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Last active February 5, 2019 21:01
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scapy - demo of dispatch_hook method to dissect next layer based on payload data instead of lower layer attribute(s)
This demo of the dispatch_hook uses a hypothetical protocol running on
top of Ethernet using Ether-type 0xa5b4:
Ethernet [ Foo | Bar ] Baz
Foo : Type String
Bar : Type Short String
Foo and Bar share the same Ether-type and can only be distinguished by checking the first
byte of the layer. This is the point where the dispatch_hook catches in...
>>> frm = Ether()/Foo()/Baz()
###[ Ethernet ]###
dst= ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
src= 78:24:af:8a:8a:4e
type= 0xa5b4
###[ Foo ]###
type= FooLayer
value= 'foo'
###[ Baz ]###
value= 'baz!'
import struct
from scapy.config import conf
from scapy.layers.l2 import Ether
from scapy.packet import Packet, bind_layers, Raw
from scapy.fields import StrFixedLenField, ByteEnumField, ObservableDict, ShortField
class FooBarBaz(Packet):
this class acts as a base for Foo and Bar
FOO_TYPE_ID = 0x00
BAR_TYPE_ID = 0x01
ETHER_TYPE = 0xa5b4
types = ObservableDict(
{FOO_TYPE_ID: 'FooLayer',
BAR_TYPE_ID: 'BarLayer'
def dispatch_hook(cls, _pkt=None, *args, **kargs):
this is called upon dissection and returns the class of the upper layer
:param _pkt: payload
:param args:
:param kargs:
:return: class representing the layer
foo_bar_type = struct.unpack("B", _pkt[0])[0]
return {
FooBarBaz.FOO_TYPE_ID: Foo,
FooBarBaz.BAR_TYPE_ID: Bar
except KeyError:
# if there is no matching upper layer -> return raw (could also throw an Exception to signal broken frame)
return Raw
class Foo(FooBarBaz):
name = 'Foo'
fields_desc = [ByteEnumField('type', FooBarBaz.FOO_TYPE_ID, FooBarBaz.types),
StrFixedLenField('value', 'foo', length=3)]
class Bar(FooBarBaz):
name = 'Bar'
fields_desc = [ByteEnumField('type', FooBarBaz.BAR_TYPE_ID, FooBarBaz.types),
ShortField('some_number', 42),
StrFixedLenField('value', 'bar', length=3)]
class Baz(FooBarBaz):
name = 'Baz'
fields_desc = [StrFixedLenField('value', 'baz!', length=4)]
# only the dispatcher is bound to the lower layer
bind_layers(Ether, FooBarBaz, type=FOO_BAR_BAZ_ETHER_TYPE)
bind_layers(Foo, Baz)
bind_layers(Bar, Baz)
conf.l2types.register(FOO_BAR_BAZ_ETHER_TYPE, Ether)
# execute test:
# > test/run_tests -P "load_contrib('dispatch_hook_demo')" -t scapy/contrib/dispatch_hook_demo.uts
% Test dispatch_hook demo - FooBarBaz protocol
+ build and dissect FooBarBaz layers
= foo
frm = Ether()/Foo()/Baz()
frm = Ether(frm.do_build())
foo_layer = frm.getlayer(Foo, nb=1)
= bar
frm = Ether()/Bar()/Baz()
frm = Ether(frm.do_build())
bar_layer = frm.getlayer(Bar, nb=1)
= unknown
frm = Ether(type=FOO_BAR_BAZ_ETHER_TYPE)/Raw(b'\x02\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05')
frm = Ether(frm.do_build())
raw_layer = frm.getlayer(Raw, nb=1)
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