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Last active January 1, 2016 07:19
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  • Save spectra/8110824 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save spectra/8110824 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Just a bunch of LibreOffice macros to ease my report reviews at the hospital.
' SantaTrans
' Transformations for a standardized Santa Casa PACS reports
' Really just a bunch of snippets put together
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
' "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (commit 34973274ccef6ab4dfaaf86599792fa9c3fe4689):
' <> wrote this file. As long as you retain this notice you
' can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think
' this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return. Pablo Lorenzzoni
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Option Explicit
' Get this macro going
Sub Main(optional doc)
Dim SkipRemoveLastTwoLines as Boolean
Dim c, iAns, oDoc
SkipRemoveLastTwoLines = False
iAns = MsgBox ("Skip RemoveLastTwoLines?", 3)
If iAns = 2 then End
If iAns = 6 then
SkipRemoveLastTwoLines = True
oDoc = IIf(IsMissing(doc), ThisComponent, doc)
' Check if we'll skip RemoveLastTwoLines.
If Not SkipRemoveLastTwoLines then
End Sub
' CleanUp executes a lot of find and replace operations
' either to fix general formatting or to fix recurrent mistakes
' the typists usually commit.
Sub CleanUp(optional doc)
Dim oDoc, SearchArray, ReplaceAray, FandR, c, iAns
oDoc = IIf(IsMissing(doc), ThisComponent, doc) 'Get the current active document or the one passed
SearchArray = Array("^ *", " *"," *$"," *\t","\t *", "^$", "\t", "evidencia ", "^Adrenais", "adrenais tem", "^Rins",_
"rins tem", "^F.gado" , "^P.ncreas" , "usual a resson.ncia", "esta p.rvi",_
"^Art.rias" , "^Art.ria" , "endoleak " , "l.quido", "fina extra..o",_
"^Esta bem", "v.sico vaginal", "reto vaginal", "^Reto espa.o pr." , "^Baço tem",_
"^A aorta abdominal e veia", "evidênciad", "femura", "p.rvia e têm", "evidênciando",_
"^. .squerda" , "^. .ireita" , "p.rvias e tem", "esta p.rvia", ".adol.n.o",_
"([^ ])\( ", "signifcativ" , "fora de fase", "a.rtica em il.acas", "sitio",_
" fibular", "equ.ncia", "calcarias", "sigm.ide", "iluminado", "iluminada",_
"urinaria", "substancia", "mantem", "pervia", "cerebrais medias", "intra ou extra-", "intra e extra-",_
"encef.lico e cerebelar ", "secal", "serie", "observad.s",_
"n.vel l.quido l.quido", "proteico", "pode se determinar", "seco", "f.gado",_
"diagn.stico", "c.lculo", "l.quido", "rins inativos", "amontante", "prim.ria",_
"", "cuja a ", "cujo o", "ou di.ria", "est. pervi", "est. oclu.d", "heterog.nia",_
"p.rvios e tem", "p.rvias e tem", "p.rvio e t.m", "p.rvia e t.m", "flovoide",_
"pápila", "equitasic", "porem", "ulcera ", "úlceração", "est. bem demonstrad",_
"restri..o . difus.o", ".", "linha m.dia", "orbita", "porem", "by-pass",_
"distr.ficas", "ureter pielocalicinal", " , ", "n.mero ", "cl.nica ", "p.lipo ",_
"pr.", "p.lipo\.", "pr. sacral", "flow voide", "flow-void", "^est. bem",_
"Por..o intracraniana das art.rias vertebrais e arteria basilar", "agr.ficos", "agrafos",_
"A art.rial femoral", " ate ", "braquio cef.lico", "algumaa", "as vezes", "As vezes",_
"causa pancre.tica", "retr.grada", "retr.grado")
ReplaceAray = Array("", " " ,"" ,"\t" ,"\t" , "" , "" , "evidência ", "As adrenais", "adrenais têm", "Os rins",_
"rins têm", "O fígado", "O pâncreas", "usual à ressonância", "está pérvi",_
"As artérias", "A artéria", "endoleaking ", "líquido", "fenestração",_
"Está bem", "vesicovaginal" , "retovaginal" , "Reto e espaço pré", "O baço tem",_
"Aorta abdominal e veia" , "evidenciad", "femora", "pérvia e tem", "evidenciando",_
"\nÀ esquerda", "\nÀ direita", "pérvias e têm", "está pérvia", "gadolíneo",_
"$1 (" , "significativ", "fora-de-fase", "aórtica-em-ilíacas", "sítio",_
"tíbio-fibular", "equência", "calcárias", "sigmoide", "inominado", "inominada",_
"urinária", "substância", "mantém", "pérvia", "cerebrais médias", "intra- ou extra-", "intra- e extra-",_
"encefálico e hemisférios cerebelares ", "cecal", "série", "observadas alterações",_
"nível líquido-líquido", "protéico", "pode ser determinada", "ceco", "fígado",_
"diagnóstico", "cálculo", "líquido", "rins nativos", "a montante", "primária",_
"primário", "cuja ", "cujo ", "ou de área", "está pérvi", "está ocluíd", "heterogênea",_
"pérvios e têm", "pérvias e têm", "pérvio e tem", "pérvia e tem", "flow void",_
"papila", "ectásic", "porém", "úlcera ", "ulceração", "está bem demonstrad",_
