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Created June 5, 2017 05:37
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<title>Cordova Starter App, CMPS 121</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/vue.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/randomString.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/generate_board.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/index.js"></script>
<div id="vue-div" class="app" style="display:none">
<div class="top_input centered padded">
<input v-model="magic_word" placeholder="shared magic word" />
<button v-on:click="set_magic_word">Play</button>
<button v-on:click="new_game">New Game</button>
<i v-if="need_new_magic_word" class="fa fa-warning"></i>
<div class="padded centered">
<div class="status_line">
<b>${win_line}</b> ${status_line}
<div class="turn">
It is <b v-if="!is_my_turn">not </b>your turn.
<div class="board container padded centered">
<tr v-for="i in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]">
<td v-on:click="play(i,j)" v-for="j in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]"
v-bind:class="{ red: opponent_board()[i*8+j] === 'h' }">
<template v-if="opponent_board()[i*8+j] === 'w'">
<i class="fa fa-circle" style="color:blue"></i>
<div class="board container padded centered">
<tr v-for="i in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]">
<td v-for="j in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]"
v-bind:class="{ red: own_board()[8*i+j] === 'h',
green: typeof(own_board()[8*i+j]) === 'number',
blue: own_board()[8*i+j] === 'w'}">
<script type="text/javascript" src="cordova.js"></script>
var app = function() {
var self = {};
self.is_configured = false;
var server_url = "";
var call_interval = 2000;
Vue.config.silent = false; // show all warnings
// Extends an array
self.extend = function(a, b) {
for (var i = 0; i < b.length; i++) {
self.my_identity = randomString(20);
// Function creates null board of length or 8x8
self.null_board = function(length) {
if (length === undefined) {
length = 8*8;
var array = Array(length);
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
array[i] = "";
return array;
// Enumerates an array.
var enumerate = function(v) {
var k=0; {e._idx = k++;});
// Initializes an attribute of an array of objects.
var set_array_attribute = function (v, attr, x) { (e) {e[attr] = x;});
self.initialize = function () {
document.addEventListener('deviceready', self.ondeviceready, false);
self.ondeviceready = function () {
// This callback is called once Cordova has finished its own initialization.
console.log("The device is ready");
self.is_configured = true;
// This is the object that contains the information coming from the server.
self.player_1 = null;
self.player_2 = null;
// This is the main control loop.
function call_server() {
if (self.vue.chosen_magic_word === null) {
console.log("No magic word.");
setTimeout(call_server, call_interval);
} else {
// We can do a server call.
console.log("Calling the server");
dataType: 'json',
url: server_url +'read',
data: {key: "SPJPETER"+self.vue.chosen_magic_word},
success: self.process_server_data,
complete: setTimeout(call_server, call_interval) // Here we go again.
// Main function for sending the state.
self.send_state = function () {
$.post(server_url + 'store',
key: "SPJPETER"+self.vue.chosen_magic_word,
val: JSON.stringify(
'player_1': self.player_1,
'player_2': self.player_2,
'board_1': self.vue.board_1,
'board_2': self.vue.board_2,
'turn_count': self.vue.turn_count,
'game_count': self.vue.game_count
// Main place where we receive data and act on it.
self.process_server_data = function (data) {
// Check for no data
if (!data.result) {
self.player_1 = self.my_identity;
self.player_2 = null;
self.vue.board_1 = getBoard();
self.vue.board_2 = self.null_board();
self.vue.turn_count = 0;
self.vue.game_count = 0;
else { // Do have data
var answer = JSON.parse(data.result);
if (answer.player_2 === null) {
if (answer.player_1 === self.my_identity) {
self.vue.status_line = "Wating for second player.";
else if (answer.player_1 === null) {
self.vue.status_line = "Other player left. Wating for second player.";
self.player_1 = self.my_identity;
self.player_2 = null;
self.vue.board_1 = getBoard();
self.vue.board_2 = self.null_board();
self.vue.turn_count = 0;
self.vue.game_count = 0;
self.vue.is_my_turn = false;
else {
self.vue.status_line = "Joining the game.";
// Set data and send state
self.player_1 = answer.player_1;
self.player_2 = self.my_identity;
self.vue.board_1 = answer.board_1;
self.vue.board_2 = getBoard();
self.vue.turn_count = answer.turn_count;
self.vue.game_count = answer.game_count;
// Make it our turn
self.vue.is_my_turn = true;
else { // both not null
// check if both players are already in
if (self.player_1 !== self.my_identity && self.player_2 !== self.my_identity) {
self.vue.status_line = "Cannot join this game, two players already present.";
self.vue.need_new_magic_word = true;
else { // Potentially new turn data
self.vue.status_line = "Both players present and transferring data.";
if (answer.turn_count >= self.vue.turn_count && answer.game_count === self.vue.game_count) {
// Swap turns
if (answer.turn_count > self.vue.turn_count) {
self.vue.is_my_turn = !self.vue.is_my_turn;
self.vue.turn_count = answer.turn_count;
self.vue.board_1 = answer.board_1;
self.vue.board_2 = answer.board_2;
self.player_1 = answer.player_1;
self.player_2 = answer.player_2;
if (self.board_is_won(self.own_board())) {
self.vue.win_line = "Sorry, you lost.";
else if (answer.game_count > self.vue.game_count) {
self.vue.status_line = "Starting a new game";
self.vue.win_line = "";
if (self.player_1 === self.my_identity) {
self.vue.board_2 = answer.board_2;
self.vue.board_1 = getBoard();
else {
self.vue.board_1 = answer.board_1;
self.vue.board_2 = getBoard();
self.vue.turn_count = answer.turn_count;
self.vue.game_count = answer.game_count;
// Make it our turn
self.vue.is_my_turn = true;
/* dont do this
// If data is null, we send our data.
