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Created February 1, 2021 15:46
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OnePlus Font Fix
// App/utilities/AndroidFontFix.js
import React from 'react';
import { Platform, StyleSheet, Text } from 'react-native';
import { getManufacturerSync } from 'react-native-device-info';
// This fixes this bug:
// As of 6/2/2020, this bug is marked as closed and Facebook has signalled that
// they are not interested in reopening it, even though it is clearly a real bug
// affecting many users. One phone you can reproduce it on is a OnePlus 7 Pro.
// The root of the problem is something like, OnePlus and Oppo phones use a special
// font that those companies developed (Slate and OPPO Sans, respectively), but
// React Native for Android doesn't know that or recognize that and does measurements
// for layout using Roboto, which is a slightly different size.
// There are a couple of different ways we can fix this.
// One is that we can make affected Android devices always use Roboto as the default
// fontFamily. The downside of this is that users accustomed to Slate or OPPO Sans as
// their system font will see Roboto here instead.
// It's conceivable that some affected devices may not have the Roboto font
// installed (though it seems unlikely). We could include Roboto with this app and use
// it, but things like fontWeight and fontStyle will be affected when using a
// non-system font, and it also is probably unnecessary bloat for the app.
// We could also fix this by using Slate on OnePlus phones, OPPO Sans on Oppo phones,
// etc. One downside with this is that users of OnePlus phoens can choose to make
// Roboto their system default font! And there's no obvious way to detect that
// (though maybe it is possible). On Oppo phones, it seems like users have a few
// different choices for the system default font, so it's unlikely to be easy
// to correctly match that.
// What we choose to do is assume that users will choose the default system default
// font for their phones, and then try to use that when we can, using Slate on OnePlus,
// and falling back to Roboto for LG phones or Oppo phones.
export function enableAndroidFontFix() {
// Bail if this isn't an Android device
if (Platform.OS !== 'android') {
// Measuring this, it took zero microseconds on a OnePlus device
// It doesn't seem worth the complexity overhead to use the async
// version here, since that would also complicate the code a lot more,
// and this call is likely to be very fast
const manufacturer = getManufacturerSync();
// We don't want to do this for every device, even every Android device, since
// wrapping the Text element will create some overhead for each one that's rendered
// on the screen, and we don't want to have that performance penalty if we don't
// need to
let styles;
switch (manufacturer) {
case 'OnePlus':
styles = StyleSheet.create({
androidFontFixFontFamily: {
fontFamily: 'Slate',
// fontFamily: 'Roboto',
case 'Oppo':
styles = StyleSheet.create({
androidFontFixFontFamily: {
// fontFamily: 'Oppo Sans', // not sure of the name of the font
fontFamily: 'Roboto',
case 'LG': //
styles = StyleSheet.create({
androidFontFixFontFamily: {
// We don't know the default fontFamily for the LG platform
fontFamily: 'Roboto',
const __render = Text.render;
Text.render = function (...args) {
const origin =, ...args);
return React.cloneElement(origin, {
style: [styles.androidFontFixFontFamily,],
// Root fileimport Analytics from './utilities/Analytics';
// ...
import { runMigrations } from './migrations';
import _colors from './constants/colors';
import { enableAndroidFontFix } from './utilities/AndroidFontFix';
if (__DEV__) {
if (Platform.OS === 'android') {
if (UIManager.setLayoutAnimationEnabledExperimental) {
// ...
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