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adding breakout to DrRacket
#lang racket/base
(require quickscript
; Jens Axel Søgaard, Feb 2014
;;; References
;;; Data Representation
(struct world (paddle bricks ball) #:transparent)
(struct body (x y w h) #:transparent)
(struct brick body (strength) #:transparent)
(struct ball body (vx vy) #:transparent)
(struct paddle body (dead?) #:transparent)
; The velocities vx and vy of the ball are measured in pixels pr second.
;;; Configuration
(define paddle-width 30)
(define paddle-height 6)
(define ball-size 3)
(define brick-width 30)
(define brick-height 10)
(define bricks-in-a-row 10)
(define brick-in-a-column 5)
(define brick-gap 2)
(define width (+ (* brick-width (+ bricks-in-a-row 2))
(* brick-gap (- bricks-in-a-row 2))))
(define height 200)
(define frames-per-second 10)
(define Δt (/ 1. frames-per-second))
;;; Smart Constructors
(define (new-ball x y vx vy)
(ball x y ball-size ball-size vx vy))
(define (new-brick x y s)
(brick x y brick-width brick-height s))
(define (new-paddle x y)
(paddle x y paddle-width paddle-height #f))
;;; Creation
; create-world : -> world
; the initial world contains a paddle and a bunch of bricks
(define (create-world)
(world (create-paddle) (create-bricks) (create-ball)))
; create-bricks : -> (list body)
; create list of twenty-four bricks
(define (create-bricks)
(define w brick-width)
(define h brick-height)
(define gap brick-gap)
(define margin 30)
(define rows 5)
(define cols 10)
(for/list ([i (* rows cols)])
(define row (quotient i cols))
(define strength (- rows row))
(define x (+ margin (* (+ w gap) (remainder i cols))))
(define y (+ margin (* (+ h gap) row)))
(new-brick x y strength)))
; create-paddle : -> paddle
(define (create-paddle)
(define x (- (/ width 2.) (/ paddle-width 2.)))
(define y (- height (* 2. paddle-height)))
(new-paddle x y))
(define (create-ball)
(define x (- (/ width 2.) (/ paddle-width 2.)))
(define y (- height (* 3. paddle-height)))
(new-ball x y 4. -20.)) ; velocities in pixels per second
;;; Updaters
; update-brick : brick -> brick
; nothing happens here yet
(define (update-brick b)
(match-define (brick x y w h s) b)
(brick x y w h s))
; update-ball : ball -> ball
#;(define (update-ball b)
(match-define (ball x y w h vx vy) b)
(ball (+ x vx) (+ y vy) w h vx vy))
; update-paddle : world -> world
(define (update-paddle w)
(match-define (world p bricks balls) w)
(match-define (paddle x y pw ph dead?) p)
(define moved-paddle
(cond [dead? p]
[(key-down? 'left) (paddle (- x 2.) y pw ph dead?)]
[(key-down? 'right) (paddle (+ x 2.) y pw ph dead?)]
[else (paddle x y pw ph dead?)]))