if (!data.result) {
self.player_x = self.my_identity;
self.player_o = null;
self.vue.board_1 = self.null_board();
self.vue.board_2 = self.null_board();
self.vue.is_my_turn = false;
} else {
// I technically don't need to assign this to self, but it helps debug the code.
self.server_answer = JSON.parse(data.result);
self.player_x = self.server_answer.player_x;
self.player_o = self.server_answer.player_o;
if (self.player_x === null || self.player_o === null) {
// Some player is missing. We cannot play yet.
self.vue.is_my_turn = false;
console.log("Not all players present.");
if (self.player_o === self.my_identity || self.player_x === self.my_identity) {
// We are already present, nothing to do.
console.log("Waiting for other player to join");
} else {
console.log("Signing up now.");
// We are not present. Let's join if we can.
if (self.player_x === null) {
// Preferentially we play as x.
self.player_x = self.my_identity;
} else if (self.player_o === null) {
self.player_o = self.my_identity;
} else {
// The magic word is already taken.
self.vue.need_new_magic_word = true;
} else {
console.log("Both players are present");
// Both players are present.
// Let us determine our role if any.
if (self.player_o !== self.my_identity && self.player_x !== self.my_identity) {
// Again, we are intruding in a game.
self.vue.need_new_magic_word = true;
} else {
// Here is the interesting code: we are playing, and the opponent is there.
// Reconciles the state.
self.update_local_vars = function (server_answer) {
// First, figures out our role.
if (server_answer.player_o === self.my_identity) {
self.vue.my_role = 'o';
} else if (server_answer.player_x === self.my_identity) {
self.vue.my_role = 'x';
} else {
self.vue.my_role = ' ';
// Reconciles the board, and computes whose turn it is.
for (var i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
if (self.vue.board[i] === ' ' || server_answer.board[i] !== ' ') {
// The server has new information for this board.
Vue.set(self.vue.board, i, server_answer.board[i]);
} else if (self.vue.board[i] !== server_answer.board[i]
&& self.vue.board[i] !== ' ' && server_answer.board[i] !== ' ') {
console.log("Board inconsistency at: " + i);
console.log("Local:" + self.vue.board[i]);
console.log("Server:" + server_answer.board[i]);
// Compute whether it's my turn on the basis of the now reconciled board.
self.vue.is_my_turn = (self.vue.board !== null) &&
(self.vue.my_role === whose_turn(self.vue.board));
function whose_turn(board) {
num_x = 0;
num_o = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
if (board[i] === 'x') num_x += 1;
if (board[i] === 'o') num_o += 1;
if (num_o >= num_x) {
return 'x';
} else {
return 'o';
self.set_magic_word = function () {
if (self.vue.chosen_magic_word === self.vue.magic_word) { return; }
// reset board if active
if (self.vue.chosen_magic_word !== null && self.player_1 !== self.my_identity && self.player_2 !== self.my_identity) {
self.player_1 = null;
self.player_2 = null;
self.vue.board_1 = null;
self.vue.board_2 = null;
self.vue.turn_count = null;
self.vue.game_count = null;
self.vue.need_new_magic_word = false;
self.vue.chosen_magic_word = self.vue.magic_word;
self.vue.need_new_magic_word = false;
// Resets board and turn.