"restrição à difusão", "a calcificações", "linha média", "órbita", "porém", "bypass",_
"distróficas", "ureteropielocalicinal", ", ", "número ", "clínica ", "pólipo ",_
"pré-operatório", "pólipo.", "pré-sacral", "flow void", "flow void", "Está bem",_
"A porção intracraniana das artérias vertebrais e a artéria basilar", "agrafes", "agrafes",_
"A artéria femoral", " até ", "braquiocefálico", "algumas", "às vezes", "Às vezes",_
"causa pancreática", "retrógrada", "retrógrado")
FandR = oDoc.createReplaceDescriptor
FandR.searchRegularExpression = True
For c = 0 to uBound(SearchArray)
Next c
End Sub
' Italicize executes some find operations
' to apply italics to common foreign (non-pt_BR) expressions
Sub Italicize(optional doc)
Dim oDoc, SearchArray, FandR, c, target, d, foundText, iAns
oDoc = IIf(IsMissing(doc), ThisComponent, doc) 'Get the current active document or the one passed
SearchArray = Array("stent ", "Stent ", "skin-to-stone distance", "washout", "Spin Echo", "spin echo",_
"bypass", "flow void", "Flow void")
FandR = oDoc.createReplaceDescriptor
FandR.searchRegularExpression = True
For c = 0 to uBound(SearchArray)
FandR.searchString = SearchArray(c)
target = oDoc.findAll(FandR)
For d = 0 to target.count - 1
foundText = target.getByIndex(d)
foundText.CharPosture =
Next d
Next c
End Sub
' We just use A4 paper. Sometimes a word processor have US Letter as default
Sub SetPageSizeA4(optional doc)
Dim oDoc, oStyle
oDoc = IIf(IsMissing(doc), ThisComponent, doc)
oStyle = oDoc.StyleFamilies.getByName("PageStyles").getByName("Standard")
' units of 1/1000 cm
oStyle.IsLandscape = False
oStyle.Width = 21000
oStyle.Height = 29700
End Sub
' I like my reports with same font and size
' This uses UNO since it was first recorded with "Record Macro" facility
' what a shame! :-)
Sub ChangeFontArial12(optional doc)
Dim oDoc, oDispatcher, oFrame
Dim oArgsFontFamily(4) as new
Dim oArgsFontHeight(2) as new
oDoc = IIf(IsMissing(doc), ThisComponent, doc)
oFrame = oDoc.CurrentController.Frame
oDispatcher = createUnoService("")
' Select All Text
oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:SelectAll", "", 0, Array())
' Change Font Family
oArgsFontFamily(0).Name = "CharFontName.StyleName"
oArgsFontFamily(0).Value = ""
oArgsFontFamily(1).Name = "CharFontName.Pitch"
oArgsFontFamily(1).Value = 2
oArgsFontFamily(2).Name = "CharFontName.CharSet"
oArgsFontFamily(2).Value = -1
oArgsFontFamily(3).Name = "CharFontName.Family"
oArgsFontFamily(3).Value = 5
oArgsFontFamily(4).Name = "CharFontName.FamilyName"
oArgsFontFamily(4).Value = "Calibri"
oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:CharFontName", "", 0, oArgsFontFamily())
' Change Font Size
oArgsFontHeight(0).Name = "FontHeight.Height"
oArgsFontHeight(0).Value = 12
oArgsFontHeight(1).Name = "FontHeight.Prop"
oArgsFontHeight(1).Value = 100
oArgsFontHeight(2).Name = "FontHeight.Diff"
oArgsFontHeight(2).Value = 0
oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:FontHeight", "", 0, oArgsFontHeight())
End Sub
' It's amazing how different typists have different standards wrt paragraphing
' This normalizes the paragraph into my standards
' Also uses UNO. I am getting lazy...
Sub ChangeParagraphFormat(optional doc)
Dim oDoc, oDispatcher, oFrame
Dim oArgsParagraphStyle(7) as new
oDoc = IIf(IsMissing(doc), ThisComponent, doc)
oFrame = oDoc.CurrentController.Frame
oDispatcher = createUnoService("")
' Select All Text
oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:SelectAll", "", 0, Array())
' Change Paragraph Style
oArgsParagraphStyle(0).Name = "LeftRightMargin.LeftMargin"
oArgsParagraphStyle(0).Value = 0
oArgsParagraphStyle(1).Name = "LeftRightMargin.TextLeftMargin"
oArgsParagraphStyle(1).Value = 0
oArgsParagraphStyle(2).Name = "LeftRightMargin.RightMargin"
oArgsParagraphStyle(2).Value = 0
oArgsParagraphStyle(3).Name = "LeftRightMargin.LeftRelMargin"
oArgsParagraphStyle(3).Value = 100
oArgsParagraphStyle(4).Name = "LeftRightMargin.RightRelMargin"
oArgsParagraphStyle(4).Value = 100
oArgsParagraphStyle(5).Name = "LeftRightMargin.FirstLineIndent"
oArgsParagraphStyle(5).Value = 1250
oArgsParagraphStyle(6).Name = "LeftRightMargin.FirstLineRelIdent"
oArgsParagraphStyle(6).Value = 100
oArgsParagraphStyle(7).Name = "LeftRightMargin.AutoFirst"
oArgsParagraphStyle(7).Value = false
oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:LeftRightMargin", "", 0, oArgsParagraphStyle())
End Sub
' Rather than working every paragraph with a style I just justify everything
' and work from there to change what is different.
