
-d Cut ' ; ' -f2,10 # taken separated by a semicolon and the tenth column of the second content
-d Cut ' ' -f3-7 # taken space delimited three to seven
echo "hello" | cut -c1-3 # 显示 hel
echo "hello sir" | cut -d' ' -f2 # 显示 sir
ps | tr -s " " | cut -d " " -f 2,3,4 # cut with tr compressed characters
# Text Processing - awk / sed
awk ' {}. 5 Print $ ' File # print file separated by spaces fifth column
-F awk ' , ' ' {}. 5 Print $ ' File # fifth column print comma-separated file
awk ' / str / 2} {Print $ ' File # in the second column of the print file contains all rows str
-F awk ' , ' ' {} of NF Print $ ' File # prints a comma delimited file last column of each row
awk ' {S}. 1 the END + = $ {S} Print ' File # count all together in the first column
awk ' NR. 3%. 1 == ' File # from the beginning of the first row, every fourth row line is printed
Sed ' S / Find / Replace / ' File # replacement string appears first in the file, and outputs the result
Sed ' 10s / Find / Replace / ' File # replace content files, line 10
Sed ' 10,20s / Find / Replace / ' File # replace lines 10-20 file content
-R & lt Sed ' S / REGEX / Replace / G ' File # replace all occurrences file
-i Sed ' S / Find / Replace / G ' File # replace all the characters that appear in the document and the document cover
-i Sed ' / Find / I \ NEWLINE ' File # before matching text file into a row
-i Sed ' / Find / A \ NEWLINE ' File # after the matched text file into a row
sed ' /line/s/find/replace/ ' file # first search for line features and then perform replacement
-e Sed ' S / F / R & lt / ' -e ' S / F / R & lt ' File # perform multiple replacement
sed ' s#find#replace# ' file #Use # to replace / to avoid slashes in the pattern
-r -i sed ' S / ^ \ S + G // ' File # delete the file header spaces per line
sed ' / ^ $ / d ' File # delete a file and print blank lines
sed -i ' s/\s\+$// ' file # delete extra spaces at the end of each line of the file
-n sed ' 2p ' File # print the second line of the file
-n sed ' 2,5p ' File # second to the fifth line of print files
# Sort- sort
File the Sort # sort files
-r File the Sort # reverse (descending)
-n File the Sort # using digital rather than a string compare
-t the Sort: -k 3N / etc / passwd # sort by the third column of the passwd file
-u File the Sort # to reorder
# Quick Jump -
source /path/to/ # Initialize in .bashrc
z # List all historical paths and their weights
foo z # right to jump to the historical path of the heaviest match foo directory
foo bar z # jump to match the weight of history in the path of the largest directories foo and bar right
the -l foo z # listed in the directory path and the right of all historical re-match foo
-r foo z # accordance with the highest priority to match the number of visits Jump
-t foo z # according to a recent priority access to match Jump
# Keyboard bindings
the bind ' "\ EH": "\ Cb" ' # binding ALT + h is the cursor left, with CTRL + b / <Left>
the bind ' "\ EL": "\ of Cf" ' # binding ALT + l is the cursor right, with CTRL + f / <Right>
the bind ' "\ EJ": "\ Cn" ' # binding ALT + j history for the next article, with CTRL + n / <Down>
the bind ' "\ EK": "\ Cp" ' # Bind ALT + k is the history of the strip, with CTRL + p / <Up>
the bind ' "\ for eH": "\ EB" ' # binding ALT + H for the cursor one word, with the ALT-b
the bind ' "\ eL": "\ EF" ' # binding ALT + L is the cursor right one word, with the ALT-f
the bind ' "\ eJ": "\ of Ca" ' # binding ALT + J to move to the beginning of the line, with the CTRL + a / <Home>
the bind ' "\ eK": "\ of Ce" ' # binding ALT + K is moved to the end of the line, with the CTRL + e / <End>
