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Last active January 3, 2016 09:19
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Save spencereldred/8441729 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Rails View Lesson

Rails View

  • Understand steps to set up rails app.


    Start Sublime


    Edit Gemfile - 'pry'


    Bundle Install


    Edit .gitignore file


    Add Bootstrap

  • Understand steps to get rails app running.


    Setup first route


    Setup first Controller


    Setup first View page

  • Understand helpers: link_to, form_for, button_to

  • Understand partial files and how "render partials".

  • Build out views and routes

Start a Rails App

$ rails -v
$ rails new movies 

Start Sublime:

# change to the new project directory
$ cd movies

# ope Sublime
$ subl .

Edit Gemfile:

	source ''
	ruby '2.0.0'
	gem 'rails', '4.0.2'
	gem 'sqlite3'
	gem 'pry', :group => :development
	# Use SCSS for stylesheets ..... rest stays the same ...	
  • Run bundle install.

      $ bundle install
      $ bundle update

Now Edit the ".gitignore" File.

  • Files listed in the .gitignore file will not be available to add, commit and push to github. They will be ignored!

  • Ignore other unneeded files.

      # Ignore other unneeded files

Add Bootstrap

  • Copy bootstrap.min.css into app/assets/stylesheets directory

  • Copy bootstrap.min.js into app/assets/javascripts directory

Let's try it:

$ rails s
# Got to localhost:3000
# Should see default page

Add routes

  • Edit config/routes.rb

      Movies::Application.routes.draw do
      	root 'movies#index'
  • Reload "localhost:3000" and review error message.

  • The error message says we need a controller, we do!

Generate controller:

	$ rails generate controller movies 
	# Convention: controller names are plural and written in CamelCase. 
	# This will create an actual controller name that is in snake_case.
	# if you used the wrong name and want to undo the controller generation use:
	$ rails destroy controller movies
  • Reload "localhost:3000" and review error message.

  • The error message says we need an index method in our controller, let's make one!

Create index method

class MoviesController < ApplicationController

	def index
  • Reload "localhost:3000" and review error message.

  • The error message says we have a missing template movies/index. We are getting there!

Create app/views/movies/index.html.erb

<h1>Rails Movie App</h1>
  • Reload "localhost:3000" - page should load!

Controller Instance Variables

  • Let's create some controller instance variables.

  • app/controllers/movies_controller.rb:

      class MoviesController < ApplicationController
          @@movies_db = [
      			{"title"=>"The Matrix", "year"=>"1999", "imdbID"=>"tt0133093", "type"=>"movie"},
      			{"title"=>"The Matrix Reloaded", "year"=>"2003", "imdbID"=>"tt0234215", "type"=>"movie"},
      			{"title"=>"The Matrix Revolutions", "year"=>"2003", "imdbID"=>"tt0242653", "type"=>"movie"}]
      	def index
      		@movies = @@movie_db				

Re-open app/views/movies/index.html.erb

<h1>Rails Movie App</h1>

<% @movies.each do |movie| %>

  <!-- <a href="/movies/<%#= movie['imdbID'] %>"><%#= movie["title"] %></a> - <%#= movie["year"] %></br> -->
  <%= link_to movie["title"], movie_path(movie['imdbID']) %> - <%= movie["year"] %></br>
  <%= button_to "delete", {controller: :movies, action: :destroy, id: movie["imdbID"] }, :method => :delete %>
  <%= button_to "edit", {controller: :movies, action: :edit, id: movie["imdbID"] }, :method => :get %>

<% end %>

<%= link_to 'Add Movie to DB', new_movie_path %>
  • Edit config/routes.rb

      Movies::Application.routes.draw do
      	root 'movies#index'
      	get 'movies'  => 'movies#index', as: :movies
      	get 'movies/:id/edit' => 'movies#edit', as: :edit_movie
      	get 'movies/:id' => 'movies#show', as: :movie
      	get 'movies/new' => 'movies#new', as: :new_movie
      	patch 'movies/:id' => 'movies#update'
      	delete 'movies/:id' => 'movies#destroy'

Create and open app/views/movies/new.html.erb

<h2>Add movie to database</h2>

<form action="/movies" method="post">
  Title: <input name='movie[title]' type="text" /><br>
  Year: <input name='movie[year]' type="text" />
  <input name="commit" type="submit" value="Create" />

<h2>Add another movie</h2>
<%= form_for :movie, url: new_movies_path do |f| %>
  <%= label_tag(:title, "Title:") %> <%= f.text_field :title %></br>
  <%= label_tag(:year, "Year:") %> <%= f.text_field :year %></br>
  <%= f.submit "Create" %>
<% end %>

Add new method to controller

def new

Create a partial file: _form_new.html.erb

<%= form_for :movie, url: new_movies_path do |f| %>
  <%= label_tag(:title, "Title:") %> <%= f.text_field :title %></br>
  <%= label_tag(:year, "Year:") %> <%= f.text_field :year %></br>
  <%= f.submit "Create" %>
<% end %>

Edit new.html.erb

# delete the old html form, add render partial statement

<h2>Add movie to database</h2>
<%= render  partial: "form_new" %>

Add show method to controller

def show
	@movie = {"title"=>"The Matrix", "year"=>"1999", "imdbID"=>"tt0133093", "type"=>"movie"}

Create and edit show.html.erb

<h1>Show Movie</h1>

<p style="color:red"><%= flash[:message] %></p>

<h3><%= @movie["title"] %></h3> The year is <%= @movie["year"] %>

<p><%= link_to "Back", :back %></p>

Add edit method to controller

def edit
	@movie = {"title"=>"The Matrix Reloaded", "year"=>"2003", "imdbID"=>"tt0234215", "type"=>"movie"}

Create and edit edit.html.erb

<h2>Edit movie</h2>

<form action="/movies/<%= @movie["imdbID"]%>" method="post" >
  <input name="_method" type="hidden" value="patch" />
  Title: <input name='movie[title]' type="text" value="<%= @movie['title'] %>" /><br>
  Year: <input name='movie[year]' type="text" value="<%= @movie['year'] %>" />
  <input name="commit" type="submit" value="Save changes" />

<%= form_for :movie, method: :patch, url: movie_path do |f| %>
	<%= label_tag(:title, "Title:") %> <%= f.text_field :title, value: @movie['title'] %></br>
	<%= label_tag(:year, "Year:") %> <%= f.text_field :year, value: @movie['year'] %></br>
	<%= f.submit "Save Changes" %>
<% end %>
  • Exercise:


    Move the "form_for" in edit.html.erb into a partial.

Additional Reading / Reference -

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