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Last active November 1, 2015 22:14
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  • Save speg/f09f6af8d4959575e4c0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save speg/f09f6af8d4959575e4c0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
fs = require('fs')
var bufferA = new Buffer(1e+8)
var bufferB = new Buffer(1e+0)
var fileA = fs.openSync('fileA', 'w')
var fileB = fs.openSync('fileB', 'w')
fs.write(fileA, bufferA, 0, bufferA.length, function(err) { console.timeEnd('A')})
fs.write(fileB, bufferB, 0, bufferB.length, function(err) { console.timeEnd('B')})
// expected output: B << A
// actual output on OS X node v5.0.0:
// A: 314.564ms
// B: 315.864ms
// Output on Linux:
// B: 4ms <-- yes!
// A: 306ms
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I got this in Mac OS X and node 5.

A: 115.469ms
B: 116.775ms

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