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Last active November 14, 2016 14:20
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4clojure problem solutions
; 1, Nothing but the Truth
; 2, Simple Math
; 3, Intro to Strings
; 4, Intro to Lists
:a :b :c
; 5, Lists: conj
'(1 2 3 4)
; 6, Intro to Vectors
:a :b :c
; 7, Vectors: conj
[1 2 3 4]
; 8, Intro to Sets
#{:a :b :c :d}
; 9, Sets: conj
; 10, Intro to Maps
; 11, Maps: conj
[:b 2]
; 12, Intro to Sequences
; 13, Sequences: rest
[20 30 40]
; 14, Intro to Functions
; 15, Double Down
* 2
; 16, Hello World
format "Hello, %s!"
; 17, Sequences: map
'(6 7 8)
; 18, Sequences: filter
'(6 7)
; 19, Last Element
(comp first reverse)
; 20, Penultimate Element
(comp first rest reverse)
; 21, Nth Element
#(first (drop %2 %1))
; 22, Count a Sequence
reduce (fn [z a] (inc z)) 0
; 23, Reverse a Sequence
apply conj '()
; 24, Sum It All Up
apply +
; 25, Find the odd numbers
filter odd?
; 26, Fibonacci Sequence
#(map second (take %1 (iterate (fn [[a b]] [b (+ a b)]) [0 1])))
; 27, Palindrome Detector
#(= (seq %1) (reverse %1))
; 28, Flatten a Sequence
(fn flat [c] (if (coll? c) (mapcat flat c) [c]))
; 29, Get the Caps
#(reduce str (re-seq #"[A-Z]" %1))
; 30, Compress a Sequence
#(map first (partition-by identity %1))
; 31, Pack a Sequence
partition-by identity
; 32, Duplicate a Sequence
mapcat (fn [a] [a a])
; 33, Replicate a Sequence
(fn [coll n] (mapcat #(repeat n %) coll))
; 34, Implement range
#(take (- %2 %1) (iterate inc %1))
; 35, Local bindings
; 36, Let it Be
[x 7 y 3 z 1]
; 37, Regular Expressions
; 38, Maximum value
(fn [& more] (reduce #(if (> %1 %2) %1 %2) more))
; 39, Interleave Two Seqs
mapcat (fn [x y] [x y])
; 40, Interpose a Seq
#(rest (mapcat (fn [x] [%1 x]) %2))
; 41, Drop Every Nth Item
#(mapcat (fn [c i] (if (zero? (rem i %2)) [] [c])) %1 (drop 1 (range)))
; 42, Factorial Fun
#(apply *' (range 1 (inc %1)))
; 43, Reverse Interleave
#(apply map vector (partition %2 %1))
; 44, Rotate Sequence
#(let [n (mod %1 (count %2))] (concat (drop n %2) (take n %2)))
; 45, Intro to Iterate
'(1 4 7 10 13)
; 46, Flipping out
(fn [f] #(f %2 %1))
; 47, Contain Yourself
; 48, Intro to some
; 49, Split a sequence
(fn [n c] [(subvec c 0 n) (subvec c n)])
; 50, Split by Type
#(vals (group-by class %))
; 51, Advanced Destructuring
[1 2 3 4 5]
; 52, Intro to Destructuring
[c e]
; 53, Longest Increasing Sub-Seq
(fn [[x & xs]]
(let [ans (reverse (reduce (partial max-key count)
(reduce (fn [[[y & ys] & zs] x]
(if (< y x)
(conj zs (conj ys y x))
(conj zs (conj ys y) [x]))) [[x]] xs)))]
(if (> (count ans) 1) ans [])))
; 54, Partition a Sequence
(fn f [n coll] (if (>= (count coll) n) (cons (take n coll) (f n (drop n coll)))))
; 55, Count Occurrences
#(reduce (fn [r [k v]] (conj r [k (count v)])) {} (group-by identity %))
; 56, Find Distinct Items
reduce (fn [s e] (if (some #(= % e) s) s (conj s e))) []
; 57, Simple Recursion
'(5 4 3 2 1)
; 58, Function Composition
(fn [& fs]
(fn [& as]
(first (reduce #(vector (apply %2 %1)) as (reverse fs)))))
; 59, Juxtaposition
(fn [& fs]
(fn [& x]
(map #(apply % x) fs)))
; 60, Sequence Reductions
(fn r
([f [a & as]] (r f a as))
([f z [a & as]] (lazy-cat [z] (if (empty? as) [(f z a)] (r f (f z a) as)))))
; 61, Map Construction
#(into {} (map vector %1 %2))
; 62, Re-implement Iterate
(fn r [f x] (lazy-cat [x] (r f (f x))))
; 63, Group a Sequence
(fn [f s] (apply merge-with concat (map #(hash-map (f %) [%]) s)))
; 64, Intro to Reduce
; 65, Black Box Testing
#(if (reversible? %) :vector ({{} :map, #{} :set, '() :list} (empty %)))
; 66, Greatest Common Divisor
(fn [a b] (if (zero? b) a (recur b (rem a b))))
; 67, Prime Numbers
(fn [n]
(take n ((fn p [[a & as]]
(lazy-cat [a] (p (filter #(pos? (rem % a)) as)))) (iterate inc 2))))
; 68, Recurring Theme
[7 6 5 4 3]
; 69, Merge with a Function
(fn [f & ms]
(apply hash-map (mapcat (fn [[k v]] [k (reduce f (vals v))]) (group-by key (apply concat ms)))))
; 70, Word Sorting
#(sort-by clojure.string/lower-case (re-seq #"\w+" %))
; 71, Rearranging Code: ->
; 72, Rearranging Code: ->>
reduce +
; 73, Analyze a Tic-Tac-Toe Board
(fn [b]
(letfn [(w [[[a b c]
[d e f]
[g h i]] p] (or (= p a b c)
(= p d e f)
(= p g h i)
(= p a d g)
(= p b e h)
(= p c f i)
(= p a e i)
(= p c e g)))]
(cond (w b :x) :x
(w b :o) :o)))
; 74, Filter Perfect Squares
(fn [s]
(clojure.string/join "," (filter (set (for [x (range 1 10)] (* x x))) (map #(Integer/valueOf %) (re-seq #"\d+" s)))))
; 75, Euler's Totient Function
(fn [n] (count (filter #(= 1 (.gcd (biginteger %) (biginteger n))) (range 1 (inc n)))))
; 76, Intro to Trampoline
(range 1 12 2)
; 77, Anagram Finder
#(set (filter (fn [s] (> (count s) 1)) (map set (vals (group-by sort %)))))
; 78, Reimplement Trampoline
(fn [f v]
(loop [r (f v)]
(if (fn? r) (recur (r)) r)))
; 79, Triangle Minimal Path
(fn m [[[r] & t]]
(if (nil? r) 0
(+ r (min
(m (map rest t))
(m (map butlast t))))))
; 80, Perfect Numbers
#(= % (apply + (filter (fn [i] (zero? (rem % i))) (range 1 %))))
; 81, Set Intersection
(comp set filter)
; 82, Word Chains
; 83, A Half-Truth
; 147, Pascal's Trapezoid
iterate #(map +' (concat [0] %) (concat % [0]))
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