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Created December 6, 2014 17:10
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Fast Fibonacci
import math
from itertools import product
def fib(n):
F = [1, 1]
T = [[0, 1],
[1, 1]]
if n == 1:
return 1
T = matrixExp(T, n-1)
res = 0
for i in range(len(T)):
res += T[0][i] * F[i]
return res
def isfib(n):
phi = 0.5 + 0.5 * math.sqrt(5.0)
a = phi * n
return n == 0 or abs(round(a) - a) < 1.0 / n
def matrixMul(m1, m2):
cols, rows = len(m1[0]), len(m1)
resRows = xrange(len(m2))
rMatrix = [[0] * cols for _ in resRows]
for idx in resRows:
for j, k in product(xrange(cols), xrange(rows)):
rMatrix[idx][j] += m2[idx][k] * m1[k][j]
return rMatrix
def identity(size):
size = range(size)
return [[(i == j) * 1 for i in size] for j in size]
def matrixExp(m, pow):
accumulator = identity(len(m))
for i in range(pow):
accumulator = matrixMul(accumulator, m)
return accumulator
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