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Last active September 22, 2022 17:11
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$SettingsFile = "$((Get-Location).Path)\settings.xml"
$NetworkAdapter = 'Ethernet'
$title = 'Network Settings'
# Get-NetAdapterBinding -IncludeHidden -Name Ethernet -AllBindings
$tweakSettings = @("ms_rdma_ndk", "ms_tcpip", "ms_pppoe", "ms_netbt")
$l = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription '&Load', 'Load stored settings'
$s = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription '&Save', 'Save current settings'
$t = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription '&Tweak', 'Tweak Network settings'
$options = [System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription[]]($l, $s, $t)
$defaultOption = 1
if (Test-Path -Path $SettingsFile -PathType Leaf) {
$defaultOption = 0
$result = $host.ui.PromptForChoice($title, '', $options, $defaultOption)
switch ($result) {
0 {
if (-Not (Test-Path -Path $SettingsFile -PathType Leaf)) {
Write-Host "settings.xml nicht gefunden"
[XML]$xmlDoc = Get-Content $SettingsFile
foreach ($item in $xmlDoc.root.item) {
if ($item.enabled) {
Set-NetAdapterBinding -Name $NetworkAdapter -ComponentID $item.ComponentID -Enabled $True -IncludeHidden -AllBindings
} else {
Set-NetAdapterBinding -Name $NetworkAdapter -ComponentID $item.ComponentID -Enabled $False -IncludeHidden -AllBindings
1 {
[xml]$xmlDoc = New-Object system.Xml.XmlDocument
$xmlDoc.LoadXml("<?xml version=`"1.0`" encoding=`"utf-8`"?><root></root>")
foreach ($item in Get-NetAdapterBinding -IncludeHidden -Name $NetworkAdapter -AllBindings) {
$xmlElt = $xmlDoc.CreateElement("item")
$xmlSubElt = $xmlDoc.CreateElement("description")
$xmlSubText = $xmlDoc.CreateTextNode($item.Description)
$xmlSubElt = $xmlDoc.CreateElement("enabled")
$xmlSubText = $xmlDoc.CreateTextNode($item.Enabled)
$xmlAtt = $xmlDoc.CreateAttribute("componentID")
$xmlAtt.Value = $item.ComponentID
2 {
foreach ($item in Get-NetAdapterBinding -IncludeHidden -Name $NetworkAdapter -AllBindings) {
if ($tweakSettings.Contains($item.ComponentID)) {
if (-Not ($item.Enabled)) {
Set-NetAdapterBinding -Name $NetworkAdapter -ComponentID $item.ComponentID -Enabled $True -IncludeHidden -AllBindings
} else {
if ($item.Enabled) {
Set-NetAdapterBinding -Name $NetworkAdapter -ComponentID $item.ComponentID -Enabled $False -IncludeHidden -AllBindings
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