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Forked from tmpvar/pramod.ranade.c
Last active December 31, 2021 02:44
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See "Linear motion control without the math" by Pramod Ranade in (Embedded System Design Vol 22, #4, April 2009) and
Program to verify new algorithm for linear acceleration.
Author: Pramod Ranade <>
#include <stdio.h>
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
#include <io.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define SPEED_LIMIT 9500
#define ACC_LIMIT 900000
#define START_SPEED 1500
#define DES_POS 117
int OutputPinStatus = 1 ;
int g_nRisingEdgeCount = 0 ;
FILE *fptr ;
#define MakeOutputHigh() OutputPinStatus=1
#define MakeOutputLow() {PrintDebugInfo(uiDoneSteps, uiCurTimeInMicroSec, uiCurSpeedX1K);OutputPinStatus=0;}
void PrintDebugInfo (unsigned int uiDoneSteps, unsigned int uiCurTimeInMicroSec, unsigned int uiCurSpeedX1K)
fprintf(fptr,"%u\t%u\t%u\n", uiDoneSteps, uiCurTimeInMicroSec, uiCurSpeedX1K) ;
int FpgaRunMotor (unsigned int uiDesPos, unsigned int uiStartSpeedX1K, unsigned int uiDeltaSpeedX1K, unsigned int uiTimeForAccInMicroSec, unsigned int uiTimeToStartDeccInMicroSec, unsigned int uiPeakSpeed)
This function performs the actions which must be done by FPGA.
So, finally this should be converted to VHDL or Verilog code for the FPGA.
unsigned int uiDoneSteps ;
unsigned int uiCurSpeedX1K ;
unsigned int uiSpeedTimeProduct ;
unsigned int uiCurTimeInMicroSec ;
MakeOutputHigh() ;
fprintf(fptr,"Inside FpgaRunMotor:\n") ;
fprintf(fptr,"uiDesPos = %u\n", uiDesPos) ;
fprintf(fptr,"uiStartSpeedX1K = %u\n", uiStartSpeedX1K) ;
fprintf(fptr,"uiDeltaSpeedX1K = %u\n", uiDeltaSpeedX1K) ;
fprintf(fptr,"uiTimeForAccInMicroSec = %u\n", uiTimeForAccInMicroSec) ;
fprintf(fptr,"uiTimeToStartDeccInMicroSec = %u\n", uiTimeToStartDeccInMicroSec) ;
uiDoneSteps = 0 ;
uiCurSpeedX1K = uiStartSpeedX1K ;
uiDoneSteps ++ ;
uiSpeedTimeProduct = uiCurSpeedX1K ;
uiCurTimeInMicroSec = 0 ;
MakeOutputLow() ; // first pulse output
while(uiDoneSteps < uiDesPos)
// execute this loop after every N micro-seconds, where N = SCAN_TIME_IN_MICRO_SEC
uiCurTimeInMicroSec += SCAN_TIME_IN_MICRO_SEC ;
uiSpeedTimeProduct += uiCurSpeedX1K ;
if (uiCurTimeInMicroSec >= uiTimeToStartDeccInMicroSec)
// it means deceleration is going on
if (uiCurSpeedX1K > uiDeltaSpeedX1K)
uiCurSpeedX1K -= uiDeltaSpeedX1K ;
uiSpeedTimeProduct = COUNT_FOR_COMPARISON ;
printf("\t\terror!\n") ;
else if (uiCurTimeInMicroSec < uiTimeForAccInMicroSec)
// it means acceleration is going on
uiCurSpeedX1K += uiDeltaSpeedX1K ;
// it means steady speed (plateau)
uiCurSpeedX1K = uiPeakSpeed ;
if (uiSpeedTimeProduct >= COUNT_FOR_COMPARISON)
uiDoneSteps ++ ;
MakeOutputLow() ; // next pulse output
printf("falling edge at step %d!\n", uiDoneSteps) ;
uiSpeedTimeProduct -= COUNT_FOR_COMPARISON ;
else if (uiSpeedTimeProduct >= (COUNT_FOR_COMPARISON / 2))
if (!OutputPinStatus)
printf("g_nRisingEdgeCount = %d\n", g_nRisingEdgeCount) ;
MakeOutputHigh() ;
g_nRisingEdgeCount ++ ;
MakeOutputHigh() ;
return 0 ;
int RunMotor (unsigned int uiStartSpeed, unsigned int uiAvailableTimeInMicroSec, int nDesPos, unsigned int uiSpeedLimit, unsigned int uiAccLimit)
This function performs the calculations which must be done by microprocessor.
