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Created October 30, 2020 16:54
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Configurations of Filebeat, Fluent-bit, and Vector used during comparison tests
- module: system
enabled: true
enabled: true
- type: kubernetes
node: ${NODE_NAME}
hints.enabled: true
- type: docker
- condition.or:
- contains:
docker.container.image: hyperkube
- contains:
docker.container.image: coreos-etcd
- type: container
- '/var/lib/docker/containers/${}/*-json.log'
hosts: ["logging-kafka-bootstrap.logging-kafka.svc.cluster.local:9092"]
topic: 'filebeat-benchmark'
Flush 5
Log_Level info
Parsers_File parsers.conf
HTTP_Server On
HTTP_Port 2020
Name tail
Alias kube_tail
Tag kube.*
Path /var/log/containers/*.log
Path_Key log_file
DB /var/lib/fluent-bit/kube.db
Mem_Buf_Limit 5MB
Skip_Long_lines On
Refresh_Interval 10
Name tail
Alias kube_audit_tail
Tag kube.audit
Path /var/log/kube-audit/audit-log.json
Path_Key log_file
DB /var/lib/fluent-bit/kube-audit.db
Parser json
Mem_Buf_Limit 5MB
Skip_Long_lines On
Refresh_Interval 10
Name tail
Alias rke_tail
Tag rke.*
Path /var/lib/rancher/rke/log/*.log
Path_Key log_file
DB /var/lib/fluent-bit/rke.db
Mem_Buf_Limit 5MB
Skip_Long_lines On
Refresh_Interval 10
Parser docker
Name tail
Alias syslog_tail
Tag syslog
Path /var/log/syslog
Path_Key log_file
DB /var/lib/fluent-bit/syslog.db
Mem_Buf_Limit 5MB
Skip_Long_lines On
Refresh_Interval 10
Name tail
Alias auth_tail
Tag auth
Path /var/log/auth.log
Path_Key log_file
DB /var/lib/fluent-bit/auth.db
Mem_Buf_Limit 5MB
Skip_Long_lines On
Refresh_Interval 10
Name kubernetes
Alias kube_metadata
Match kube.var.*
Kube_URL https://kubernetes.default.svc:443
Kube_CA_File /var/run/secrets/
Kube_Token_File /var/run/secrets/
Kube_Tag_Prefix kube.var.log.containers.
Merge_Log On
K8S-Logging.Exclude On
Name kafka
Match *
Brokers logging-kafka-bootstrap.logging-kafka.svc:9092
Message_Key message
Topics flb-benchmark
Timestamp_Key @timestamp
Timestamp_Format iso8601
Retry_Limit false
# hides errors "Receive failed: Disconnected" when kafka kills idle connections
rdkafka.log.connection.close false
# producer buffer is not included in
rdkafka.queue.buffering.max.kbytes 10240
# for logs you'll probably want this ot be 0 or 1, not more
rdkafka.request.required.acks 1
# Configuration for vector.
# Docs:
# Data dir is location controlled at the `DaemonSet`.
data_dir = "/vector-data-dir"
host_key = "host"
message_key = "message"
source_type_key = "source_type"
timestamp_key = "timestamp"
# Ingest logs from Kubernetes.
type = "kubernetes_logs"
type = "file"
include = ["/var/log/kube-audit/*.json", "/var/lib/rancher/rke/log/*.log"]
type = "file"
include = ["/var/log/syslog*", "/var/log/auth.log*"]
type = "json_parser"
inputs = ["json_logs"]
drop_invalid = true
type = "kafka"
inputs = ["kubernetes_logs","json_parser","system_logs"]
bootstrap_servers = "logging-kafka-bootstrap.logging-kafka:9092"
topic = "vector-benchmark"
librdkafka_options."request.required.acks" = "1"
codec = "json"
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