(world moved-paddle bricks balls))
(define (update w)
(update-ball w))))))
(define (update-bricks w)
(define bs (world-bricks w))
(struct-copy world w [bricks (map update-brick bs)]))
(define (update-ball w)
(define b (world-ball w))
(move-ball w b))
(define (restart-on-r w)
(if (key-down? #\r)
(define (new-ball-on-b w)
(if (key-down? #\b)
(struct-copy world w
[ball (create-ball)]
[paddle (create-paddle)])
;;; Collision
(define (line-intersection x0 y0 x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3)
(struct line-equation (a b c) #:transparent) ; ax+by=c
(define (two-points->line-equation x0 y0 x1 y1)
(define a (- y1 y0))
(define b (- x0 x1))
(define c (+ (* a x0) (* b y0)))
(line-equation a b c))
(define l0 (two-points->line-equation x0 y0 x1 y1))
(define l1 (two-points->line-equation x2 y2 x3 y3))
(match-define (line-equation a0 b0 c0) l0)
(match-define (line-equation a1 b1 c1) l1)
(define det (- (* a0 b1) (* a1 b0)))
(cond [(zero? det) #f] ; lines are parallel
[else (list (/ (- (* b1 c0) (* b0 c1)) det)
(/ (- (* a0 c1) (* a1 c0)) det))]))
(define (move-ball w b)
(match-define (ball x y bw bh vx vy) b)
(define Δx (* Δt vx)) ; distance = time * velocity
(define Δy (* Δt vy))
; the total distance to move during this time step
(define Δ (sqrt (+ (sqr Δx) (sqr Δy))))
; the number of steps: a step needs to so small that
; the ball moves at most one pixlel in both the horisontal
; and vertical direction (this way a fast ball can't move through a brick)
(define n (* 3 (inexact->exact (ceiling (max (abs Δx) (abs Δy) #;(abs Δ))))))
; the individual steps in each direction:
; (displayln (list 'move-ball 'steps n 'Δx Δx 'Δy Δy))
(match-define (world paddle bricks _) w)
(for/fold ([w (world paddle bricks b)]) ([_ n])
; if (during move-ball/one-step) the ball velocity is changed,
; the Δx/n and Δy/n needs to be recomputed - so we can't
; just use Δx and Δy from above repeatedly
(match-define (ball x y bw bh vx vy) (world-ball w))
(define Δx/n (/ (* Δt vx) n))
(define Δy/n (/ (* Δt vy) n))
(move-ball/one-step w Δx/n Δy/n)))
(define (move-ball/one-step w Δx Δy)
(unless (<= (sqrt (+ (sqr Δx) (sqr Δy))) 1.)
(displayln (list Δx Δy (sqrt (+ (sqr Δx) (sqr Δy)))))
(error 'move-ball "internal error: expected small steps to be smaller than 1"))
; move the first ball in w the distance given by Δx and Δy,
; handle collisions: i.e. remove brick and change direction
(match-define (world paddle bricks b) w)
(match-define (ball x y bw bh vx vy) b)
(define moved-ball (ball (+ x Δx) (+ y Δy) bw bh vx vy))
(world paddle bricks moved-ball)))))
(define (colliding? b1 b2)
(match-define (body x1 y1 w1 h1) b1)
(match-define (body x2 y2 w2 h2) b2)
(not (or (eq? b1 b2)
(< (+ x1 w1) x2) (> x1 (+ x2 w2))
(< (+ y1 h1) y2) (> y1 (+ y2 h2)))))
(define (maybe-flip a-ball a-brick)
; (displayln (list a-ball a-brick))
; a collision between the ball and the body has been detected,
; maybe flip the x and y velocities of the ball
(match-define (body bx by bw bh) a-brick)
(define (~ x y) (<= (abs (- x y)) 1.5)) ; xxx
(define (maybe-flip-vx a-ball)
(match-define (ball x y w h vx vy) a-ball)
(cond [(~ (+ x w) bx) (ball (- bx w) y w h (- vx) vy)]
[(~ x (+ bx bw)) (ball (+ bx bw) y w h (- vx) vy)]
[else a-ball]))
(define (maybe-flip-vy a-ball)
(match-define (ball x y w h vx vy) a-ball)
(cond [(~ (+ y h) by) (ball x (- by h) w h vx (- vy))]
[(~ y (+ by bh)) (ball x (+ by bh) w h vx (- vy))]
[else a-ball]))
(maybe-flip-vy (maybe-flip-vx a-ball)))
(define (reduce-brick-strength b)
(match-define (brick x y w h s) b)
(brick x y w h (max (- s 1) 0)))
(define (handle-ball/brick-collisions w)
; given the ball b, remove any bricks colliding with b
; if the ball collides with a brick, change its direction
(match-define (world paddle bricks ball) w)
(define-values (new-bricks new-ball)
(for/fold ([new-bricks '()] [ball ball])
([brick bricks])
[(colliding? brick ball)
(define new-brick (reduce-brick-strength brick))
(if (zero? (brick-strength new-brick))
(values new-bricks (maybe-flip ball brick))
(values (cons new-brick new-bricks) (maybe-flip ball brick)))]
[else (values (cons brick new-bricks) ball)])))
(world paddle new-bricks new-ball))
(define (handle-ball/paddle-collision w)
; handle collisions between ball and paddle
(match-define (world p bricks b) w)
[(colliding? p b)
(match-define (ball x y bw bh vx vy) b)
(match-define (paddle px py pw ph d) p)
(define ball-center-x (/ (+ x x bw) 2.))
