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Created November 21, 2018 18:22
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Federalist papers classification
#!/usr/bin/env python
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn import svm
FILE_NAME = 'mosteller-wallace-federalist-papers.csv'
STOP_WORDS = ['a', 'an']
# Rows are samples, cols are [...word_count, AUTHOR, CODE_NUMER].
# Discard CODE_NUMBER col because it's useless.
df = pd.read_csv(FILE_NAME).iloc[:, :-1]
# In an exciting twist, rather than stop words being omitted, they're
# the only words we _do_ include.
df = df.loc[:, STOP_WORDS + ['AUTHOR']]
# Partition the dataset into X_train and X_test in a special way:
# samples whose label is 'unknown' ('HAMILTON OR MADISON') will be
# X_test, and everything written by those two men is X_train.
# Filter using boolean indexing:
df_unknown = df['AUTHOR'] == 'HAMILTON OR MADISON'
df_unknown = df[df_unknown]
df_known = df[(df['AUTHOR'] == 'HAMILTON') | (df['AUTHOR'] == 'MADISON')]
X_train, y_train = df_known.iloc[:, :-1], df_known.iloc[:, -1:].values.ravel()
X_test = df_unknown.iloc[:, :-1]
# Rando classifier, from
clf_svm = svm.SVC(gamma=0.001, C=100.), y_train)
from sklearn import naive_bayes
# A given author has some 'true' probability of producing a given sample
# (AKA feature vector AKA word count histogram for a document), and the task
# is try and estimate it. If we could, then we could substitute that value
# directly into Bayes' theorem as the 'likelihood' term, p(x | C_k). Along
# with the easily-estimated (substantiated below) 'prior' term p(C_k), the
# 'posterior' p(C_k | x) is computable. That sounds helpful, so let's try
# to get there.
# Main idea: each author (class, C_k) has his own personal multinomial distribution
# that characterizes the kinds of bags of words they're likely to produce when
# they sit down at their writing desk and produce documents.
# A multinomial distribution says what the probability of producing a given
# sample is, but to construct it you need its special parameter sauce: the
# author's probability of using each word, (p1, ..., pn). To estimate this,
# each word's relative frequency in the training set is used. This simple technique
# method has a fancy name: maximum likelihood estimation.
# The pmf for that distribution _is_ the p(x | C_k) that appears in Bayes'
# theorem. This likelihood term, along with the prior term p(C_k) (itself
# estimated simply based on the relative frequency of C_k within y_train), allows
# the computation of that thicc posterior: p(C_k | x).
# Finally, add in a decision rule like 'For a given sample, compute the
# posterior and pick the class whose posterior is greatest', AKA maximum
# a posteriori. With that, a classifier is born.
# See
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clf_nb = naive_bayes.MultinomialNB(), y_train)
print('(SVM, MultinomialNB)')
print(np.stack((clf_svm.predict(X_test), clf_nb.predict(X_test)), axis=1))
# TODO: Try cross-validation:
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