' Lazy UNO warning applies
Sub JustifyEverything(optional doc)
Dim oDoc, oDispatcher, oFrame
Dim oArgsParagraphStyle(0) as new
oDoc = IIf(IsMissing(doc), ThisComponent, doc)
oFrame = oDoc.CurrentController.Frame
oDispatcher = createUnoService("")
' Select All Text
oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:SelectAll", "", 0, Array())
' Justify Everything
oArgsParagraphStyle(0).Name = "JustifyPara"
oArgsParagraphStyle(0).Value = true
oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:JustifyPara", "", 0, oArgsParagraphStyle())
End Sub
' Put everything in Single Paragraph Spacing with no space between lines.
' Lazy UNO warning applies
Sub ChangeParagraphSpacing(optional doc)
Dim oDoc, oDispatcher, oFrame
Dim oArgsLineSpacing(1) as new
Dim oArgsTopBottomMargin(3) as new
oDoc = IIf(IsMissing(doc), ThisComponent, doc)
oFrame = oDoc.CurrentController.Frame
oDispatcher = createUnoService("")
' Select All Text
oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:SelectAll", "", 0, Array())
' Change LineSpacing
oArgsLineSpacing(0).Name = "LineSpacing.Mode"
oArgsLineSpacing(0).Value = 0
oArgsLineSpacing(1).Name = "LineSpacing.Height"
oArgsLineSpacing(1).Value = 100
oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:LineSpacing", "", 0, oArgsLineSpacing())
' Change TopBottomMargin
oArgsTopBottomMargin(0).Name = "TopBottomMargin.TopMargin"
oArgsTopBottomMargin(0).Value = 0
oArgsTopBottomMargin(1).Name = "TopBottomMargin.BottomMargin"
oArgsTopBottomMargin(1).Value = 0
oArgsTopBottomMargin(2).Name = "TopBottomMargin.TopRelMargin"
oArgsTopBottomMargin(2).Value = 100
oArgsTopBottomMargin(3).Name = "TopBottomMargin.BottomRelMargin"
oArgsTopBottomMargin(3).Value = 100
oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:TopBottomMargin", "", 0, oArgsTopBottomMargin())
End Sub
' My reports (and most other radiologists) have a title and a header.
' I like to separate them with blank lines. There's probably a better
' way of doing this rather than using CHR$(13)... but this works.
' Also, this assumes you've applied CleanUp first.
Sub CreateTitleAndHeader(optional doc)
Dim oDoc, oEnum, oText
Dim oTextElement as Object
oDoc = IIf(IsMissing(doc), ThisComponent, doc)
oEnum = oDoc.Text.createEnumeration()
oText = oDoc.getText()
' Get the first paragrah, this should be the title (if CleanUp was applied)
oTextElement = oEnum.nextElement
If oTextElement.supportsService("") Then
' Just confirms it is a Paragraph and apply formatting and the two blank lines
oTextElement.ParaAdjust =
oTextElement.CharWeight =
oText.insertString(oTextElement.getEnd(), CHR$(13), False)
oText.insertString(oTextElement.getEnd(), CHR$(13), False)
' Go to the next line, this should be the header...
oTextElement = oEnum.nextElement
If oTextElement.supportsService("") Then
' Just confirms it is a Paragraph and apply the blank line
oText.insertString(oTextElement.getEnd(), CHR$(13), False)
End Sub
' Typists always write two lines with a 'signature' of the radiologist
' that have dictated the report. If this is my report, I just remove
' them and replace with the automatic signature the PACS editor has.
' If this is not, however, this will not be applied by Main procedure
' since I have to preserve'em.
' Also, there's probably a better way of removing last two lines other
' than counting the enum objects in a iteration and then iterate again
' replacing last two element's String property with ""... This works...
Sub RemoveLastTwoLines(optional doc)
Dim oDoc, oEnum, oText, c, t
Dim oTextElement as Object
oDoc = IIf(IsMissing(doc), ThisComponent, doc)
' count the number of elements
c = 0
oEnum = oDoc.Text.createEnumeration()
While oEnum.hasMoreElements
c = c + 1
' set target
t = c - 2
' enumerate the elements again
c = 0
oEnum = oDoc.Text.createEnumeration()
While oEnum.hasMoreElements
oTextElement = oEnum.nextElement
c = c + 1
If c > t Then
End Sub
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