(define paddle-center-x (/ (+ px px pw) 2.))
(define v (sqrt (+ (sqr vx) (sqr vy))))
(define vx* (* (/ (- ball-center-x paddle-center-x) (/ pw 2.))))
(define vy* (* -1 (sqrt (abs (- 1. (sqr vx*))))))
(world p bricks (ball x y bw bh (* vx* v) (* vy* v)))]
[else w]))
(define (handle-ball/wall-collision w)
; handle collisions between the first ball and the paddle
(match-define (world paddle bricks a-ball) w)
(match-define (ball x y bw bh vx vy) a-ball)
; upper wall
[(<= y 0) (world paddle bricks (ball x 1 bw bh vx (- vy)))]
; left wall
[(<= x 0) (world paddle bricks (ball 1 y bw bh (- vx) vy))]
; right wall
[(>= x width) (world paddle bricks (ball (- width 1) y bw bh (- vx) vy))]
[else w]))
; draw-bodies : (list body) drawing-context -> void
; draw the bodies in the world w to the drawing context dc
(define (draw-bodies bs dc)
(for ([b bs])
(match-define (body x y w h) b)
(define c
[(paddle? b) (if (paddle-dead? b) "red" "green")]
[(brick? b) (match (brick-strength b)
[1 "blue"] [2 "green"] [3 "yellow"]
[4 "orange"] [5 "red"] [_ "black"])]
[else "black"]))
(send dc set-brush (new brush% [color c] [style 'solid]))
(send dc draw-rectangle x y w h)))
(define (draw-world w dc)
(match-define (world paddle bricks ball) w)
(draw-bodies (append (list paddle) bricks (list ball)) dc))
(define the-world (create-world))
;;; Keyboard
; The keyboard state is kept in a hash table.
; Use key-down? to find out, whether a key is pressed or not.
(define the-keyboard (make-hasheq))
(define (key-down! k) (hash-set! the-keyboard k #t))
(define (key-up! k) (hash-set! the-keyboard k #f))
(define (key-down? k) (hash-ref the-keyboard k #f))
;;; Canvas
; Key events sent to the canvas updates the information in the-keyboard.
; Paint events calls draw-world. To prevent flicker we suspend flushing
; while drawing commences.
(define game-canvas%
(class canvas%
(define/override (on-event e) ; mouse events
(define/override (on-char e) ; key event
(define key (send e get-key-code))
(define release (send e get-key-release-code))
(when (eq? release 'press) ; key down?
(key-down! key))
(when (eq? key 'release) ; key up?
(key-up! release)))
(define/override (on-paint) ; repaint (exposed or resized)
(define dc (send this get-dc))
(send this suspend-flush)
(send dc clear)
(draw-world the-world dc)
(send this resume-flush))
(displayln "Breakout")
(displayln "Move: left and right arrow")
(displayln "New Ball: b")
(displayln "Reset: r")
(define-script breakout
#:label "breakout"
(λ (selection)
; Create frame with canvas and show it.
(define frame (new frame% [label "Breakout"]))
(define canvas (new game-canvas% [parent frame] [min-width width] [min-height height]))
(send frame show #t)
; Start a timer. Each time the timer triggers, the world is updated.
(define timer (new timer%
(λ ()
(set! the-world (update the-world))
(send canvas on-paint))]
[interval (inexact->exact (* Δt 1000))])) ; in milliseconds
(send timer start 20)
(module+ main
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