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Created February 23, 2017 18:18
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Simple Delay Model (Genomic abstract medical events)
# Packages Required
# Pkg.add("DifferentialEquations")
# Pkg.add("DataFrames")
# Pkg.add("Dierckx")
# Pkg.add("Plots")
# From: Christopher Rackauckas
# If the problem was stiff, I think the best option right now is the algorithm
# alg = MethodOfSteps(Rosenbrock23()). Rosenbrock23() on ODEs isn't as fast as
# using LSODA, but you can't use LSODA in MethodOfSteps.
using DataFrames
using DifferentialEquations
using Dierckx
using Plots
# Read 2011 SS death tables
ss_death = readtable("ss-death-2011.csv")
# Instantaneous exponential rate from percent over some time frame
instantaneous_rate(percent, timeframe) = - log(1-percent) / timeframe
#instantaneous_rate(ss_death[:_f_death_prob], 1)
# Parameters
r_a = inst_rate(0.1, 5) # Rate of healthy having event A
r_b = inst_rate(0.5, 5) # Rate of post-A having event B
r_ad = 0.05 # Rate of death as direct result of A
c_a = 10000.0 # Cost of event A
c_b = 25000.0 # Cost of event B for a year
c_t = 0.0 # Cost of therapy
d_a = 0.25 # Permanent disutility for a
d_b = 0.1 # 1-year disutility for b
disc_rate = 1e-12 # For computing discount
# Determine death rate function via spline
f_40yr_percent_d = ss_death[:_f_death_prob][41:120]
sim_adj_age = [0:79...] + 0.5 # 0.5 offset since percentage is for whole year
f_40yr_death_spline = Spline1D(sim_adj_age, f_40yr_percent_d)
# Test plot
# plot(sim_adj_age, f_40yr_death_spline(sim_adj_age))
f_40yr_drate(t) = instantaneous_rate(f_40yr_death_spline(t), 1)
# Integrations of death rates for exposure calculations in delay
# Now, a special function used in delay equation (Had to put upper bound at 81)
f_40yr_drate_5yr(t) = quadgk(f_40yr_drate, maximum([t-5, 0]), minimum([t, 81]))[1]
f_40yr_drate_1yr(t) = quadgk(f_40yr_drate, maximum([t-1, 0]), minimum([t, 81]))[1]
# Define Model
function simple(t, y, hh, dy)
r_d = f_40yr_drate(t)
# Local rate of a is function of time (it goes off at 5)
if(t > 5)
lr_a = 0
lr_a = r_a
dd_b = 0
if(t >= 5 || t <= 10)
dd_b = (1-r_ad)*r_a*(hh(t-5)[1]) * f_40yr_drate_5yr(t)
dy[1] = -(lr_a+r_d)*y[1] # H bucket
dy[2] = lr_a*y[1] # A bucket
dy[3] = (1-r_ad)*lr_a*y[1] - (r_b+r_d)*y[3] - dd_b # E10 Bucket
dy[4] = dd_b - r_d*y[4] # E15 Bucket
dy[5] = r_b*y[4] - r_d*y[5] # E20 Bucket
lags = [5]
tspan = (0.0, 80.0)
hh(t) = zeros(5)
prob = ConstantLagDDEProblem(simple,hh,[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],lags,tspan)
#sol=solve(prob, MethodOfSteps(Tsit5(), constrained=true))
sol=solve(prob, MethodOfSteps(Tsit5()))
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