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Created October 15, 2018 00:30
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  • Save spestana/83b9334afef551ff85839ed14be487cd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save spestana/83b9334afef551ff85839ed14be487cd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Trim CONUS GOES-16 NetCDF imagery to an area around California. Create tif and png image copies.
@echo off
rem input directory with NetCDF files
set NCdir=%1
rem directory for outputs
set outdir=%2
for /R %NCdir% %%f in (*.nc) do (
set "fileFull=%%~nxf"
set "fileNumber=%fileFull:~26,14%"
echo %fileNumber%
rem create a new NetCDF file, subset to only our area of interest using image pixel coordinates
gdal_translate -of netCDF -projwin -2685383 3200000 -2000000 4200000 NETCDF:"%%f":Rad ""
rem create a tif image of this new subset NetCDF file
gdal_translate -ot float32 -unscale -CO COMPRESS=deflate NETCDF:"":Rad "%outdir%img\%%~nf.tif"
rem set SRS to WGS84
gdalwarp -t_srs EPSG:4326 -dstnodata -999.0 "%outdir%img\%%~nf.tif" "%outdir%img\%%~nf_geo.tif"
rem create a png image for easy visualization
gdal_translate -ot Byte -of png -scale 0 650 0 255 "%outdir%img\%%~nf_geo.tif" "%outdir%img\%%~nf_geo.png"
rem clean up the temporary files we don't want to keep
del "%outdir%img\%%~nf.tif"
del "%outdir%img\%%~nf_geo.tif"
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