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Created July 16, 2014 18:18
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Example config/application.js file for LinemanJS
module.exports = function(lineman) {
//Override application configuration here. Common examples follow in the comments.
return {
jshint: {
options: {
'node': true,
'browser': true,
'esnext': true,
'bitwise': true,
'camelcase': true,
'curly': true,
'devel': true,
'globalstrict': true,
'eqeqeq': true,
'immed': true,
'latedef': true,
'newcap': true,
'noarg': true,
'quotmark': 'single',
'regexp': true,
'undef': true,
'unused': false,
'strict': true,
'trailing': true,
'smarttabs': true,
'globals': {
'angular': false,
'$': false,
'_': false,
'Bloodhound': false
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