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Last active February 18, 2018 18:21
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(ns provisdom.examples.truth-maintenance
(:require [clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
[provisdom.maali.rules :refer [defrules defqueries defsession def-derive] :as rules]
[clara.rules.accumulators :as acc]
[clojure.pprint :refer [pprint]]))
;;; Attribute specs
(s/def ::location string?)
(s/def ::temperature number?)
(s/def ::high ::temperature)
(s/def ::low ::temperature)
;;; Fact-type specs
(s/def ::Temperature (s/keys :req [::temperature ::location]))
(s/def ::LocalTemperatureRecords (s/keys :req [::high ::low ::location]))
(s/def ::Cold (s/keys :req [::temperature]))
(s/def ::AlwaysOverZeroLocation (s/keys :req [::location]))
(defrules rules
[?min-temp <- (acc/min ::temperature) :from [::Temperature (= ?loc location)]]
[?max-temp <- (acc/max ::temperature) :from [::Temperature (= ?loc location)]]
(rules/insert! ::LocalTemperatureRecords {::high ?max-temp ::low ?min-temp ::location ?loc})]
[::LocalTemperatureRecords (> low 0) (= ?loc location)]
(rules/insert! ::AlwaysOverZeroLocation {::location ?loc})]
;; When a Temperature fact is inserted or retracted, the output of insert-temperature-records will
;; be adjusted to compensate, and the output of this rule will in turn be adjusted to compensate for the
;; change in the LocalTemperatureRecords facts in the session.
[::Temperature (= ?temperature temperature) (< temperature 30)]
(rules/insert! ::Cold {::temperature ?temperature})])
(defqueries queries
"Query for Cold facts"
[::Cold (= ?temperature temperature)]]
"Query for LocalTemperatureRecord facts"
[::LocalTemperatureRecords (= ?high high) (= ?low low) (= ?loc location)]]
"Query for AlwaysOverZeroLocation facts"
[::AlwaysOverZeroLocation (= ?loc location)]])
(defsession initial-session [provisdom.examples.truth-maintenance/rules
(defn run-examples []
(let [initial-session (-> initial-session
(rules/insert ::Temperature
{::temperature -10 ::location "MCI"}
{::temperature 110 ::location "MCI"}
{::temperature 20 ::location "LHR"}
{::temperature 90 ::location "LHR"})
(println "Initial cold temperatures: ")
(pprint (rules/query initial-session ::cold-facts))
(println "Initial local temperature records: ")
(pprint (rules/query initial-session ::records-facts))
(println "Initial locations that have never been below 0: ")
(pprint (rules/query initial-session ::always-over-zero-facts))
(println "Now add a temperature of -5 to LHR and a temperature of 115 to MCI")
(let [with-mods-session (-> initial-session
(rules/insert ::Temperature
{::temperature -5 ::location "LHR"}
{::temperature 115 ::location "MCI"})
(println "New cold temperatures: ")
(pprint (rules/query with-mods-session ::cold-facts))
(println "New local temperature records: ")
(pprint (rules/query with-mods-session ::records-facts))
(println "New locations that have never been below 0: ")
(pprint (rules/query with-mods-session ::always-over-zero-facts))
(let [with-retracted-session (-> with-mods-session
(rules/retract ::Temperature {::temperature -5 ::location "LHR"})
(println "Now we retract the temperature of -5 at LHR")
(println "Cold temperatures with this retraction: ")
(pprint (rules/query with-retracted-session ::cold-facts))
(println "Local temperature records with this retraction: ")
(pprint (rules/query with-retracted-session ::records-facts))
(println "Locations that have never been below zero with this retraction: ")
(pprint (rules/query with-retracted-session ::always-over-zero-facts))))))
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