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Created June 28, 2018 20:17
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/* global wp */
const { customize } = wp;
customize.controlConstructor[ 'color-better-palettes' ] = customize.ColorControl.extend( {
* Control is ready.
ready: function() {
const control = this;
const { mode, palettes } = control.params;
const isHueSlider = mode === 'hue';
let updating = false;
let picker;
if ( isHueSlider ) {
picker = control.container.find( '.color-picker-hue' );
picker.val( control.setting() ).wpColorPicker( {
palettes: palettes,
* Change event.
* @param {Object} event Change event.
* @param {Object} ui Colorpicker UI.
change: ( event, ui ) => {
updating = true;
control.setting( ui.color.h() );
updating = false;
} );
} else {
picker = control.container.find( '.color-picker-hex' );
picker.val( control.setting() ).wpColorPicker( {
palettes: palettes,
* Change event.
change: () => {
updating = true;
control.setting.set( picker.wpColorPicker( 'color' ) );
updating = false;
* Clear event.
clear: () => {
updating = true;
control.setting.set( '' );
updating = false;
} );
control.setting.bind( ( value ) => {
// Bail if the update came from the control itself.
if ( updating ) {
picker.val( value );
picker.wpColorPicker( 'color', value );
} );
* Collapse color picker when hitting Esc instead of collapsing the current section.
* @param {Object} event Keydown event.
control.container.on( 'keydown', ( event ) => {
let pickerContainer = null;
if ( 27 !== event.which ) { // Esc.
pickerContainer = control.container.find( '.wp-picker-container' );
if ( pickerContainer.hasClass( 'wp-picker-active' ) ) {
picker.wpColorPicker( 'close' );
control.container.find( '.wp-color-result' ).focus();
event.stopPropagation(); // Prevent section from being collapsed.
} );
} );
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