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Last active January 16, 2024 10:08
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Local collection report for Cities:Skylines assets
import json
import os
import re
import requests
import datetime
import sys
import webbrowser
from time import sleep
from random import uniform
from os.path import exists
from functools import partial
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from PySide6 import QtCore, QtWidgets, QtGui
from pprint import pprint
from urllib.parse import urlparse
## USER EDITABLE constants
##### where currently loaded .crp assets are stored for play
LOCAL_CITIES_DATA_PATH = os.getenv('LOCALAPPDATA') + "\\Colossal Order\\Cities_Skylines\\Addons\\Assets\\"
##### path to the local dir containing colle json
##### delay between collection page scrapes
SLEEP_TIME = (0.5, 1)
## constants
# which column represents the item ID
ID_COL = 4
# transparency of column backgrounds
# error col color
COL_ERR_COLOR = QtGui.QColor(255, 0, 0, COL_OPACITY * 2)
# warn col color
COL_WARN_COLOR = QtGui.QColor(255, 200, 0, COL_OPACITY * 2)
# column colors
COL_COLOR = QtGui.QColor(144, 144, 144, COL_OPACITY)
# steamcommunity file details URL path
class CollectionsManagerWidget(QtWidgets.QWidget):
# binding for the treeview doubleclick
def on_doubleclick_item(self, index):
for idx in self.itemsView.selectedIndexes():
if(self.itemsView.model().itemFromIndex(idx).column() == ID_COL):
url = (FILE_DETAILS_URL + self.itemsView.model().itemFromIndex(idx).text())
# create treeview columns
def create_col(self, i, key, back_color, to_str = False):
col = QtGui.QStandardItem((i[key] if not to_str else str(i[key])))
return col
# create treeview rows
def create_rows(self, items):
for i in items:
item = [self.create_col(i, "collection_id", COL_COLOR),
self.create_col(i, "collection_name", COL_COLOR),
self.create_col(i, "exists_locally", COL_COLOR if i["exists_locally"] else COL_ERR_COLOR, True),
self.create_col(i, "not_collected", COL_COLOR if not i["not_collected"] else COL_WARN_COLOR, True),
self.create_col(i, "item_id", COL_COLOR),
self.create_col(i, "item_title", COL_COLOR),
self.create_col(i, "item_author", COL_COLOR)]
# evaluate a single item entry within the workshop page.
# returns a dict representing the specific collection item.
def evaluate_item(self, local_assets, item, collection_id, collection_name):
# extract the item's ID from the query component of URL
ws_url = item.find(class_='workshopItem').a.get('href')
u = urlparse(ws_url)
item_id = self.id_pattern.findall(u.query)[0]
# get the collectionItemDetails element from page, then extract relevant data
ws_details = item.find(class_='collectionItemDetails')
item_title = ws_details.find(class_='workshopItemTitle').get_text()
item_author = self.author_pattern.findall(ws_details.find(class_='workshopItemAuthor').get_text())[0]
# evaluate whether there's a corresponding dir for this item under local_assets
exists_locally = True if item_id in local_assets else False
if item_id in local_assets:
local_assets.remove(item_id) # remove this processed item from list of loc.assets to process.
# format this item's properties as dict
this_item = {"collection_id": collection_id, "collection_name": collection_name,
"item_id": item_id, "item_title": item_title,
"item_author": item_author, "exists_locally": exists_locally, "not_collected": False }
return this_item
# get and evaluate a workshop collections page.
# returns a list of dicts where each entry is a scraped collection item.
def evaluate_collection(self, collection):
colle_items = [] # list of dict
id = collection["id"]
loc_path = collection["local_path"]
# request and download the page data for this collection
url = ('' + id)
print("Fetching page " + url)
page_download = requests.get(url)
print("Got status code " + str(page_download.status_code))
# parse the downloaded page data as HTML
page = BeautifulSoup(page_download.content, 'html.parser')
# get every collectionItem element from the page
items = page.find_all(class_='collectionItem')
# walk the local dir path to gather directory names (local assets)
loc_assets = list()
print("Checking local asset directories under " + LOCAL_CITIES_DATA_PATH + loc_path)
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(LOCAL_CITIES_DATA_PATH + loc_path, topdown=False):
for pathname in dirs:
if pathname[0].isdigit():
print("Adding local asset directory: " + pathname)
# eval each collectionItem from the page, then create an items table
for item in items:
this_item = self.evaluate_item(loc_assets, item, id, collection["name"])
for rem_item in loc_assets:
# directory should begin with a number, else it's a category folder.
this_rem_item = {'url':(FILE_DETAILS_URL + rem_item),
return colle_items
def __init__(self):
# precompile regex patterns for scraping the collection pages
self.id_pattern = re.compile(r'\d+')
self.author_pattern = re.compile(r'(?:Created by[\t]+)(.+)(?:\n*)')
# add outer container, items table
self.outerLayout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout(self)
self.itemsView = QtWidgets.QTreeView()
# establish treeview model
self.model = QtGui.QStandardItemModel()
self.model.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(["Collection ID", "Collection Name", "Exists Locally", "Not in Collection", "Item ID", "Name", "Author"])
# blocks double-click editable fields in the treeview
# attach itemsview to outer
the_items = [] # list of dicts
json_file = LOCAL_COLLE_PATH + "\\colle.json"
with open(json_file) as json_data:
data = json.load(json_data)
for info in data['collections']:
sleep(uniform(SLEEP_TIME[0], SLEEP_TIME[1]))
the_items = the_items + self.evaluate_collection(info)
# create rows for all items
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = QtWidgets.QApplication([])
widget = CollectionsManagerWidget()
widget.setWindowTitle("Asset Report")
widget.resize(800, 600)
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