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* Matrix.h
* Created on: May 28, 2014
* Author: mirt
#ifndef MATRIX_H_
#define MATRIX_H_
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <climits>
using namespace std;
* Supports the Matrix Structures, with indexing on any type,
* has special operations for general matrix use, is the class used by all the BLAS interface methods
* , please use this class in the package whenever posible.
* the class is a templated class supporting any type for components of the matrix, the support of this class is
* made for two dimension matrices and one dimension vectors, overloaded operators are the parenthesis for one or two
* dimensional indexing, and the output operator, the class also supports transposed and symmetric matrices
* and when declaring matrices they can be declared either empty, reseted to a value, as an identity, or as a
* random matrix. Some very fast methods are implemented for specific matrix sizes. Use this with care.
template<typename T>
class Matrix;
* Overloads the << operator for printing two dimensional matrices, use for debugging or outputting to files
* returns an ostream object
template<typename T>
ostream& operator<<(ostream &, Matrix<T> &);
template<class T>
class Matrix {
unsigned int nCol;
unsigned int nRow;
T m(char);
T get3x3determinant ();
//bool transposed;
bool symmetric;
T **memory;
unsigned int ld;
static char del;
Matrix(T**, unsigned int, unsigned int);/*Importing a 2D array*/
Matrix(); /**Empty object*/
Matrix(unsigned int, unsigned int); /**Two dimensional Matrix Constructor allocates memory*/
Matrix(Matrix<T>&); /**Copy constructor*/
Matrix(char I, unsigned int size); /**Create special kinds of matrices (dense identity)*/
void reset();/**Reset method, puts all entries in zeros*/
void transpose ();/**Transposes the matrix, notice it does not perform memory transpose, only index transpose*/
void copy(Matrix<T>&);/**Copy constructor*/
unsigned int nR(); /** Returns number of rows */
unsigned int nC(); /** Returns number of columns */
void setIndex(unsigned int, unsigned int, T);
T getIndex(unsigned int, unsigned int);
T sum(); /** Returns the sum of all objects */
inline T & operator()(const unsigned int nCol, const unsigned int nRow); /** Accessing operator for a element */
T & operator()(const unsigned int element); /**Accessing operator for a element */
friend ostream& operator<<<T>(ostream &, Matrix<T> &); /** Output operator */
bool isSymmetric() const; /** Symmetry flag for optimizations */
void setSymmetric(bool symmetric); /** Set to true the symmetry flag */
virtual ~Matrix();
template<class T>
char Matrix<T>::del = ' ';
template<class T>
T Matrix<T>::sum()
T sum = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nRow; i++)
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < nCol; j++)
sum += memory[i];
return (sum);
template<class T>
unsigned int Matrix<T>::nR() { return (nRow); }
template<class T>
unsigned int Matrix<T>::nC() { return (nCol); }
template<class T>
inline void Matrix<T>::setIndex(unsigned int r, unsigned int c, T value)
{ memory[r][c] = value; }
template<class T>
inline T Matrix<T>::getIndex(unsigned int r, unsigned int c)
{ return memory[r][c]; }
template<class T>
Matrix<T>::Matrix() {
nCol = 0;
nRow = 0;
ld = 0;
memory = NULL;
//transposed = false;
symmetric = false;
template<class T>
Matrix<T>::Matrix(Matrix<T>& a) {
memory = NULL;
template<class T>
Matrix<T>::Matrix(unsigned int r, unsigned int c) {
nCol = c;
nRow = r;
//transposed = false;
memory = new T*[r];
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < r; i++)
memory[i] = new T[c];
symmetric = false;
ld = c;
template<class T>
Matrix<T>::Matrix(T** mem , unsigned int r, unsigned int c) {
nCol = c;
nRow = r;
//transposed = false;
memory = new T*[r];
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < r; i++)
memory[i] = new T[c];
symmetric = false;
ld = c;
for (unsigned int var = 0; var < r; ++var) {
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < c; ++j) {
memory[var][j] = mem[var][j];
template<class T>
inline T & Matrix<T>::operator()(const unsigned int r, const unsigned int c) {
return (memory[r][c]);
template<class T>
inline bool Matrix<T>::isSymmetric() const {
return (symmetric);
template<class T>
inline void Matrix<T>::setSymmetric(bool symmetric) {
this->symmetric = symmetric;
template<class T>
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < nRow; i++)
delete memory[i];
delete[] memory;
template<class T>
void Matrix<T>::reset() {
memset(memory, 0.0, (nCol * nRow) * sizeof(T));
template<class T>
void Matrix<T>::copy(Matrix<T>& a) {
this->nCol = a.nC();
this->nRow = a.nR();
memory = new T*[a.nR()];
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < a.nR(); i++)
memory[i] = new T[a.nC()];
symmetric = a.symmetric;
template<class T>
ostream& operator<<(ostream &out, Matrix<T> &M) {
// Since operator<< is a friend of the Point class, we can access
// Point's members directly.
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < M.nR(); ++i) {
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < M.nC(); j++) {
out << M(i, j) << M.del;
out << endl;
return (out);
#endif /* MATRIX_H_ */
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