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Last active July 12, 2017 13:42
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* Protect cardinality of a column in a data frame
* @param df Input data frame
* @param col Column which cardinality will be protected
* @param metric Metric to use when ranking column values
* @param groupBy Additional columns to group by when
* calculating column value ranks
* @param limit Max number of distinct values in a column
* @param replaceWith Static text to replace all values that
* exceed the limit with
* @return Data frame with fixed cardinality of a column
def protectDF(df: DataFrame, col: Column, metric: Column, groupBy: Seq[Column], limit: Int, replaceWith: String)= {
import df.sqlContext.implicits._$"*",
sum(metric).over(Window.partitionBy(groupBy :+ col: _*)).as("_group_total"))
dense_rank.over(Window.partitionBy(groupBy: _*).orderBy($"_group_total".desc, col)))
when(col.isNull || $"_card_rank" <= limit, col).otherwise(replaceWith))
val df ="/home/michael/events.json")
df.groupBy($"client_id", $"date", $"event_name")
.orderBy($"client_id", $"date", $"event_name").show()
//|client_id| date|event_name|event_count|
//| client1|2016-01-01| event_1| 2|
//| client1|2016-01-01| event_10| 18|
//| client1|2016-01-01| event_100| 17|
//| client1|2016-01-01| event_11| 4|
//| client1|2016-01-01| event_12| 12|
//| client1|2016-01-01| event_13| 14|
//| client1|2016-01-01| event_14| 15|
//| client1|2016-01-01| event_15| 10|
//| client1|2016-01-01| event_16| 9|
//| client1|2016-01-01| event_17| 22|
//| client1|2016-01-01| event_18| 4|
//| client1|2016-01-01| event_19| 8|
//| client1|2016-01-01| event_21| 9|
//| client1|2016-01-01| event_23| 15|
//| client1|2016-01-01| event_25| 10|
//| client1|2016-01-01| event_27| 7|
//| client1|2016-01-01| event_3| 6|
//| client1|2016-01-01| event_32| 12|
//| client1|2016-01-01| event_34| 9|
//| client1|2016-01-01| event_35| 13|
// only showing top 20 rows
// Leave 5 event names per client and day:
val protectedDF = protectDF(df, $"event_name", $"event_count",
Seq($"client_id", $"date"), 5, "Other")
// Show results:
protectedDF.groupBy($"client_id", $"date", $"event_name")
.orderBy($"client_id", $"date", $"event_name").show()
//|client_id| date|event_name|event_count|
//| client1|2016-01-01| Other| 579|
//| client1|2016-01-01| event_10| 18|
//| client1|2016-01-01| event_17| 22|
//| client1|2016-01-01| event_42| 27|
//| client1|2016-01-01| event_82| 20|
//| client1|2016-01-01| event_97| 19|
//| client1|2016-01-02| Other| 461|
//| client1|2016-01-02| event_15| 18|
//| client1|2016-01-02| event_26| 27|
//| client1|2016-01-02| event_73| 24|
//| client1|2016-01-02| event_76| 22|
//| client1|2016-01-02| event_9| 19|
//| client1|2016-01-03| Other| 517|
//| client1|2016-01-03| event_48| 28|
//| client1|2016-01-03| event_49| 19|
//| client1|2016-01-03| event_62| 22|
//| client1|2016-01-03| event_94| 21|
//| client1|2016-01-03| event_98| 25|
//| client2|2016-01-01| Other| 520|
//| client2|2016-01-01| event_18| 18|
//only showing top 20 rows
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