self.vue.board_1 = self.null_board();
self.vue.board_2 = self.null_board();
self.vue.is_my_turn = false;
self.vue.my_role = "";
}; = function (i, j) {
var opponent_board = self.opponent_board();
if (self.vue.is_my_turn && opponent_board[8*i+j] !== 'h' && opponent_board[8*i+j] !== 'w') {
if (typeof(opponent_board[8*i+j]) === "number") {
// This is a hit
// Check if the ship is sunk
var shipid = opponent_board[8*i+j];
var shipcount = 0;
for (var index = 0; index < opponent_board.length; index++) {
if (opponent_board[index] === shipid) {
//console.log("set h");
//opponent_board.splice(8*i+j, 1, 'h');
opponent_board[8*i+j] = 'h';
if (shipcount <= 1) { // Hit last of the ship
self.reveal_water(opponent_board, i, j);
else if (opponent_board[8*i+j] === '') {
// Miss (water)
//opponent_board.splice(8*i+j, 1, 'w');
opponent_board[8*i+j] = 'w';
self.vue.is_my_turn = false;
// Check for win
if (self.board_is_won(opponent_board)) {
self.vue.win_line = "You won!";
self.reveal_water = function(board, x, y) {
var dirs = [{x: 1, y: 0}, {x: -1, y: 0}, {x: 0, y: 1}, {x: 0, y: -1}];
var dir;
for (var i = 0; i < dirs.length; i++) {
if (board[8*(x+dirs[i].x)+(y+dirs[i].y)] === 'h') {
dir = dirs[i];
if (dir === undefined) { // small ship w/ no adjacent direction
for (var j = 0; j < dirs.length; j++) {
var offset = self.vadd(x, y, dirs[j].x, dirs[j].y);
if (board[self.vflat(offset)] === '') {
self.set_in_board(board, offset.x, offset.y, 'w');
//board.splice(i+dirs[j], 1, 'w');
for (var i = 0; self.vflat(self.vadd(x, y, i*dir.x, i*dir.y)) >= 0 && self.vflat(self.vadd(x, y, i*dir.x, i*dir.y)) < 64; i++) {
var center = self.vadd(x, y, i*dir.x, i*dir.y);
if (board[self.vflat(center)] !== 'h') {
for (var j = 0; j < dirs.length; j++) {
var offset = self.vadd(center.x, center.y, dirs[j].x, dirs[j].y);
if (board[self.vflat(offset)] === '') {
self.set_in_board(board, offset.x, offset.y, 'w');
//board.splice(i+dirs[j], 1, 'w');
for (var i = 0; self.vflat(self.vadd(x, y, -1*i*dir.x, -1*i*dir.y)) >= 0 && self.vflat(self.vadd(x, y, -1*i*dir.x, -1*i*dir.y)) < 64; i++) {
var center = self.vadd(x, y, -1*i*dir.x, -1*i*dir.y);
if (board[self.vflat(center)] !== 'h') {
for (var j = 0; j < dirs.length; j++) {
var offset = self.vadd(center.x, center.y, dirs[j].x, dirs[j].y);
if (board[self.vflat(offset)] === '') {
self.set_in_board(board, offset.x, offset.y, 'w');
//board.splice(i+dirs[j], 1, 'w');
self.vadd = function(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
return {x: (x1+x2), y: (y1+y2)};
self.vflat = function(x1, y1) {
if (typeof(x1) === "object") {
return 8*x1.x+x1.y;
return 8*x1+y1;
self.set_in_board = function(board, x, y, val) {
if (x < 8 && x >= 0 && y < 8 && y >= 0) {
board.splice(8*x+y, 1, val);
self.board_is_won = function(board) {
for (i = 0; i < board.length; i++) {
if (typeof(board[i]) === "number") {
return false;
return true; // no numbers means all ships sunk -> won
self.own_board = function() {
if (self.vue === undefined) { return []; }
if (self.player_1 === self.my_identity) {
return self.vue.board_1;
else {
return self.vue.board_2;
self.opponent_board = function() {
if (self.vue === undefined) { return []; }
if (self.player_1 === self.my_identity) {
return self.vue.board_2;
else {
return self.vue.board_1;
self.new_game = function() {
// Set up a new game
if (self.vue.win_line === "") {
return; // game is not over
else {
self.vue.status_line = "Starting a new game";
self.vue.win_line = "";
// Set boards accordingly
if (self.player_1 === self.my_identity) {
self.vue.board_1 = getBoard();
self.vue.board_2 = self.null_board();
else {
self.vue.board_2 = getBoard();
self.vue.board_1 = self.null_board();
// Set metadata
self.vue.turn_count = 0;
self.vue.is_my_turn = false;
self.vue = new Vue({
el: "#vue-div",
delimiters: ['${', '}'],
unsafeDelimiters: ['!{', '}'],
data: {
magic_word: "",
chosen_magic_word: null,
need_new_magic_word: false,
my_role: "",
board_1: self.null_board(),
board_2: self.null_board(),
is_other_present: false,
is_my_turn: false,
status_line: "No players present",
win_line: "",
turn_count: 0,
game_count: 0
methods: {
set_magic_word: self.set_magic_word,
new_game: self.new_game,
own_board: self.own_board,
opponent_board: self.opponent_board
return self;
var APP = null;
// This will make everything accessible from the js console;
// for instance, self.x above would be accessible as APP.x
APP = app();
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