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Created December 9, 2016 03:15
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# Creates new applications within Open Shift Origin using the `oc` command line tool.
# The specified GitHub URL is used to fetch application code. Applications are created with the specified
# subdomain as <subdomain> The passed user ID is associated with the created application
# as a label so that stats fetched for applications can be scoped by user by passing the `-l` flag.
# Usage:
# ./make-new-app <GitHub URL> <desired subdomain (eg. 'foobar')> <Pley dashboard user ID>
# eg.
# ./make-new-app contact-bump 2304awoeijf23i2
# Confirm that all arguments are present.
if [ -z $1 ] || [ -z $2 ] || [ -z $3 ]; then
echo Some arguments are missing. Exiting with status code 1.
exit 1
# Gather arguments.
# Validate GitHub URL. Kinda. It's good enough for now.
if [[ ! $GIT_URL =~ ^http[s]?://github\.com/.*/.*/?$ ]]; then
echo The passed GitHub URL appears to be invalid. Exiting with status code 1.
exit 1;
# TODO: Validate subdomain?
# Generate a random name for the application so that it does not conflict with the names of other apps.
APP_NAME=$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-z0-9' | fold -w 15 | head -n 1)
# Run commands.
oc new-app $GIT_URL --name=$APP_NAME --labels=userId=$USER_ID
oc expose service $APP_NAME --hostname=$
# Assume success.
exit 0
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