Finally, it calls another function FpgaRunMotor()
i.e. it passes some parameters to FPGA and tells it to start motion.
unsigned int uiAverageSpeed ;
unsigned int uiTimeForAccInMicroSec ;
unsigned int uiTimeToStartDeccInMicroSec, uiRequiredAcc ;
unsigned int uiPeakSpeed, uiDeltaSpeedX1K ;
uiRequiredAcc = 0 ;
if (uiAvailableTimeInMicroSec)
uiAverageSpeed = abs(nDesPos) * 1000000UL / uiAvailableTimeInMicroSec ; // steps/sec
if (uiAverageSpeed <= uiStartSpeed)
// no acceleration/deccelration required
uiStartSpeed = uiAverageSpeed ;
uiRequiredAcc = 1 ;
// no acceleration/deccelration required
if (uiRequiredAcc)
if (uiAverageSpeed <= ((uiSpeedLimit + uiStartSpeed) / 2))
// tri-angular profile
uiTimeForAccInMicroSec = uiAvailableTimeInMicroSec / 2 ;
uiPeakSpeed = ((uiAverageSpeed - uiStartSpeed) * 2) + uiStartSpeed ;
uiRequiredAcc = (((uiPeakSpeed - uiStartSpeed) * 40000UL) / (uiAvailableTimeInMicroSec)) * 50 ;
// please do not try to reduce above stmnt
// becuase it results in overflow of intermediate result
// trapezoidal profile
number of steps covered during acc and deacc = (Ta * (uiSpeedLimit + uiStartSpeed))
number of steps covered during steady speed = nDesPos - (Ta * (uiSpeedLimit + uiStartSpeed))
Ts = steady time can be computed from:
uiSpeedLimit = (nDesPos - (Ta * (uiSpeedLimit + uiStartSpeed))) / Ts ;
Ts = (nDesPos - (Ta * (uiSpeedLimit + uiStartSpeed))) / uiSpeedLimit ;
(Ts + 2*Ta) * 1000000 = uiAvailableTimeInMicroSec ;
Here, Ts and Ta are in seconds.
(((nDesPos - (Ta * (uiSpeedLimit + uiStartSpeed))) / uiSpeedLimit) + (2*Ta)) * 1000000 = uiAvailableTimeInMicroSec ;
((nDesPos - (Ta * (uiSpeedLimit + uiStartSpeed))) / uiSpeedLimit) + (2*Ta) = uiAvailableTimeInMicroSec / 1000000 ;
multiply boths sides by uiSpeedLimit
(nDesPos - (Ta * (uiSpeedLimit + uiStartSpeed))) + (2*Ta*uiSpeedLimit) = uiAvailableTimeInMicroSec*uiSpeedLimit / 1000000 ;
nDesPos - Ta*uiSpeedLimit - Ta*uiStartSpeed + 2*Ta*uiSpeedLimit = uiAvailableTimeInMicroSec*uiSpeedLimit / 1000000 ;
nDesPos - Ta*(uiStartSpeed - uiSpeedLimit) = uiAvailableTimeInMicroSec*uiSpeedLimit / 1000000 ;
nDesPos - (uiAvailableTimeInMicroSec*uiSpeedLimit / 1000000) = Ta*(uiStartSpeed - uiSpeedLimit) ;
Ta = (nDesPos - (uiAvailableTimeInMicroSec*uiSpeedLimit / 1000000)) / (uiStartSpeed - uiSpeedLimit) ;
TaInUSec = (nDesPos*1000000 - uiAvailableTimeInMicroSec*uiSpeedLimit) / (uiStartSpeed - uiSpeedLimit) ;
TaInUSec = (uiAvailableTimeInMicroSec*uiSpeedLimit - nDesPos*1000000) / (uiSpeedLimit - uiStartSpeed) ;
