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Created May 13, 2020 07:46
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#lang racket/gui
(require ffi/unsafe
pict pict/face)
;; Create the frame:
(define f (new frame%
[label "Example"]
[width 400]
[height 400]))
;; Add a transparent canvas that displays "Hello"
(new canvas%
[parent f]
[style '(transparent)]
[paint-callback (lambda (c dc)
(send dc draw-text "Hello" 0 0)
(draw-pict (face 'happy) dc 10 15))])
;; The `CGFloat` type depends on the platform:
(define 64-bit? (= (ctype-sizeof _long) 8))
(define _CGFloat (if 64-bit? _double _float))
;; Get an `NSWindow` from the `frame%` object:
(define h (send f get-handle))
;; Set the background's transparency at the `NSWindow` level:
(import-class NSColor)
(tellv h setBackgroundColor: (tell NSColor
colorWithRed: #:type _CGFloat 1.0
green: #:type _CGFloat 1.0
blue: #:type _CGFloat 1.0
alpha: #:type _CGFloat 0.0))
;(tell h titlebarAppearsTransparent: #:type _BOOL YES)
;var titlebarAppearsTransparent: Bool
(tellv h setOpaque: #:type _BOOL NO)
;; Show the frame:
(send f show #t)
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found in racket-users archive (2014?)

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