the bind ' "\ E;": "ls -l \ n-" ' # binding ALT +; ls -l command to execute
# Network Management: ip / ifconfig / nmap ...
ip a #Display all network addresses, same as ip address
A Show eth1 ip # display the IP address of the network card
A the Add dev eth1 ip # add the IP address of the network card
A del dev eth1 ip # delete the IP address of the network card
Link Show dev eth0 ip # display network card device properties
Link ip the SET eth1 up # to activate the card
Link ip the SET eth1 Down # Close card
Link IP SET eth1 MAC address} { # modify the MAC address
Neighbor ip # View ARP Cache
route ip # View the routing table
Via the Add route ip dev eth0 # Add a static route
route del ip # delete static routes
ifconfig # display all cards and interface information
-a ifconfig # display all network cards (including the boot did not start) information
eth0 ifconfig # specify the information display device
eth0 up ifconfig # to activate the card
Down eth0 ifconfig # Close card eth0 ifconfig # Configure an IP address to the network card Netmask up eth0 ifconfig # Configure IP and start
00 HW ether eth0 the ifconfig: AA: BB: CC: dd: EE # modify the MAC address nmap # scan host port 1-1000
-p 1024-65535 nmap # scanning a given port nmap # given all hosts within the local area network scanning
-O -sV nmap # probe hosting and operating system version
# Interesting command
hier man # view the file system structure and meaning
man the Test # View posix sh of conditional aid
ascii man # display ascii table
LONG_BIT getconf # View system is 32-bit or 64-bit
the bind -P # list of shortcuts all bash
Mount | column -t # pretty lists the currently loaded file system curl # made outside the network ip address and information service providers
the disown -a && Exit # close all background tasks and exit
CAT / etc / Issue # View Linux Release Information
-i Port lsof: 80 # which applications are using port 80?
-a showkey # get key ASCII code
svn diff | view- # Use Vim to display colored diff output
filename Music Videos. {Old, new new} # Fast File rename
Time the Read # use CTRL-D stop, the easiest timing function
file.txt {CP,.} BAK # fast backup file
Touch sudo / forcefsck # forcibly restart in the next scan disk
the Find ~ -mmin 60 The -type f # to find $ HOME directory, modified files within 60 minutes curl # Check the weather forecast for Beijing
echo $ {SSH_CLIENT %% * } # get you from what IP link to the current host
echo $ [1 + X% the RANDOM] # obtain a random number between 1 to X
the bind the -X- ' "\ CI": ls -l ' # Set CTRL + l ls -l command to execute
the Find / The -type f -size + 5M # find files larger than 5M
--reference f1 f2 chmod # The f1 and f2 set to exactly the same rights
-L curl # Quick Reference Book
# General Tips
# Lists the most commonly used commands
history | awk '{a[$2]++}END{for(i in a){print a[i] " " i}}' | sort -rn | head
# List all network states: ESTABLISHED / TIME_WAIT / FIN_WAIT1 / FIN_WAIT2
netstat -n | awk '/^tcp/ {++tt[$NF]} END {for (a in tt) print a, tt[a]}'
# Via SSH to mount the file system
sshfs name@server:/path/to/folder /path/to/mount/point
#Display the top ten running processes and sort by memory usage
ps to | sort -nk +4 | tail
# In the upper right corner of the display clock
while sleep 1;do tput sc;tput cup 0 $(($(tput cols)-29));date;tput rc;done&
# Extract a file from a compressed file on the network, and avoid saving intermediate files
wget -qO - "" | tar zxvf -
