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Created February 16, 2012 16:39
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Cantera reactor network restart example
// Example demonstrating how to restart a Reactor network using a new
// initial condition.
#include <cantera/zerodim.h>
#include <cantera/IdealGasMix.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace Cantera;
void runexample()
// use reaction mechanism GRI-Mech 3.0
IdealGasMix gas("gri30.cti", "gri30");
size_t nsp = gas.nSpecies();
// create the combustor, and fill it in initially with N2
gas.setState_TPX(850.0, OneAtm,
"CO:1.0, O2:0.2, CO2:0.5, H2O:0.2, H2:0.1, N2:4");
Reactor combustor;
// the simulation only contains one reactor
ReactorNet sim;
// A place to save values halfway through the integration
double T_mid, P_mid, t_mid;
std::vector<double> Y_mid(nsp);
bool savedMid = false;
// Integrate
double tfinal = 1.0;
double dt = 0.05;
std::ofstream f("combustor-restart.csv");
for (double t=dt; t < tfinal; t += dt) {
ThermoPhase& c = combustor.contents();
if (!savedMid && t >= tfinal/2) {
savedMid = true;
T_mid = c.temperature();
P_mid = c.pressure();
t_mid = t;
for (size_t k = 0; k < nsp; k++) {
Y_mid[k] = c.massFraction(k);
f << t << ", "
<< combustor.temperature() << ", ";
for (size_t k = 0; k < nsp; k++) {
f << c.moleFraction(k);
if (k != nsp-1) {
f << ", ";
f << std::endl;
// Reset the reactor state to t = tfinal/2
// If you have a network with more than one reactor,
// You will need to set the state for each of them.
gas.setState_TPY(T_mid, P_mid, &Y_mid[0]);
// Do the integration again, but only from the halfway point.
std::ofstream f2("combustor-restart2.csv");
for (double t=t_mid + dt; t < tfinal; t += dt) {
ThermoPhase& c = combustor.contents();
f2 << t << ", "
<< combustor.temperature() << ", ";
for (size_t k = 0; k < nsp; k++) {
f2 << c.moleFraction(k);
if (k != nsp-1) {
f2 << ", ";
f2 << std::endl;
// If you compare the two output files, you will see that they
// agree to within the integrator's tolerances for the period
// t_mid < t < tfinal.
int main(int argc, char** argv)
try {
return 0;
} catch (CanteraError) {
std::cout << " terminating... " << std::endl;
return 1;
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