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Created November 16, 2020 23:29
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Scripts varios
data_table = read.csv2( "ruta/del/archivo/" )
raw_data = unname( unlist( data_table ) )
raw_data = raw_data[which( ! raw_data ) )]
View( data_table )
max_x = max( raw_data )
min_x = min( raw_data )
x_values = unique( raw_data )
x_values = sort( x_values )
y_data = list()
for( i in x_values )
y_data[[as.character( i )]] = 0
for( current_col in 1:ncol( data_table ) )
current_data = data_table[, current_col]
current_data = current_data[which( ! current_data ) )]
for( i in x_values )
if( i >= max( current_data ) )
y_data[[as.character( i )]] = y_data[[as.character( i )]] + 1
new_y_data = vector()
for( i in x_values )
new_y_data = c( new_y_data, y_data[[as.character( i )]] )
plot( x_values, new_y_data, xlab = )
write.csv2( data.frame( x_values, new_y_data ), file = "Resumen.csv" )
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