# Performance Testing: Test processor performance
python -c "import test.pystone;print(test.pystone.pystones())"
# Performance Testing: Memory Bandwidth
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/null bs=1M count=32768
# Mount an iso file under Linux
mount /path/to/file.iso /mnt/cdrom -oloop
# To the host via Host A B ssh
ssh -t hostA ssh hostB
#Download all pictures of a website
wget -r -l1 --no-parent -nH -nd -P/tmp -A".gif,.jpg"
# Quickly create a project directory
mkdir -p work/{project1,project2}/{src,bin,bak}
# Find files by date range
find . -type f -newermt "2010-01-01" ! -newermt "2010-06-01"
#Display the process currently using the network
lsof -P -i -n | cut -f 1 -d " "| uniq | tail -n +2
# Save a file without permission in Vim
:w !sudo tee > /dev/null %
# Load another file .bashrc / .bash_profile (for example, you save the configuration on the github)
source ~/github/profiles/
# Reverse proxy: the external host ( port (8443) is forwarded to the host within the network
ssh -CqTnN -R user@
#正向Proxy: Forward port 8443 of the local host to through
ssh -CqTnN -L user@
# socks5 Proxy: forward the proxy request of socks5 on the local port 1080 through the remote host
ssh -CqTnN -D localhost:1080 user@
# Right BackSpace key and the ALT key is provided at the terminal
# Useful functions
# Automatically extract: determine file extensions and call the appropriate decompression command
function q-extract() {
if [ -f $1 ] ; then
case $1 in
* .tar.bz2) tar -xvjf $ 1 ;;
* .tar.gz) tar -xvzf $ 1 ;;
*.tar.xz) tar -xvJf $1 ;;
*.bz2) bunzip2 $1 ;;
* .rar) rar x $ 1 ;;
*.gz) gunzip $1 ;;
*.tar) tar -xvf $1 ;;
* .tbz2) tar -xvjf $ 1 ;;
* .tgz) tar -xvzf $ 1 ;;
*.zip) unzip $1 ;;
*.Z) uncompress $1 ;;
*.7z) 7z x $1 ;;
*) echo "don't know how to extract '$1'..." ;;
echo "'$1' is not a valid file!"
# Automatic Compression: judge call the appropriate extension and compression program
function q-compress() {
if [ -n "$1" ] ; then
case $ FILE in
*.tar) shift && tar -cf $FILE $* ;;
*.tar.bz2) shift && tar -cjf $FILE $* ;;
*.tar.xz) shift && tar -cJf $FILE $* ;;
*.tar.gz) shift && tar -czf $FILE $* ;;
*.tgz) shift && tar -czf $FILE $* ;;
*.zip) shift && zip $FILE $* ;;
*.rar) shift && rar $FILE $* ;;
echo "usage: q-compress <foo.tar.gz> ./foo ./bar"
# Color CAT beautiful with syntax highlighting, you need to pip install pygments
function ccat () {
local style="monokai"
if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
pygmentize -P style=$style -P tabsize=4 -f terminal256 -g
for NAME in $ @ ; do
pygmentize -P style=$style -P tabsize=4 -f terminal256 -g "$NAME"
# Into your ~ / .bashrc configuration file, to increase man beautiful color highlights
export LESS_TERMCAP_mb=$'\E[1m\E[32m'
export LESS_TERMCAP_mh=$'\E[2m'
export LESS_TERMCAP_mr=$'\E[7m'
export LESS_TERMCAP_md=$'\E[1m\E[36m'
export LESS_TERMCAP_us=$'\E[4m\E[1m\E[37m'
export LESS_TERMCAP_me=$'\E(B\E[m'
export LESS_TERMCAP_ue=$'\E[24m\E(B\E[m'
export LESS_TERMCAP_se=$'\E[27m\E(B\E[m'
export LESS_TERMCAP_so=$'\E[1m\E[33m\E[44m'
# ALT+hjkl/HJKL quickly move the cursor, add the following content to ~/.inputrc to use all tools,
# Include the use of tools readline bash / zsh / python / lua, to help see: info rluserman
"\eh": backward-char
"\el": forward-char
"\ej": next-history
"\ek": previous-history
"\eH": backward-word
"\eL": forward-word
"\eJ": beginning-of-line
"\eK": end-of-line
# References
# vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=0 et :
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