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sparr/ztoc.fbs Secret

Created March 6, 2023 13:27
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include "ztoc_types.fbs";
namespace ztoc;
table Ztoc {
version : string; // The version of the Ztoc in format <major_version>.<minor_version>, e.g. 1.0
compressed_archive_size : long;
uncompressed_archive_size : long;
toc : TOC;
compression_info : CompressionInfo;
root_type Ztoc;
include "ztoc_types.fbs";
namespace ztoc;
table Ztoc {
version : string; // The version of the Ztoc in format <major_version>.<minor_version>, e.g. 1.0
build_tool_identifier : string;
compressed_archive_size : long;
uncompressed_archive_size : long;
toc : TOC;
compression_info : CompressionInfo;
namespace ztoc;
table Xattr {
key : string;
value : string;
table FileMetadata {
name : string;
type : string;
uncompressed_offset : long;
uncompressed_size : long;
linkname : string; // Target name of link (valid for TypeLink or TypeSymlink)
mode : long; // Permission and mode bits
uid : uint32; // User ID of owner
gid : uint32; // Group ID of owner
uname : string; // User name of owner
gname : string; // Group name of owner
mod_time : string; // Modification time (is formatted in RFC 3339 format,
// with sub-second precision added if present: "2006-01-02T15:04:05.999999999Z07:00")
devmajor : long; // Major device number (valid for TypeChar or TypeBlock)
devminor : long; // Minor device number (valid for TypeChar or TypeBlock)
xattrs : [Xattr];
enum CompressionAlgorithm : byte { Gzip = 1 }
table CompressionInfo {
compression_algorithm : CompressionAlgorithm = Gzip;
max_span_id : int; // The total number of spans in Ztoc - 1
span_digests : [string];
checkpoints : [ubyte]; // the binary data used to decompress the span
table TOC {
metadata : [FileMetadata];
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