uiPeakSpeed = uiSpeedLimit ;
uiTimeForAccInMicroSec = (uiAvailableTimeInMicroSec*uiSpeedLimit - nDesPos*1000000) / (uiSpeedLimit - uiStartSpeed) ;
uiRequiredAcc = (((uiSpeedLimit - uiStartSpeed) * 40000U) / uiTimeForAccInMicroSec) * 25 ;
// please do not try to reduce above stmnt
// becuase it results in overflow of intermediate result
if (uiRequiredAcc > uiAccLimit)
// handle this error condition
// TBD
uiTimeToStartDeccInMicroSec = uiAvailableTimeInMicroSec - uiTimeForAccInMicroSec ;
uiDeltaSpeedX1K = SCAN_TIME_IN_MICRO_SEC * uiRequiredAcc / 1000 ;
if (!uiDeltaSpeedX1K)
uiDeltaSpeedX1K = 1 ;
// do something to set/clear direction pin here
FpgaRunMotor(abs(nDesPos), uiStartSpeed * 1000, uiDeltaSpeedX1K, uiTimeForAccInMicroSec, uiTimeToStartDeccInMicroSec, uiPeakSpeed * 1000) ;
// run steady at uiStartSpeed for N steps and then stop
// do something to set/clear direction pin here
FpgaRunMotor(abs(nDesPos), uiStartSpeed * 1000, 0, 0, uiAvailableTimeInMicroSec, uiStartSpeed * 1000) ;
fprintf(fptr,"Required acceleration = %u Steps/sec/sec\n", uiRequiredAcc) ;
return uiRequiredAcc ;
int main (int argc, char* argv[])
unsigned int uiStartSpeed = START_SPEED ;
unsigned int uiAvailableTimeInMiliSec = AVAILABLE_TIME_IN_MILI_SEC ;
int nDesPos = DES_POS ;
unsigned int uiSpeedLimit = SPEED_LIMIT ;
unsigned int uiAccLimit = ACC_LIMIT ;
int k ;
if ((argc < 2) || (argc > 7))
printf("Syntax: step outputfilename [AvailableTime] [DesPos] [StrtSpeed] [SpeedLimit] [AccLimit]\n") ;
return 1 ;
fptr = fopen(argv[1], "wt") ;
if (fptr == NULL)
printf("Could not open file %s\n", argv[1]) ;
return 2 ;
for(k = 2 ; k < argc ; k ++)
case 2 :
uiAvailableTimeInMiliSec = atoi(argv[k]) ;
break ;
case 3 :
nDesPos = atoi(argv[k]) ;
break ;
case 4 :
uiStartSpeed = atoi(argv[k]) ;
break ;
case 5 :
uiSpeedLimit = atoi(argv[k]) ;
break ;
case 6 :
uiAccLimit = atoi(argv[k]) ;
break ;
fprintf(fptr,"\n\t\tProfile Generation Algorithm Test Program\n") ;
fprintf(fptr,"\nSpeed Limit in Steps/Sec is:%u",uiSpeedLimit) ;
fprintf(fptr,"\nAcceleration Limit in Steps/Sec/Sec is:%u",uiAccLimit) ;
fprintf(fptr,"\nStart Speed in Steps/Sec is:%u",uiStartSpeed ) ;
fprintf(fptr,"\nDesired Position (Number of Steps) is:%u",nDesPos ) ;
fprintf(fptr,"\nAvailable time in mili seconds is:%u\n\n",uiAvailableTimeInMiliSec ) ;
RunMotor(uiStartSpeed,(uiAvailableTimeInMiliSec * 1000),nDesPos,uiSpeedLimit,uiAccLimit) ;
fclose(fptr) ;
return 0;
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