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Forked from Metaxal/paint.rkt
Created October 17, 2020 15:18
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A very simple painting program
#lang racket/gui
;; License: [Apache License, Version 2.0]( or
;; [MIT license]( at your option.
(require pict)
(define line-width-init 1)
(define my-canvas%
(class canvas%
(define color "black")
(define line-width line-width-init)
(define commands '())
(define/override (on-event ev)
(when (send ev get-left-down)
(when (send ev button-changed? 'left)
; start a new line
(set! commands (cons '() commands)))
(define pos (cons (send ev get-x) (send ev get-y)))
(set! commands (cons (cons pos (first commands)) (rest commands)))
(send this refresh)))
(define/public (get-commands)
(define/public (clear-commands)
(set! commands '())
(set-color color)
(set-line-width line-width)
(send this refresh))
(define/public (set-color c)
(set! color c)
(set! commands
(cons (list 'color color)
(match commands
[`((color ,c-old) . ,rst) rst] ; replace
[else commands]))))
(define/public (set-line-width w)
(set! line-width w)
(set! commands
(cons (list 'line-width w)
(match commands
[`((line-width ,w-old) . ,rst) rst] ; replace
[else commands]))))
(define/public (undo-command)
(unless (empty? commands)
(set! commands (rest commands))
(send this refresh)))
(define fr (new frame% [label "Racket Draw"]
[width 500] [height 500]))
(define bt-panel (new horizontal-panel% [parent fr] [stretchable-height #f]))
(define bt-erase (new button% [parent bt-panel] [label "Clear"]
[callback (λ (bt ev) (send cv clear-commands))]))
(for ([color '("black" "red" "green" "blue")])
(new button% [parent bt-panel] [label (pict->bitmap (colorize (filled-rectangle 20 20) color))]
[callback (λ (bt ev) (send cv set-color color))]))
(define bt-color (new button% [parent bt-panel] [label "Color"]
[callback (λ (bt ev)
(define c (get-color-from-user))
(when c (send cv set-color c)))]))
(define bt-undo (new button% [parent bt-panel] [label "Undo"]
[callback (λ (bt ev)
(send cv undo-command))]))
(define width-slider (new slider% [parent fr] [label "Line width"]
[min-value 1] [max-value 100] [init-value line-width-init]
[callback (λ (sl ev)
(send cv set-line-width (send sl get-value)))]))
(define cv (new my-canvas% [parent fr]
(λ (cv dc)
(define commands (reverse (send cv get-commands)))
(send dc set-background "white")
(send dc clear)
; Not efficient to redraw all the lines each time. We should keep the previous
; picture and draw on top of it instead.
(for ([cmd (in-list commands)])
(match cmd
[`(line-width ,w)
(define p (send dc get-pen))
(send dc set-pen (send p get-color) w 'solid)
(send width-slider set-value w)]
[`(color ,c)
(define p (send dc get-pen))
(send dc set-pen c (send p get-width) 'solid)]
[(? list?)
(send dc draw-lines cmd)])))]))
(send fr show #t)
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