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Last active December 1, 2023 11:20
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Plot periodic table with Pymatgen and Matplotlib
import re
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection
from pymatgen.core.periodic_table import Element
class PeriodicTablePlotter(object):
frame: str or dict, describe shapes of element cells.
str: patch class name under matplotlib.patches.
dict: {
'shape': patch class name,
'parms': width, height and other parms, needed for 'shape',
'kparms': kparms, supported by 'shape'
colors: dict, custom frame and background colors for elements.
'frame': str, list
'background': str, list, {'depend_on': data_key [, 'cmp': color map, 'cbar': True]}
if you use a gradient, color will based on the data from Element().data or you provide.
depend_on specify which data you want to use.
label: dict or function(not supported yet).
dict: {
'label1': [element symbols or atomic indexes],
or more detail:
dict: {
'label1': {
'elements': [element symbols or atomic indexes],
'color': not necessary
function: func(element symbol or atomic index) returns color and label
text: text content and format within element cells (not supported yet).
data: data beside pymatgen or you want overide for pymatgen
{symbol: {k1: v1, k2:v2}, ...}
def __init__(self, frame=None, colors=None, labels=None, text=None, data=None, font_family=None):
self.frame = frame or {}
if isinstance(self.frame, str):
self.frame = {'shape': self.frame or None}
# self.frame = _frame
self.frame.setdefault('shape', 'Rectangle')
self.frame.setdefault('_parms', self.frame.get('parms', [1, 1]))
self.frame.setdefault('kparms', {})
# _colors = {'frame': 'black', 'background': 'none'}
# _colors.update(colors)
# self.colors = _colors
self.colors = colors or {}
self.colors.setdefault('frame', 'black')
self.colors.setdefault('background', 'none')
if (not labels) or 'background' in labels or 'frame' in labels:
self.labels = labels or {}
self.labels = {'background': labels}
self._text = text or None
self._data = {
Element.from_Z(i).symbol: {
'Symbol': Element.from_Z(i).symbol,
for i in range(1, 104)
if data:
[self._data[k].update(data[k]) for k in data]
self.font_family = font_family or None
def get_frame(self):
self.frame['parms'] = list(self.frame['_parms'])
if self.frame['shape'] == 'FancyBboxPatch':
self.frame['kparms'].setdefault('boxstyle', 'round, pad=0.1')
pad = float([*re.findall('pad=(\d+[.]\d+)', self.frame['kparms']['boxstyle']), 0.3][0])
self.frame['parms'][0:2] = list(np.array(self.frame['_parms'][0:2]) - 2 * pad)
return getattr(mpatches, self.frame['shape'])
except AttributeError:
raise ValueError('Unsupported shape error')
def get_xys(self):
width_and_height = np.array(self.frame['_parms'][0:2])
text_shift = self.frame.get('text_shift', np.array([0.5, 0.5]) * width_and_height)
if self.frame['shape'] == 'FancyBboxPatch':
text_shift -= 0.10 * width_and_height
elements = [Element.from_Z(i) for i in range(1, 104)]
group_and_rows = [np.array([, el.row]) for el in elements]
frame_xys = [np.array([1, -1]) * gr * width_and_height for gr in group_and_rows]
text_xys = [text_shift + fxy for fxy in frame_xys]
return frame_xys, text_xys
def get_colors_and_legend(self):
for v in self.colors.values():
if isinstance(v, list) and len(v) != len(self._data):
raise ValueError('Length of color list should be compatible with Elements.')
default_color_cycle = plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'].by_key()['color']
default_edgecolor = ['black', self.colors['frame']][isinstance(self.colors['frame'], str)]
default_facecolor = ['none', self.colors['background']][isinstance(self.colors['background'], str)]
colors = {
self.colors.get('frame', default_edgecolor),
'facecolors': [self.colors.get('background', default_facecolor), None][isinstance(
self.colors['background'], dict)]
legend_handles = []
for k, v in colors.items():
labels = self.labels.get({'edgecolors': 'frame', 'facecolors': 'background'}[k], None)
if labels:
if not v:
raise ValueError('Gradient mapped background can\'t be labelled.')
if isinstance(colors[k], str):
colors[k] = [colors[k]] * len(self._data)
if isinstance(list(labels.values())[0], list):
labels = {lk: {'elements': lv} for lk, lv in labels.items()}
for i, l in enumerate(labels):
label = labels[l]
label.setdefault('label', l)
indexes = [Element(s).Z - 1 for s in label['elements']]
label.setdefault('color', default_color_cycle[i])
for j in indexes:
colors[k][j] = label['color']
label.setdefault('frame_kparms', {})
for lkk in ['edgecolor', 'facecolor']:
label['frame_kparms'].setdefault(lkk, 'none')
label['frame_kparms'][k[0:-1]] = label['color']
patch_legend = mpatches.Patch(label=label['label'], **label['frame_kparms'])
return colors, legend_handles
def get_plot(self, title=None, figsize=None, legend_kparms={}):
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize, frameon=False)
frame_xys, text_xys = self.get_xys()
colors, legend_handles = self.get_colors_and_legend()
frame = self.get_frame()
frames = [frame(xy, *self.frame['parms'], **self.frame['kparms']) for xy in frame_xys]
collection = PatchCollection(frames, **colors)
text_kparms = {
'horizontalalignment': 'center',
'verticalalignment': 'center',
'family': self.font_family,
'size': 'x-large'
Element.from_Z(i + 1).symbol,
**text_kparms) for i in range(len(self._data))
if legend_handles:
legend_kparms.update({'handles': legend_handles})
legend_kparms.setdefault('loc', 'upper center')
legend_kparms.setdefault('bbox_to_anchor', (0.4, 1.0))
legend_kparms.setdefault('prop', {'family': self.font_family, 'size': 'xx-large'})
if title:
plt.title(title, fontsize='xx-large')
return plt
def show(self, title=None, figsize=None):
plt = self.get_plot(title=title, figsize=figsize)
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