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Last active March 25, 2016 22:57
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  • Save spf2/83dfd99ebc1ba4bc89db to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = "pb";
import "common.proto";
// When bots are invoked, they are done so with this structure.
// Note that the oneof (union) mapping into json is simple: only one of the
// fields is populated.
message BotInvocation {
// The bot being invoked.
User bot = 1;
oneof call {
// Populated when the bot was @mentioned.
BotMention mention = 2;
// Populated when the bot is a thead participant.
BotDelivery delivery = 3;
// Populated when a user submits a completed form to a bot.
BotFormSubmission submission = 4;
// Information about the mention.
message BotMention {
Thread thread = 1;
Message message = 2;
// When bots are members of threads, they can be delivered messages and
// events that happen in those threads.
message BotDelivery {
Thread thread = 1;
oneof payload {
Message message = 2;
Event event = 3;
// If a bot sends a form to a user, the user can complete the form and
// send it back to the bot for processing.
message BotFormSubmission {
User user = 1;
Form form = 2;
// When bots are invoked, they can reply with a message. The recipient of
// the message is determined by the bot service (caller) as follows:
// - BotMention, BotDelivery: the thread if present, otherwise sender
// - BotFormSubmission: the user submitting the form
message BotInvocationReply {
Message message = 1;
// Bots can also call into the bot service asynchronously using BotCalls.
// While messages from common (Thread, User, etc) are re-used, caller is only
// expected to fill in fields that make sense (eg just thread_id for Thread).
// Indeed, other fields will be overwritten or ignored.
message BotCall {
// The bot making the call. Not needed if same as auth credentials.
User bot = 1;
oneof recipient {
// Everyone in the thread. Messages will show up in the thread,
// and forms will be sent to their shell number.
Thread thread = 2; // Just thread_id required
// A specific user. The payload will show up in the user's shell number.
User user = 3; // Just ident required
oneof payload {
// A message to display to recipients.
Message message = 4; // Sender ignored
// A form the bot wants recipients to fill in.
Form form = 5; // Agent ignored
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